Android Programming: Pushing the Limits -- Chapter 4: Android User Experience and Interface Design

User Stories
Android UI Design

User Stories:





Android UI Design:



@、用户界面原型设计,可通过工具进行,比如Android Studio。

Android UI Elements:


Pure Android:


how you express your message in text matters, which is described in detail in the Writing Style section found here:

1、  字体:使用容易辨别的字体,装饰性字体最好限于Logo等。推荐使用Roboto字体。

2、  字数:一行的字数控制在45到72个字符(characters)。

3、  单位:文字大小使用sp作为单位。

4、  大小:


1、A great resource for interpreting what different colors mean in different cultures is the color wheel by David McCandles, which you can find at

1、  The Android Design Guidelines (see

2、  A great tool for checking how your image looks to someone who is color blind is Vischeck, which you can find at This tool also lets you correct an image with regard to color blindness.


1、  尽可能使用标准图标,因为用户已经习惯了,不要让用户花时间来了解图标的含义。

2、  图标:

3、  设计图标时用到的元素能够让用户立马与实际物品关联上。




Weinschenk, Susan M., Ph.D. 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People. New Riders, 2012.

Krug, Steve. Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition. New Riders, 2005.

Lehtimäki, Juhani. Juhani Lehtimäki. Smashing Android UI. Wiley, 2012


Android Design at

The Easy Way to Writing Good User Stories at

Susan M. Weinschenks blog on how people think and behave:

The Android Developers YouTube channel, specifically the Android Design in Action episodes:

时间: 2024-08-10 02:09:21

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