Exchange2013 ECP迁移用户提示错误(该用户没有Exchange邮箱)及解决方案


1.There are one or multiple system mailboxs in an inconsistent state because
the HomeMDB attribute is missing

2.The Federated mailbox is in an inconsistent state because the HomeMDB
attribute is missing.

3.The Discover Search mailboxes is in an inconsisten state because the
HomeMDB attribute is missing.


get-mailbox -arbitration | fl name,alias 获取有问题的信息











repadmin /syncall /e



To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Start the ECP.
  2. Verify that one or more mailboxes are in an inconsistent state. To do this,
    type the following cmdlet, and then press Enter:

    Get-Mailbox -Arbitration |fl name, alias

    Note You may receive an error message that resembles the following. This
    error message confirms that one or more System mailboxes or the Federated
    mailbox is in an inconsistent state:

    WARNING: The object
    xxxxx/xxxxx/SystemMailbox{1f05a927-9daf-4003-9bf7-036822f96290} has been
    corrupted, and it‘s
    in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors
    WARNING: Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.
    WARNING: Database
    is mandatory on UserMailbox.

  3. Verify that the value for the HomeMDB attribute is missing for a mailbox. To
    do this, type the following cmdlet in the ECP, and then press Enter:

    Get-Mailbox |fl name, alias

    Note The following error message indicates that the value for the HomeMDB
    attribute is missing:

    Database is mandatory on UserMailbox

  4. Copy the HomeMDB attribute value for a mailbox in the same database as the
    System mailbox, the Federated mailbox, or the Discovery Search mailbox. To do
    this, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, type Adsi Edit in the Search programs
      and files
      box, and then press Enter.
    2. On the Action menu, click Connect to.
    3. Click Select or type a domain or server, click the server
      that you want, and then click OK.
    4. Expand Default naming context, and then click the following


    5. Double-click CN=Users.
    6. Right-click a user mailbox, and then click Properties.
    7. Under Attribute, click homeMDB, and then
      click Edit.
    8. Copy the value for the HomeMDB attribute, and then click OK two times.
  5. Set the HomeMDB attribute value on the System mailbox, the Federated
    mailbox, or the Discovery Search mailbox account. To do this, follow these

    1. In ADSI Edit, right-click the account for the System mailbox, the Federated
      mailbox, or the Discovery Search mailbox, and then click
    2. Under Attribute, click homeMDB, and then
      click Edit.
    3. Type or paste the HomeMDB attribute value that you copied in step 4.
    4. Click OK two times.
  6. On the File menu, click Exit.
  7. Replicate the forest. To do this, type the following at an elevated command
    prompt, and then press Enter:

    repadmin /syncall /e

时间: 2024-10-13 01:43:34

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