
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public enum MoleStates
    NormalState,// 初始状态
    UpState,// 钻出来状态
public struct Data
    public MoleStates currentState; // 地鼠动画状态
    public int currentIndex;// 地鼠动画帧下标
public class GameScript : MonoBehaviour {  // 这些public 的变量需要在unity中设置
    public Texture2D backGround;
    public Texture2D moleNormalState; // 地鼠状态
    public Texture2D mouseNormalState;// 鼠标状态
    public int moleWidth;//
    public int moleHeight;
    public Texture2D mouseHitState;// 鼠标打击状态
    public Texture2D [] vertigoFrame; // 眩晕动画帧数
    public Texture2D [] moleAnimationFrame;//地鼠动画帧数
    public float animationSpeed;// 地鼠动画播放速度
    public int gameTime;//游戏倒计时
    public float hitAnimationSpeed;//打击动画播放速度
    public float moleSpeed;// 地鼠随机出来的速度

    private int row;//地图行,列
    private int col;
    Texture2D mouseImage;// 中间变量,存储锤子图片
    int  curVetigoFrame;//

    float tempTime; // 累加每次deltaTime
    float randomTime; // 地鼠没有出来前,时间累加 用于地鼠图片的计时器
    float hitTime; // 眩晕效果计时器
    float secondTime;// 游戏没有结束前,时间累加 游戏总时间计时器

    Data [,] moleDatas;//结构体数据 读取对应的图片下标和地鼠状态
    //bool hasMole;
    int score;

    float hitX;//眩晕效果 左上角坐标
    float hitY;
    int hitIndex;//打击眩晕效果帧动画下标
    bool isOver;
    bool isHitAnimation;//是否显示打击眩晕效果

    void OnGUI()
        GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height),backGround );

        for(int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
            for(int j = 0; j < col ; ++j)
                GUI.Label( new Rect( j * moleWidth + (( Screen.width - moleWidth * col ) >> 1), i * moleHeight + (( Screen.height - moleHeight * row ) >> 1),moleWidth, moleHeight ), moleAnimationFrame[ moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex ]);
        // 绘制眩晕效果
        GUI.Label (new Rect(hitX,hitY,100f, 100f),vertigoFrame[hitIndex] );
        float mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
        float mouseY = Input.mousePosition.y;
        // 绘制锤子动画
        GUI.Label( new Rect( mouseX - 26, Screen.height - mouseY - 40, 100f, 100f ), mouseImage );

        // 设置文本颜色,设置字体颜色
        GUI.skin.label.normal.textColor = Color.blue;
        GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 40;
        GUI.Label( new Rect(10f,10f,200f,90f), string.Format("Score:{0}", score) );
        GUI.Label( new Rect(10f,100f,200f,90f), string.Format("Time:{0}", gameTime) );
        // 游戏结束后 绘制lable
            GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 68;
            GUI.Label( new Rect(0f, 0f, Screen.width, Screen.height),string.Format( "Game Over!" ) );

    void Awake() //初始化
        row = 4;
        col = 4;
        tempTime = 0f;
        randomTime = 0f;
        hitTime = 0f;
        secondTime = 0f;
        //hasMole = false;
        score = 0;
        hitIndex = 0;
        isOver = false;
        isHitAnimation = false;
        mouseImage = mouseNormalState;
        moleDatas = new Data[row, col];
        // 初始化地鼠数据
        for(int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
            for(int j = 0; j < col ; ++j)
                moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex = 0;
                moleDatas[i,j].currentState = MoleStates.NormalState;
    void Update()
        if (!isOver)
            // 鼠标事件监听
            // 控制current动画帧
            // 产生随机地鼠
            // 打击眩晕效果动画
            // 时间大于一秒后,让游戏时间减一
            if (secondTime > 1f)
                // 时间归0
                secondTime = 0f;
                // 当游戏时间小于1时游戏结束
                if (gameTime < 1)
                    isOver = true;
                // 否则继续运行
                secondTime += Time.deltaTime;

    // 打击眩晕效果动画
    void HitAinmation()
        // 如果打中则播放动画
        if (isHitAnimation)
            // 打击时间 > 动画播放速度
            if (hitTime > hitAnimationSpeed)
                hitTime = 0f;
                // 一帧一帧的播放
                // 播到最后一帧 置0动画停止
                if (hitIndex > vertigoFrame.Length - 1)
                    hitIndex = 0;
                    isHitAnimation = false;
                hitTime += Time.deltaTime;
    // 鼠标事件监听
    void MouseListener()
        if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
            // 将锤子变为打击状态
            mouseImage = mouseHitState;
            float mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
            float mouseY = Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y;// 屏幕左上角y坐标为屏幕的高,所以叫减去当前鼠标点击的y坐标
            // 获取打中的是哪个地鼠 行和列
            int r = (int) ((mouseY - ( Screen.height - moleHeight * row ) / 2 ) / moleHeight );
            int c = (int) ((mouseX - ( Screen.width - moleHeight * col ) / 2 ) / moleWidth );

            // 根据状态打地鼠
            if(moleDatas[r,c].currentState == MoleStates.DownState || moleDatas[r,c].currentState == MoleStates.UpState )
                moleDatas[r,c].currentState = MoleStates.HitState;
        if( Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) )
            mouseImage = mouseNormalState;

    // 产生随机地鼠
    void RandomMole()
        // 随机时间 > 一只地鼠动画所需播放速度
        if ( randomTime > moleSpeed )
            randomTime = 0f;
            int i = Random.Range(0 , row);
            int j = Random.Range(0 , col);

            if( moleDatas[i,j].currentState == MoleStates.NormalState )
                moleDatas[i,j].currentState = MoleStates.UpState;

            randomTime += Time.deltaTime;

    // 控制current动画帧
    void ControlCurrentAnimFrame()
        for(int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
            for(int j = 0; j < col ; ++j)
                // 控制动画播放时间
                if( tempTime > animationSpeed )
                    tempTime = 0f;
                    switch( moleDatas[i,j].currentState )
                        case MoleStates.NormalState:
                            moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex = 0;
                        case MoleStates.UpState:
                            //hasMole = true;
                            moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex ++;
                            if( moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex > moleAnimationFrame.Length - 1 )
                                moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex = moleAnimationFrame.Length - 1;
                                moleDatas[i,j].currentState = MoleStates.DownState;
                        case MoleStates.DownState:
                            moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex --;
                            if ( moleDatas[i,j].currentIndex < 1 )
                                moleDatas[i,j].currentState = MoleStates.NormalState;
                                //hasMole = false;
                        case MoleStates.HitState:
                            curVetigoFrame ++;
                            score += 5;
                            Debug.Log( string.Format("score = {0}",score) );
                            hitY = i * moleHeight + (( Screen.height - moleHeight * row ) >> 1);
                            hitX = j * moleWidth + (( Screen.width - moleWidth * col ) >> 1);
                            isHitAnimation = true;
                            moleDatas [i, j].currentState = MoleStates.NormalState;
                            //hasMole = false;

                    tempTime += Time.deltaTime;


时间: 2025-01-07 01:11:07



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