MPU/SoC/Application Processor

时间: 2024-12-22 18:38:45

MPU/SoC/Application Processor的相关文章

扒一扒ZYNQ里面缩写 及 Xilinx ZYNQ-7000概述

文章转载自 kevin是xilinx的大牛,必须膜拜啊. 还引自 摘要:本文介绍与XILINX的EPP平台成员, ZYNQ芯片相关的缩写术语和含义.  与简单翻译术语不同,本文对每个缩写在本行业其他公司的展开含义也略作介绍, 避免混淆. 对术语的技术功能也作简单介绍. 8月份学校

Method, apparatus, and system for speculative abort control mechanisms

An apparatus and method is described herein for providing robust speculative code section abort control mechanisms. Hardware is able to track speculative code region abort events, conditions, and/or scenarios, such as an explicit abort instruction, a

[i.mx6solo Dev] Part 1. Checklist of hardware

This is the first part of all my words on the development on freescale's imx6 family SOC. As one knows,  whatever embedded products you are designing or developping, the hardware is the one which should be stable before the software, at least the AP(

Overview and Evaluation of Bluetooth Low Energy: An Emerging Low-Power Wireless Technology

转自: Sensors 2012, 12(9), 11734-11753; doi:10.3390/s120911734 Article Carles Gomez 1,*, Joaquim Oller 2 and Josep Paradells 2 1 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/Fundació i2Cat, C/Esteve Terradas, 7, Cast


Cubieboard4 also named CC-A80, is a open source mini PC or single board computer which has ultra-powerful performance and mainly aims to office, games and entertainment. The main chipset Allwinner A80 is a 28nm Octa-Core A15/A7 big.LITTLE architectur


我归纳了一下,大致把芯片分为两种,按照用途不同一种叫做Master(主)一种叫做Slave(从).这个分法是我自己分的,只是为了方便掌握而已.OK,我们先来看Master,一般这个角色又可以被称为SOC(System On chip),即系统级芯片.SOC又可以分为三种,一种叫MCU(Micro Control Unit),一种叫MPU(Micro Processor Unit),还有一种叫DSP我不是很了解,MPU.MCU两者之间没有明确的分界线,但是个人认为这种区分依然是非常有必要的. 我们

CubieTech Will Promote A80 Highperformance Mini PC

(These are 3D simulation pictures of CC-A80. These are not real photoes!!!) We have always had a dream to spread the open source Linux system to millions of households. Closed Apple system and Windows system have had a dominant position in the market


高通的MSM是mobile station modems . 移动基带处理器.带基带的手机处理器. QRD就是高通参考设计(Qualcomm Reference Design) PBL:APPS PBL(Application Primary Boot Loader),主引导加载程序 RPM:Resource Power Manager,资源电源管理器 RPM(Resource Power Manager)是高通MSM平台另外加的一块芯片,虽然与AP芯片打包在一起,但其是一个独立的ARM Cor


转自: 应用程序耗电的实质,是所启用的硬件在消耗电量.  手机的耗电单元 CPU: 应用处理器(Application Processor)和基带处理器(Base Band) Soc(系统级芯片): GPU(图形处理单元), Video Codec等 外设:wifi,BT, GPS,LCD等  耗电情况: 应用处理器(Application Processor) 40-60mA GPU开启时会