MySQL5.6 Online DDL 是否锁表、rebuild表、inplace的说明

Online DDL 是否锁表、是否rebuild表、inplace或copy算法的说明:


Operation In-Place? Rebuilds Table? Permits Concurrent DML? Only Modifies Metadata? Notes
CREATE INDEXADD INDEX Yes* No* Yes No Restrictions apply for FULLTEXT indexes; see next row.
ADD FULLTEXT INDEX Yes* No* No No Adding the first FULLTEXT index rebuilds the table if there is no user-defined FTS_DOC_ID column. Subsequent FULLTEXT indexes may be added on the same table without rebuilding the table.
DROP INDEX Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.
OPTIMIZE TABLE Yes* Yes Yes No Performed in-place as of MySQL 5.6.17. In-place operation is not supported for tables withFULLTEXT indexes.
Set column default value Yes No Yes Yes Only modifies table metadata.
Change auto-incrementvalue Yes No Yes No* Modifies a value stored in memory, not the data file.
Add foreign key constraint Yes* No Yes Yes The INPLACE algorithm is supported when foreign_key_checks is disabled. Otherwise, only theCOPY algorithm is supported.
Drop foreign key constraint Yes No Yes Yes foreign_key_checks can be enabled or disabled.
Rename column Yes No Yes* Yes To permit concurrent DML, keep the same data type and only change the column name.
Add column Yes Yes Yes* No Concurrent DML is not permitted when adding an auto-increment column. Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Drop column Yes Yes Yes No Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Reorder columns Yes Yes Yes No Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Change ROW_FORMATproperty Yes Yes Yes No Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Change KEY_BLOCK_SIZEproperty Yes Yes Yes No Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Make column NULL Yes Yes* Yes No Rebuilds the table in place. Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Make column NOT NULL Yes* Yes* Yes No Rebuilds the table in place. STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL_MODE is required for the operation to succeed. The operation fails if the column contains NULL values. As of 5.6.7, the server prohibits changes to foreign key columns that have the potential to cause loss of referential integrity. See Section 13.1.7, “ALTER TABLE Syntax”. Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Change column data type No Yes No No Only supports ALGORITHM=COPY
Add primary key Yes* Yes* Yes No Rebuilds the table in place. Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not permitted under certain conditions if columns have to be converted toNOT NULL.
Drop primary key and add another Yes Yes Yes No Data is reorganized substantially, making it an expensive operation.
Drop primary key No Yes No No Only ALGORITHM=COPY supports dropping a primary key without adding a new one in the sameALTER TABLE statement.
Convert character set No Yes* No No Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Specify character set No Yes* No No Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Rebuild with FORCEoption Yes* Yes Yes No Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17. ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported for tables withFULLTEXT indexes.
“null” rebuild usingALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=INNODB Yes* Yes Yes No Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17. ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not supported for tables withFULLTEXT indexes.
Set STATS_PERSISTENT,STATS_AUTO_RECALC,STATS_SAMPLE_PAGESpersistent statisticsoptions Yes No Yes Yes Only modifie


时间: 2024-07-30 05:01:12

MySQL5.6 Online DDL 是否锁表、rebuild表、inplace的说明的相关文章


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06 | 全局锁和表锁 :给表加个字段怎么有这么多阻碍?

今天我要跟你聊聊MySQL的锁.数据库锁设计的初衷是处理并发问题.作为多用户共享的资源,当出现并发访问的时候,数据库需要合理地控制资源的访问规则.而锁就是用来实现这些访问规则的重要数据结构. 根据加锁的范围,MySQL里面的锁大致可以分成全局锁.表级锁和行锁三类.今天这篇文章,我会和你分享全局锁和表级锁.而关于行锁的内容,我会留着在下一篇文章中再和你详细介绍. 这里需要说明的是,锁的设计比较复杂,这两篇文章不会涉及锁的具体实现细节,主要介绍的是碰到锁时的现象和其背后的原理. 全局锁 顾名思义,全


锁表处理及查询 查看Oracle数据库被锁住的表,删除锁表的进程 1.查看被锁住的表 SELECT dob.object_name table_name,    lo.locked_mode, lo.session_id, vss.serial#, vss.action action, vss.osuser osuser, vss.logon_time, vss.process ap_pid, vps.spid db_pid FROM v$locked_object lo, dba_object

[转]查看处于被锁状态的表:v$locked_object dba_objects v$session all_objects v$sqlarea v$lock

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mysql 开发进阶篇系列 13 锁问题(关于表锁,死锁示例,锁等待设置)

一. 什么时候使用表锁 对于INNODB表,在绝大部分情况下都应该使用行锁.在个别特殊事务中,可以考虑使用表锁(建议). 1. 事务需要更新大部份或全部数据,表又比较大,默认的行锁不仅使这个事务执行效率低,可能造成其他事务长时间锁等待和锁冲突,这种情况考虑使用表锁来提高事务的执行速度(具我在sql server中的经历,该大表有上100w,删除40w,表锁有时会造成长时间未执行完成. 还是使用分批来执行好). 2. 事务涉及多个表,比较复杂,很可能引起死锁,造成大量事务回滚.这种情况可以考虑一次