


毋庸置疑,Internet和DNS是两个典型的成功的分布式系统。那么,分布式系统是不是就是计算机网络?1990年,Sun Microsystems公司提出网络即是计算机(The network is the computer.),后来google提出数据中心即是计算机,现在有人提出云即是计算机。这些都试图从抽象的概念上总结分布式系统呈现的一致视图。《分布式系统:原理与范型》一书中对分布式系统的定义就是从用户的角度描述的:

A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system.



A distributed system is one in which components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions onlyby passing messages. This definition leads to the following especially significant characteristics of distributed
systems:concurrency of components, lack of a global clock and independent failures ofcomponents。



A distributed system is a collection of independent entities that cooperate to solve a problem that cannot be individually solved.

Distributed systems havebeen in existence since the start of the universe. From a school of fish to a flock of birds and entire ecosystems of microorganisms, there is communication among mobile intelligent agents in nature.





  1. Safety

    • Only a value that has been proposed may be chosen.
    • Only a single value is chosen.
    • A node never learns that a value has been chosen unless it actually has been.
  2. Liveness
    • Some proposed value is eventually chosen.
    • If a value has been chosen, a node can eventually learn the value.

为什么安全性和活性是一致性算法的需求呢?因为一致性和活性是所有分布式算法正确性的的等价描述。LESLIE LAMPORT在其1977年的论文《Proving the Correctness of Multiprocess Programs》中第一次描述了安全性和活性,后来成为构建分布式系统的标准。

Correctness ==  Safety and liveness


在这里想稍微离开主题一下,是关于Leslie Lamport。Leslie Lamport,has been awarded the 2013 Association for Computing Machinery A.M. Turing Award,for “imposing clear, well-defined coherence on the seemingly
chaotic behavior of distributed computing systems, in which several autonomous computers communicate with each other by passing messages”.他使分布式计算系统看起来混乱的行为变得清晰、定义明确且具有连贯性,在该系统下,多台自主计算机之间可以相互通信(参见CSDN报道)。个人认为:这是一个迟到的图灵奖,Leslie
Lamport的基础理论和算法大量用于现在互联网公司的分布式系统中(google,hadoop,yahoo!,amzon,facebook等等),几乎所有涉及分布式一致性问题的系统都要引用他的paxos算法。Google的论文chubby中写道:Indeed, all working protocols for asynchronous consensus we have so far encountered have Paxos at their core.迄今为止,未见其他计算机大牛在分布式系统领域的贡献比他多。ACM的报道以《General
Agreement》为题,明喻其分布式系统一致算法,暗语他的理论和算法已经成为分布式平台的基础设施,并最终得到世界的一致承认。他提出和解决了分布式系统大量基础问题,包括逻辑时钟(解决分布式系统时序问题,思想来源于爱因斯坦的相对论),安全性和活性(并发系统的正确性验证)问题,拜占庭将军问题(分布式系统在任意故障的环境下如何达成一致),paxos算法(解决分布式系统的一致性问题)等。 Leslie
Lamport目前工作在微软,是微软第五位获得图灵奖的科学家。Leslie Lamport的文章都值得一读,参考他的HOME PAGE


  1. Safety

    Properties that state that nothing bad ever happens

  2. Liveness

    Properties that state that something good eventually happens


  1. 比如说你参加一门考试,那么在这个事件中你如何通过安全性和活性保证你的正确性呢?

    Safety : 如果你参加考试,不应该失败

    Liveness : 你应该最终通过考试

  2. 交叉路口的红绿灯在汽车通过的时候如何保证正确性呢?

    Safety : 只有一个方向能有绿灯

    Liveness : 没有给方向最终都会有一个绿灯

  3. 整数排序:

    Safety : (本例中也称为局部正确性):如果算法终止,输出必须是排序的整数。

    Liveness : (本例中也称为终止性):最终算法将会终止。例如,将会以输出作为响应。


  1. Safety是由无可挽回的事情刻画的。这个事情从来不会发生…




  2. Liveness则是由没可能违反的事情刻画的。最终,当什么时候…




  3. 有Liveness的地方就有希望。
  4. 如何判断一个属性是属于Liveness还是Safety呢?








How to reach consensus/data consistency in distributed system that can tolerate non-malicious failures?


分布式系统书籍中,首推《分布式系统:概念与设计》。所以我更倾向于依赖消息传递而实现的分布式系统。因为这是一种share-nothing的结构,而消息传递本身是无状态的(类似于TCP协议的状态绑定是协议的使用,而不是协议本身的性质)。share-nothing便于线性扩展无状态便于故障恢复(failover click clickfailbackfailsafefailstopfailfastfailsilent)。对比一下RedHat

to peer),但需要中心的锁服务器并发和协定,在文件数量很大和并发操作很多的情况下,特别node的故障和恢复的情况下,不出问题都很难。而NFS的实现是无状态的,且经过多年工业级检验,比较稳定。

NFS is a stateless protocol. This means that the file server stores no per-client information, and there are no NFS "connections". For example, NFS has no operation to
open a file, since this would require the server to store state information (that a file is open; what its file descriptor is; the next byte to read; etc). Instead, NFS supports a Lookup procedure, which converts a filename into a file handle. This file handle
is an unique, immutable identifier, usually an i-node number, or disk block address. NFS does have a Read procedure, but the client must specify a file handle and starting offset for every call to Read. Two identical calls to Read will yield the exact same
results. If the client wants to read further in the file, it must call Read with a larger offset.

Issues of state:

One of the design decisions made when designing a network filesystem is determining  what part of the system will track the files that each client has open, information referred to generically as “state.” A server that does not record the status of files and
clients is said to be stateless; one that does is stateful. Both approaches have been used over the years, and both have benefits and drawbacks.

Stateful servers keep track of all open files across the network. This mode of operation introduces many layers of complexity (more than you might expect) and makes recovery in the event of a crash far more difficult. When the server returns from a hiatus,
a negotiation between the client and server must occur to reconcile the last known state of the connection. Statefulness allows clients to maintain more control over files and facilitates the management of files that are opened in read/write mode.

On a stateless server, each request is independent of the requests that have preceded it. If either the server or the client crashes, nothing is lost in the process. Under this design, it is painless for servers to crash or reboot, since no context is maintained.
However, it’s impossible for the server to know which clients have opened files for writing, so the server cannot manage concurrency.








这是可能出现的最坏的故障,此时可能发生任何类型错误,包括假冒的节点或者是被黑客攻陷的节点等。关于这个问题,Leslie Lamport在《The Byzantine Generals Problem》第一次描述了这个问题。非正式的来说,是这样的:

    • three or more generals are to agree to attack or to retreat.
    • One, the commander, issues the order. The others, lieutenants to the commander, must decide whether to attack or retreat.
    • But one or more of the generals may be ‘treacherous’ – that is, faulty.
    • If the commander is treacherous, he proposes attacking to one general and retreating to another. 
    • If a lieutenant is treacherous, he tells one of his peers that the commander told him to attack and another that they are to retreat.

Zookeeper论文中说:To date, we have not observed faults in production that would have been prevented using a fully Byzantine fault-tolerant protocol.




A number of widely cited models exist for data replication, each having its own properties and performance:

1.Transactional replication. This is the model for replicating transactional data, for example a database or some other form of transactional storage structure. The one-copy serializability model is employed in this case, which defines legal outcomes of
a transaction on replicated data in accordance with the overall ACID properties that transactional systems seek to guarantee.

2.State machine replication. This model assumes that replicated process is a deterministic finite automaton and that atomic broadcast of every event is possible. It is based on a distributed computing problem called distributed consensus and has a great deal
in common with the transactional replication model. This is sometimes mistakenly used as synonym of active replication. State machine replication is usually implemented by a replicated log consisting of multiple subsequent rounds of the Paxos algorithm. This
was popularized by Google‘s Chubby system, and is the core behind the open-source Keyspace data store.[4][5]

3.Virtual synchrony. This computational model is used when a group of processes cooperate to replicate in-memory data or to coordinate actions. The model defines a distributed entity called a process group. A process can join a group, and is provided with a
checkpoint containing the current state of the data replicated by group members. Processes can then send multicasts to the group and will see incoming multicasts in the identical order. Membership changes are handled as a special multicast that delivers a
new membership view to the processes in the group.








一致性问题源于70年代末的数据库系统:那个时候的目标是实现distribution transparency—that is, to the user of the system it appears as if there is only one system instead of a number of collaborating systems.而采用的策略是:Many systems during this time took the approach that it
was better to fail the complete system than to break this transparency。


2000年,在Principles of Distributed Computing(PODC)会议上,Eric Brewer在其Towards Robust Distributed Systems论文中提出来CAP理论,阐述了data consistency, system availability, and tolerance to network partition分布式系统中的三个属性在任何时候都只能实现两个。两年后,猜想得到证明Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch:Gilbert,
S. and Lynch, N. Brewer’s conjecture and the feasibility of consistent, available, partition-tolerant Web services. ACM SIGACT News 33, 2 (2002).其含义是一个不允许分区的系统可以通过事务协议实现数据一致性和可用性。这就要求客户机和服务器在同一个环境中,并且故障对于两者是整体性的,对于客户机就不会出现分区。但是在更大的分布式系统中,分区必然会出现,一致性和可用性就不能同时保证。这样就只有两个选择:放松一致性获得可用性和保证一致性牺牲可用性。系统的使用者(例如开发人员)需要知悉系统的行为。如果系统强调了一致性,开发者将会面临系统不可用的情况,例如无法写入,此时开发者需要处理写失败的情况(暂存本地还是一直挂起?)。如果系统强调了可用性,开发者要明确读取数据不一定是最新的,有大量的应用采用这样的模型,允许少量的陈旧数据而工作的很好。

在事务处理领域,一致性被定义为:ACID properties (atomicity, consistenconsistency,isolation, durability) 可以认为是一致性的另外一种类型或描述。

In ACID, consistency relates to the guarantee that when a transaction is finished the database is in a consistent state;

In ACID-based systems, this kind of consistency is often the responsibility of the developer writing the transaction but can be assisted by the database managing integrity constraints.



  • 强一致性:当更新操作完成之后,任何多个后续进程或者线程的访问都会返回最新的更新过的值。
  • 弱一致性:系统并不保证续进程或者线程的访问都会返回最新的更新过的值。在系统返回之前需要满足一定的条件,更新操作完成之后到访问返回最新值之间的时间窗口称为不一致窗口。
  • 最终一致性:弱一致性的特定形式。系统保证在没有后续更新的前提下,系统最终返回上一次更新操作的值。在没有故障发生的前提下,不一致窗口的时间主要受通信延迟,系统负载和复制副本的个数影响。DNS是一个典型的最终一致性系统。
  • 最终一致性模型的变种:
    • 因果一致性:如果A进程在更新之后向B进程通知更新的完成,那么B的访问操作将会返回更新的值。如果没有因果关系的C进程将会遵循最终一致性的规则。
    • 读己所写一致性:因果一致性的特定形式。一个进程总可以读到自己更新的数据。
    • 会话一致性:读己所写一致性的特定形式。进程在访问存储系统同一个会话内,系统保证该进程读己之所写。
  • 单调读一致性:如果一个进程已经读取到一个特定值,那么该进程不会读取到该值以前的任何值。
  • 单调写一致性:系统保证对同一个进程的写操作串行化。





Classes of agents:

  • Proposers
  • Acceptors
  • Learners

A node can act as more than one clients (usually 3).


Phase 1 (prepare):

A proposer selects a proposal number n and sends a prepare request with number n to majority of acceptors.

If an acceptor receives a prepare request with number n greater than that of any prepare request it saw, it responses YES to that request with a promise not to accept any more proposals numbered less than n and include the highest-numbered proposal (if any)
that it has accepted.

Phase 2 (accept):

If the proposer receives a response YES to its prepare requests from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a values v which is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the

If an acceptor receives an accept request for a proposal numbered n, it accepts the proposal unless it has already responded to a prepare request having a number greater than n.


A value is chosen at proposal number n iff majority of acceptor accept that value in phase 2 of the proposal number.


P1. An acceptor must accept the first proposal that it receives.

  1. 首先要明确的是,必须有多个acceptor,如果系统内只有一个acceptor,单点故障,系统的状态将彻底丢失;
  2. 算法核心,多数原则:如果采用多个acceptors,“真理”就掌握在多数人手中。
  3. P1阶段蕴含的意思很明显:acceptor必须接受他收到的的第一个proposal(这样保证系统内只有一个proposal(只提出了一个提案)的情况,这也是为什么作者引入P1阶段的原因)
  4. P1阶段存在的问题:多个proposers同时提出不同的proposals,每一个acceptor都接受一个proposal,此时也不能达成一致。情形如下:


  5. 开始P2阶段之前,需要说明一个proposal是偏序的,也就是说Proposals = same value + different(may be) proposal number,因为不同的 proposals 有不同的 numbers,所谓偏序就是value不变,number是全序。这样做是为了保证一个acceptor能够接受多个proposal时,提案是唯一的(其值是代表一个提案的)。Number具体意义取决于实现,可以是权重,也可以是时间+权重。全序的number是保证算法safety

P2. If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered proposal,that is chosen has value v.


P2a . If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered proposal accepted by any acceptor has value v.

P2a 处理不了下面的情况:ABC已经达成一致,C没有收到任何的proposal,由于消息的异步,一致的proposal还没有通知到它。然后一个曾经断链或者关机的节点加入系统,并提出一个更higher-numbered带有新value的proposal给D,根据P1,D必须接受该proposal,与P2a矛盾。所以用P2bP2a加强。

P2b . If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered proposalissued by any proposer has value v.



P2c. For any v and n, if a proposal with value v and number n is issued,then there is a set S consisting of a majority of acceptors such thatEither (a) no acceptor in S has accepted any proposal numbered less than n, or (b) v is the value of the highest-numbered
proposal amongAll proposals numbered less than n  accepted by the acceptors in S.

多数派要么没有接受过,要么当前是the highest-numbered proposal。关键是偏序的number,每次都要去拿号。去遍询当前的状态。


论文《Enhanced Paxos Commit for Transactions on DHTs》讨论了paxos算法的一些本质含义,对于工程实现有很好的借鉴意义。比如多个角色的重合,固定acceptors数量(不能在运行时增加),acceptors作为分布式内存,一致性的达成是由learner来宣布等。

  • Each process may take the role of a proposer, an acceptor, or a learner, or any combination thereof.
  • A proposer attempts to get a consensus on a value.This value is either its own proposal or the resulting value of a previously achieved consensus.
  • The acceptors altogether act as a collective memory on the consensus status achieved so far. The number of acceptors must be known in advance and must not increase during runtime, as it defines the size of the majority set m required to be able to achieve
  • The decision, whether a consensus is reached, is announced by a learner.
  • Proposers trigger the protocol by initiating a new round.Acceptors react on requests from proposers. By holding the current state of accepted proposals, the acceptors collectively provide a distributed, fault-tolerant memory for the consensus.In essence,
    a majority of acceptors together ’know’ whether an agreement is already achieved, while the proposers are necessary to trigger the consensus process and to ’read’ the distributed memory.
  • Each round is marked by a distinct round number r. Round numbers are used as a mean of decentralized tokens. The protocol does not limit the number of concurrent proposers:There may be multiple proposers at the same time with different round numbers r.
    The proposer with the highest r holds the token for achieving consensus. Only messages with the highest round number ever seen by each acceptor, will be processed by that acceptor. All others will be ignored. If at any round, a majority of the acceptors accepted
    a proposal with value v, it will again be chosen by all subsequent rounds. This ensures the validity and integrity properties.
  • The algorithm can be split into two phases: (1) an information gathering phase to check whether there was already an agreement in previous rounds,and (2) a consolidation phase to distribute the consensus to a majority of acceptors and thereby to agree
    on the decision. In the best case, consensus may be achieved in a single round. In the worst case, the decision may be arbitrarily long delayed by interleaving proposers with successively increasing round numbers (token stealing by each other).



②acceptors的初始化:响应的序列号r = 0;已接受的序列号r = 0;选择的vaule为NULL。








  • proposer的崩溃:会有新的进程替代proposer的角色,新的proposer需要首先需要从acceptors那里获得已经达成的一致信息(如果有的话)。
  • acceptors角色:acceptors并不知道一致性状态是否达成,它们必须永远运行,时刻准备着接收新的propose消息,如果有更高序列号的propose到达,acceptors需要接受和存储新的值。一个改进是可以在一致性状态达成之后,acceptors的角色或者进程终止。
  • acceptors在接受一个value之后,广播给所有的learners的消息量过大:只广播给learners一个子集。
  • 如果所有的learners都没有接收到value:可以让该node重新发一起一次propose过程(learner可以和proposer为同一个node)。
  • 理想的情况下,一轮的通信就可以达成一致。最坏的情况是出现活锁:两个proposer的propose互相不断的增大序列号,不断的propose。这样需要选举出来一个proposer作为leader,这是不是成了鸡生蛋的问题了?



时间: 2024-10-22 10:04:57



上一篇讲述了什么是分布式一致性问题,以及它难在哪里,liveness和satefy问题,和FLP impossibility定理.有兴趣的童鞋可以看看分布式系统一致性问题与Raft算法(上). 这一节主要介绍raft算法是如何解决分布式系统中一致性问题的.说起raft大家可能比较陌生,但zookeeper应该都比较熟悉了,zookeeper的ZAB协议可以说和raft算法是非常相似的. 再PS:本篇的重点是介绍raft算法的逻辑,所以有些细节会选择性得忽略,不然就太长了.对具体实现细节有兴趣的童


在分布式系统中,同时满足"一致性"."可用性"和"分区容错性"三者是不可能的.分布式系统的事务一致性是一个技术难题,各种解决方案孰优孰劣? 在OLTP系统领域,我们在很多业务场景下都会面临事务一致性方面的需求,例如最经典的Bob给Smith转账的案例.传统的企业开发,系统往往是以单体应用形式存在的,也没有横跨多个数据库. 我们通常只需借助开发平台中特有数据访问技术和框架(例如Spring.JDBC.ADO.NET),结合关系型数据库自带的事务管理


一.背景及问题描述 业务背景: 商户提交表单数据至旺铺(deco项目,以下皆称为deco),deco需要接入poi系统进行装修内容的人工审核,详细流程见下图. 问题: 店铺装修审核状态在deco系统和poi系统之间不一致,下图中1,2,3步提交流程会出现同一次提交审核流在deco系统中的装修状态为未装修,而在poi系统为审核中.同样在4,5,6步骤的审核回调过程也会有同类的状态不一致问题.两块问题都是同一技术问题,本文只以1,2,3步提交过程为例进行分析解决. 二.问题分析 关系型数据事务在分布

分布式系统一致性算法 raft学习

在学习MongoDB的过程中,有博客中写道其搭建复制集时使用了raft算法,经过简单地的搜索资料后,发现了一个特别好的网站资料.这个网站用动画的形式,非常清楚和详尽的解释了整个raft算法的精要和过程,只看了一篇就大概地了解了整个算法,确实设计的非常好,后来被算法的精妙和动画的简洁所吸引,又看了一遍.仔细想来,该算法就是人类社会的普选机制啊. 关于raft算法的一切,网站资料介绍的已经非常详尽了,我就不多介绍了.网址是:http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft/


最近在研究分布式系统的一些理论概念,例如关于分布式系统一致性的讨论,看了一些文章我有一些不解.大多数对分布式系统一致性的划分是将其分为三类:强一致性,顺序一致性以及弱一致性.强一致性(Strict Consistency)也称为:原子一致性(Atomic Consistency).线性一致性(Linearizable Consistency). 在谈到Zookeeper的一致性是哪种级别的一致性问题,以及CAP原则中的C是哪一种一致性级别时有些疑惑. 下面是大多数文章中提到的一致性级别 1. 一


一致性,是描述多副本的同步特征(本文我们不讨论分布式数据库中,保持多个分片里的数据在业务逻辑上一致性的情况,仅讨论数据多副本的case).一般从两个角度来研究: 从全局数据角度来看: 强一致性: 无论谁.无论何时读,得到的都是最新写入后的结果 线性一致性: 如果把读写操作按照严格时间戳排序,每个进程的读写都遵循该排序的结果 顺序一致性: 每个进程的读写操作顺序都一致,但不保证按照时间戳顺序 因果一致性: 两个有因果关系(读写了同一数据)的进程之间,读写顺序都一致,不保证按照时间戳顺序,而且无关的


0 个回答 默认排序 知乎用户 机器学习 话题的优秀回答者 901 人赞同了该回答 谢邀!五一快乐!分布式系统在互联网时代,尤其是大数据时代到来之后,成为了每个程序员的必备技能之一.分布式系统从上个世纪80年代就开始有了不少出色的研究和论文,我在这里只列举最近15年范围以内我觉得有重大影响意义的15篇论文(15 within 15).1. The Google File System: 这是分布式文件系统领域划时代意义的论文,文中的多副本机制.控制流与数据流隔离和追加写模式等概念几乎成为了分布式

分布式系统(Distributed System)资料

这个资料关于分布式系统资料,作者写的太好了.拿过来以备用 网址:https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/ds.md 希望转载的朋友,你可以不用联系我.但是一定要保留原文链接,因为这个项目还在继续也在不定期更新.希望看到文章的朋友能够学到更多. <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT


作者:廖君链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/19868791/answer/88873783来源:知乎 分布式系统(Distributed System)资料 <Reconfigurable Distributed Storage for Dynamic Networks> 介绍:这是一篇介绍在动态网络里面实现分布式系统重构的paper.论文的作者(导师)是MIT读博的时候是做分布式系统的研究的,现在在NUS带学生,不仅仅是分布式系统,还有无线网络.如果感兴趣