Engadget's top gadgets of 2014

1 Apple iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 Plus might have gotten the lion‘s share of attention this year, but it‘s the more classic model that ultimately comes out ahead. While both the 6 and the 6 Plus sport the same essential design, we found the 4.7-inch version more comfortable to
hold and less prone to being dropped. Regardless of which you pick, both screens look amazing; the battery life is solid; and the camera and processor in each hold their own against other flagships. iOS 8 also improves the user experience, adding highly coveted
features like support for third-party keyboards. While we ultimately prefer the iPhone 6 out of the two phones, it‘s still nice to have a choice.

iPhone 6无疑是最受关注的一款产品,它的设计模型很早就流露出来了。6和6plus有着同样的设计语言,我们发现4.7英寸的6更能hold得住不容易掉落。不管你选择哪一款,两者的屏幕都是十分惊艳的,电池的续航也是十分给力;相机和处理器都跟其他的旗舰手机有得一比。IOS8提升了用户体验,加入了很多期望已久的新特性比如支持第三方输入法。虽然我们最终选择iPhone 6,但还是有很大的商量的余地。

2 Samsung Galaxy Note 4

When the first Galaxy Note was released back in 2011, it was perceived as an oddity -- a large-screen phone with a stylus at a time when manufacturers were trying to keep their devices small and svelte. Three years later, handsets have only gotten bigger, and
Samsung is still leading the charge with the Galaxy Note 4. Its metal-and-plastic build is both elegant and durable; the screen packs in more pixels; and the software has been pared down to be less overwhelming. Aided by its S Pen stylus, the Note 4 continues
to be a great tool for productivity, and Samsung nailed the software experience for one-handed use on its 5.7-inch display. It‘s the best large-screen phone out there right now, and we think our readers would agree.

从211年NOTE系列第一次面世到如今,NOTE手机一直保持着它的大屏幕的设计风格,尽管其它厂商已经试图把手机做得小和纤细。三年后,手持设备一直在变大,三星凭借Note 4

一直处于领先的地位。它的塑料金属混合机身看起来既高端又耐用;屏幕的像素也在提升;软件也在优化没有像以前那么臃肿。在S-pen的帮助下,Note 4依旧是高效的生产工具,并且三星也为这个5.7英寸的大屏幕做了很多单手操作的优化。它依然是最好用的大屏幕手机,我想我们的读者不会反对。

3 OnePlus One

For a while, the OnePlus One was a highly sought-after phone simply because it was hard to get -- you needed to snag an invite from someone who already had one, or win one of OnePlus‘ many contests. However, despite the hype, the OnePlus One is still a handset
very much worth owning. It feels good in hand; the screen is bright with wide viewing angles; and it comes loaded with CyanogenMod firmware, meaning you‘ll get customization options that most other Android users don‘t. An average camera and weak speakers mean
that the One doesn‘t quite achieve OnePlus‘ goal of creating the perfect phone, but for a first-generation product it‘s pretty great.


4 Apple iPad Air 2

iPad sales might be down, but Apple isn‘t giving up on the tablet category -- far from it. The iPad Air 2 is, as expected, the company‘s thinnest tablet ever, but the slimmer profile comes at the expense of battery life. On the bright side, it features Apple‘s
Touch ID fingerprint sensor. And, while we‘re still not into the idea of taking pictures with your tablet, it‘s worth noting that the camera‘s been updated with increased sharpness and better white balance. We‘re also big fans of the iPad Air 2‘s performance,
which tackles video editing with aplomb and can even challenge purpose-built devices like the NVIDIA Shield tablet in the gaming department.

尽管iPad的销量在下降,但是还远远达不到苹果放弃平板市场的地步。Apple iPad Air 2和我们期待的一样,是苹果最薄的平板,但是更薄的机身意味着牺牲它的电池续航。在好的方面,它配备了苹果的Touch ID指纹识别传感器。而且,尽管我们还是很少用平板电脑拍照,但是Apple iPad Air 2的相机在解析力和白平衡上有了很大的提升。我们一直都十分相信Apple iPad Air 2的性能,在视频编辑方面Apple iPad Air 2甚至能比得上专门为游戏设计的英伟达的Shield平板。

5 Motorola Droid Turbo

The second-generation Moto X was a clear improvement over the original, but it still faltered in a few key areas like camera quality and battery life. Just a few months later, the Droid Turbo sought to remedy those failings -- and it largely succeeded. The
camera is worlds better than the one on the Moto X, producing crisp, vivid shots and even attractive 4K video that looks fantastic on the device‘s pixel-dense display. Performance-wise, the Turbo lives up to its name, breezing through every test we threw at
it. And the battery? Well, it regularly got us through two work days with normal use and, should it ever go dead, the Turbo Charger will get the device back up to speed in 15 minutes. The Droid Turbo may lack the charm of the Moto X, but we certainly don‘t
mind carrying it around; too bad it‘s a Verizon-exclusive.

第二代的Moto X在第一代的水平上有很大的提升,尽管在相机和电池续航还有点瑕疵。仅仅在几个月后,Droid Turbo戏剧性地出现了。相机水平总体比Moto X有了很大的提升,画质色彩鲜艳,还支持4K视频的录制,在这台像素密度这么密集的屏幕上看是十分惊艳的。性能方面,正如它的名字一样,它通过了所有我们能做的测试。电池续航完全能够满足日常工作两天的使用,Turbo的充电器能支持15分钟内快速充电。尽管Droid Turbo的吸引力不如Moto X,但是我们还是不介意选择它;不好的是,它只有Verizon版本。

6 Google Android 5.0 Lollipop

The past few updates to the Android operating system have been more about refining than redefinition, making small tweaks that have improved the user experience, but nothing revolutionary. With 5.0 Lollipop, Android finally breaks away, introducing the "Material
Design" aesthetic that‘s brighter and cleaner with elements that react in a way that make the OS feel alive to us. A lot of apps have been streamlined and it‘s now also easier to set up. While the latest Nexus device might be a great way to get your hands
on a pure implementation of Lollipop, users of newer Android devices should upgrade the minute they get the chance.

安卓系统过去几次的升级都只是小修小补,仅仅是在用户体验上过了一些提升,称不上革命性。随着5.0 Lollipop的推出,安卓终于取得了突破,引入了Material Design的设计语言,加入了更多明亮和清新的元素,整个界面看起来更加鲜活。大量的应用做了改进使得更容易启动了。最新的nexus手机将会搭载这个纯净的系统,安卓的新用户有机会一定要花几分钟的时间升级一下。

7 LG G3

The first thing you‘ll notice about the G3 is its screen, and for good reason. What we have here is a Quad HD (2,560 x 1,440), 5.5-inch display that makes photos and video look amazing, though most apps haven‘t quite caught up to the high resolution. But even
if your daily use doesn‘t take full advantage of the display, the G3 still has plenty more to offer. It‘s the most comfortable phone to hold in its size class; the battery can last you at least 10 hours with moderate to heavy usage; and the user interface
is pretty simple. That simplicity extends to the camera software as well, with only four modes this year, down from 14. We didn‘t mind the loss of options: We were very happy with our sample photos, and think you‘ll be too.


8 Sony Alpha 6000

A good mirrorless camera can often cost you north of $1,000, putting them out of reach for many beginners and casual shooters. The Alpha 6000 defies that expectation by giving you a beefy-but-compact metal body, lots of useful buttons to mess with and top-notch
image quality, all for only $800. Sony also claims it offers the "world‘s fastest autofocus"; we can‘t formally verify that, but we can certainly attest to how speedy this shooter felt in real-world use. It‘s a device that will please both expert and beginner
photographers, making it a great companion for vacations and any other special occasions.

一个好的相机常常要花费1000美元以上,另很多初学者和非专业的人望而却步。Alpha 6000反其道而行之,紧凑的机身,大量的按钮和高质量的画质,所有的这一切仅仅只需要800美元。索尼宣称它拥有世界最快的自动对焦速度,我们暂时还无法确认,但是在日常使用中它的快门速度真的是相当快。总而言之,这是一款适合专业人士和初学者的相机,能胜任假日和其他特殊的场合。

9 Apple iMac with Retina 5K Display

The 5K Retina display iMac is a gorgeous machine -- and that‘s before you even turn it on. Apple hasn‘t changed the design from the 2012 model, but why mess with something that works so well? The new resolution kicks the whole thing into high gear, pumping
up the display to 5,120 x 2,880, or seven times the resolution of full HD. All told, that‘s 14.7 million pixels for you to look at. And look at them we did: We spent our week of testing marveling at high-res photos and 4K video. You can‘t use it as a second
monitor, which is a bummer considering the $2,400-plus price tag, but it offers great horsepower for video editing and even turns in a respectable gaming performance, making this the best all-in-one desktop you can buy right now.

在你开机之前,拥有者5K屏幕的iMac是一个巨大的家伙。从2012开始,苹果并没有改变它的设计风格,那它为什么能工作得这么好呢?全新的5120*2880的分辨率需要加入马力才能驱动,这个分辨率几乎是full HD的七倍,就是说,这块屏幕上游14.7百万的像素点。我们花了几个星期的时间在上面测试高分辨率的图片和4K视频。你无法把它当做一块拓展屏幕。虽然价格高达2400美元,但却是非常适合于视频编辑和游戏,这是市场你能买到的最好的桌面电脑了。

10 Sony Cyber-Shot RX100 III

In a way, the compact RX100 III is just a point-and-shoot camera. However, while it might not offer the same performance you‘d get out of a mirrorless camera or DSLR, it still packs plenty of power while fitting nicely into the palm of your hand. The RX100
line has had a pretty consistent place in our buyer‘s guides since the original debuted in 2012. This year, the third iteration ups the ante with a pop-up OLED viewfinder, a new and improved 24-70mm (equivalent) lens and even some improved video-shooting capabilities.
The price has also gone up, unfortunately, with the RX100 III now coming in at $800, pushing it ever deeper into mirrorless and DSLR territory. Even then, it‘s still worth it, if you can get past the sticker shock.

RX100 III是一款傻瓜型的相机。然而,尽管它没有单反相机的性能,但是还是有很多优点值得你拥有。从2012年开始的RX100 line系列相机有很多的相似之处,今年第三代取景器升级到了OLED屏幕,镜头升级到24-70毫米,在视频录制方面也有很大的提升,但是价格上升到了800美元,使得它需要在单反相机领域展开竞争。尽管这样,它还是十分值得拥有,如果你能过得了价格这一关。

11 Amazon Kindle Voyage

Do you really need to spend $199 on a device just for reading books? It‘s a tough question, but the Kindle Voyage makes a strong case for "yes." It‘s a solid piece of kit with a snappy processor, efficient battery life and a phenomenal screen that can tackle
anything you throw at it. A resolution of 300 pixels per inch means it‘s the closest any e-reader comes to resembling ink on paper, and it also handles images beautifully (though comic devotees should still invest in a tablet). The only excuse for an e-book
lover not to buy one is its cost, a price that could easily buy you a Paperwhite and a standard Kindle instead.

你需要一款价格199美元但是仅仅能阅读的设备吗?如果这个问题你觉得很难回答,那么kindle voyage的答案是“是的”。它拥有更快的处理器,更高效的电池续航和出色的屏幕,能处理你需要的任何文档。高达300的像素密度意味着它是对接近真是阅读的电子书,显示效果十分不错。唯一不让你买它的原因就是它的价格,因为这个价位已经足够买一台Paperwhite和标准Kindle了。

12 Sony Cyber-shot RX10

The RX10 is essentially a DSLR for people who don‘t want to mess with interchangeable lenses, and that‘s because the 24-200mm lens is permanently attached. That‘s actually a huge asset for the RX10, as the constant f/2.8 aperture means sharper pictures in low
light, or pretty much any scenario, really. Pair that with an easy-to-navigate user interface, excellent battery life and a startup time of a second and a half, and you have yourself a stellar shooter that you‘ll adore for your next vacation... if you‘re willing
to shell out the $1,300 for it. That might be a steep price for some, but this camera‘s performance and image quality were enough to overcome that price obstacle to make the RX10 our highest rated product of 2014.


Engadget's top gadgets of 2014

时间: 2024-08-22 23:34:57

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