Raspberry Pi For Windows

Raspberry Pi

                        ------For Windows

  • Step 1: In order to write the image for SD,we should download and install Image Writer for Windows

  • Step 2: Download and install putty and connected to serial port

  • Step 3: Plug in the power then start Raspberry Pi and login

  • Step 4: Login Raspberry Pi and configure the network

  • Step 5: Login Raspberry Pi by SSH and generate the key

  • Step 6: Communicating between multiple ports by the write function when there have many users

  • Step 7: Cross-compiling enviornment in PC

    creat a new file

    compile the file

    upload the file by scp

  • Step 8: Confirming the file is an ARM executable file

  • Step 9: Entering the remote desktop by VNC

    install VNC and install tightvncserver after connecting Raspberry Pi by SSH

    input the number of the remote desktop

    this is the desktop of Raspberry Pi

时间: 2024-11-03 11:04:46

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