Test oracle strategies for model-based testing


testers use model-based testing to design abstract tests from models of the system‘s behavior. Testers instantiate the abstract tests into concrete tests with test input values and test oracles that check the results. Given the same test inputs, more elaborate test oracles have the potential to reveal more failures, but may also be more costly. This research investigates the ability for test oracles to reveal failures.


When tests are executed, a fault may be triggered to produce an error state, which then propagates to an external failure. This is known as the Reachability, infection, and propagation(RIP) model. But even if a fault propagates to a failure, it is only useful if the failing part of the output state is revealed to the tester. With manual testing, it can be assumed that all failures are revealed, but when automated, the test may not check the part of output that is erroneous. Therefore, this paper extends the traditional RIP to the reachability, infection, propagation, and revealability(RiPR) model.

时间: 2025-01-04 21:04:50

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