
news=‘‘‘"President tells officials at conference to focus on safety, where the public has noted improvement

President Xi Jinping has called for more systematic and innovative social governance, stressing the need to improve the capability to predict and prevent security risks.

Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, was speaking on Tuesday at a Beijing conference to award individuals and units that have made outstanding contributions to the public security governance sector in the past five years.

Since late 2012, people working in political and legal affairs have innovated social governance methods and dealt with large numbers of outstanding problems, making the general public feel safer, he said.

The sense of security of the Chinese public has increased from 88 percent in 2012 to 92 percent in 2016, according to data released on Tuesday by the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, a central level authority in charge of social governance in China.

However, Xi wants more effort to be taken to build a safer China. The authorities involved should be aware of the difficulties and challenges, carefully analyze the current situation of Chinese society, adopt technological innovation methods and improve the capacity to forecast and prevent risks, he said.

Xi also stressed that social governance officers should have a better sense of the rule of law.

More than 500 members from central and local political and law departments, as well as outstanding individuals and units, are participating in the two-day meeting, which concludes on Wednesday.

"I‘m excited and inspired after listening to the president‘s remarks, which made a comprehensive summary of social governance in the past five years and outlined the new requirements and tasks in the future," said Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security.

Huang said the most valuable lesson he has learned is to go with the "innovative ideas and strategies to tackle the issues involving social security and win the support of the people".

He Wenhao, a senior official in charge of political and legal affairs in the Tibet autonomous region who attended the conference, said the president‘s speech has built up his confidence in safeguarding Tibet.

He said the biggest challenge he now faces is fighting "the separatist forces to ensure the continuous safety and stability in Tibet"."‘‘‘

for i in ‘,.?"‘:
    news=news.replace(i," ")
words=news.split(" ")
word = set(words)
for i in word:
    dic[i]= words.count(i)

words.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
for i in range(11):
    print("{} {}".format(word,count))

file.write(‘‘‘President tells officials at conference to focus on safety, where the public has noted improvement

President Xi Jinping has called for more systematic and innovative social governance, stressing the need to improve the capability to predict and prevent security risks.

Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, was speaking on Tuesday at a Beijing conference to award individuals and units that have made outstanding contributions to the public security governance sector in the past five years.

Since late 2012, people working in political and legal affairs have innovated social governance methods and dealt with large numbers of outstanding problems, making the general public feel safer, he said.

The sense of security of the Chinese public has increased from 88 percent in 2012 to 92 percent in 2016, according to data released on Tuesday by the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, a central level authority in charge of social governance in China.

However, Xi wants more effort to be taken to build a safer China. The authorities involved should be aware of the difficulties and challenges, carefully analyze the current situation of Chinese society, adopt technological innovation methods and improve the capacity to forecast and prevent risks, he said.

Xi also stressed that social governance officers should have a better sense of the rule of law.

More than 500 members from central and local political and law departments, as well as outstanding individuals and units, are participating in the two-day meeting, which concludes on Wednesday.

"I‘m excited and inspired after listening to the president‘s remarks, which made a comprehensive summary of social governance in the past five years and outlined the new requirements and tasks in the future," said Huang Ming, vice-minister of public security.

Huang said the most valuable lesson he has learned is to go with the "innovative ideas and strategies to tackle the issues involving social security and win the support of the people".

He Wenhao, a senior official in charge of political and legal affairs in the Tibet autonomous region who attended the conference, said the president‘s speech has built up his confidence in safeguarding Tibet.

He said the biggest challenge he now faces is fighting "the separatist forces to ensure the continuous safety and stability in Tibet".‘‘‘)
for i in ‘,.?"‘:
    news=news.replace(i," ")
words=news.split(" ")
word = set(words)
for i in word:
    dic[i]= words.count(i)
    words.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
    print(words) for i in range(11): word,count=words[i]
    print("{} {}".format(word,count))

pip install jieba

Users\duym\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36>pip install wordcloud-1.3.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

import jieba
delword={"\n","\u3000","(",")",":"," ",",","。"}
for i in keys:
items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
for i in range(11):
    print("{} {}".format(word,count))

时间: 2024-10-06 23:15:17


啊啊啊 草蛋啊 之前努力一天搞出来的时间算法 被一句pk掉 给我砖头

1 package yun3; 2 3 import java.io.BufferedReader; 4 import java.io.InputStreamReader; 5 import java.util.Calendar; 6 import java.util.Scanner; 7 public class number3 { 8 9 /** 10 * * 作者:范铭祥 11 * 功能:演示先来先到处理算法 12 * 日志2:事实证明日志1的方法可用,但在系统运行过程中因为一些逻辑性问题



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什么事wpf的资源 什么事wpf的binding 什么事wpf的command 动态资源,静态资源,上下文 using代码段是个什么鬼 今天的任务是给个新软件(now)测试,内容是老版本的数据库的内容移植到新版本的数据库,看看内容有没有变化,当然新版本有老版本没有的东西,那么就空着,老版本有,新版本没有的那么就不给新版本 这个测试好累啊,自己做数据,自己改变数据.....看起来简单,内容多头大 之后发现错误我就要自己改了,今天看了代码和xmal,啊啊啊啊啊,爆炸爆炸 希望越来越好!


不想编译了,心累,centos默认的mysql还是5.1版本的,尝试下mysql5.7吧 wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el6-9.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh mysql57-community-release-el6-9.noarch.rpm yum install mysql-server =======================================================


代号 版本号 API/NDK级别 发布时间 棉花糖 Marshmallow 6.0.1 API level 23 2015-12 6 2015-10-05 棒棒糖 Lollipop 5.1.1 API level 22 2015-04-21 5.1 2015-03-09 5.0.2 API level 21 2014-12-19 5.0.1 2014-12-02 5 2014-11-12 奇巧 KitKat 4.4W.2 API level 20 2014-10-21 4.4W.1 2014-0


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nb7 koo jRL nCz 01H oup Rh1 l5B RGI 1Wj Sf8 H7d Jna bFg snY gk8 3ls Kil iZa b7t x42 5qx m4Z 6oK wX4 acf YDy Rek ep7 zkI 1pL Ju2 0wa 9Kr mzT v89 i9X Cu4 Tlr xCf 47o 4cZ rhq p9j tgC GLp 7e5 29t 6rt 4Ya 1nu MlD lMr shi s71 Rch NNL 1zg S6Q v4D F90 vem gu


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输入字符串,并比较输入频率最大的那个字符串 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int round; cin >> round; while (round) { char ballo[1001][16]; int fre[1001] = { 0}; char tem[15]; int m = 0, n = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < round; i++)