
Websites are getting more and more complex everyday and there are almost no static websites being built.

Today, the simplest website has at least a contact or newsletter form and many are built with CMS systems or it may be using 3rd party plugins, services, etc. that we don‘t have an exact control over.

Even if the website is 100% hand-coded, we trust what we created and think that it is safe, it is still possible that a special character is not sanitized or we are not aware of a new attacking technique.

So, it is really hard to say "my website is safe" without running tests over it. The good part is there are powerful and free web application security testing tools which can help you to identify any possible holes.

Before presenting them, let‘s remind the classic: "something can be secure as only as its weakest link" (which also tells us that it is not always the application and can still be the server it is hosted or that easy to remember FTP password).

Netsparker Community Edition (Windows)

This is the free-community edition of the powerful Netsparker which still comes with a bunch of features and also false-positive-free.

The application can detect SQL Injection + cross-site scripting issues.

Once a scan is complete, it displays the solutions besides the issues and enables you to see the browser view and HTTP request/response.

Websecurify (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

Websecurify is a very easy-to-use and open source tool which automatically identifies web application vulnerabilities by using advanced discovery and fuzzing technologies.

It can create simple reports (that can be exported into multiple formats) once ran.

The tool is also multilingual and extensible with the add-on support.

Wapiti (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

Wapiti is an open source and web-based tool that scans the web pages of the deployed web applications, looking for scripts and forms where it can inject data.

It is built with Python and can detect:

  • File handling errors (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile…)
  • Database, XSS, LDAP and CRLF injections (HTTP response splitting, session fixation…)
  • Command execution detection (eval(), system(), passtru()…)

N-Stalker Free Version (Windows)

The free edition performs restricted-yet-still-powerful set of web security assessment checks compared to the paid versions of the application.

It can check up to 100 web pages at once including web server and cross-site scripting checks.

skipfish (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

skipfish is a fully automated and active web application security reconnaissance tool.

It is lightweight and pretty fast (can perform 2000 requests/second).

The application has automatic learning capabilities, on-the-fly wordlist creation and form autocompletion.

skipfish comes with low false positive, differential security checks which are capable of spotting a range of subtle flaws, including blind injection vectors.

Scrawlr (Windows)

Scrawlr is a free software for scanning SQL injection vulnerabilities on your web applications.

It is developed by HP Web Security Research Group in coordination with Microsoft Security Response Center.

Watcher (Windows)

It is a plugin for Fiddler (the awesome HTTP debugging proxy) and works as a passive-analysis tool for HTTP-based web applications.

Watcher runs silently in the background and interact with the web-application to apply 30+ tests (where new ones can be added) while you browse.

It will identify issues like cross-domain form POSTs, dangerous context-switching between HTTP and HTTPS, etc.

x5s (Windows)

x5s is again a plugin for Fiddler just like Watcher which is designed to find encoding and character transformation issues that can lead to XSS vulnerability.

It simply tests user-controlled input using special characters like <, >, ‘, and reviews how the output encodes the special characters.

Exploit-Me (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

Rather than using a proxy like most of the security testing tools, Exploit-Me directly integrates into Firefox.

It is a set of 3 add-ons:

  • XSS-Me: for testing reflected XSS vulnerabilities
  • SQL Inject Me: for testing SQL injection vulnerabilities
  • Access-Me: for testing access vulnerabilities

They are all lightweight , work while you browse websites and simply inform you by adding extra styles to the objects with vulnerabilities

WebScarab (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)

WebScarab is actually a proxy to sniff the HTTP(s) traffic and manipulate it.

However, it comes with features like "parameter fuzzer (for testing XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities), or "CRLF injection (HTTP response splitting)" and more.

Acunetix Free Version (Windows)

This is the free and limited-featured version of a paid/pro product.

It performs a check on any website and identifies cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.

And, if you are looking to improve yourself in the area of web application security and need to play with an application legally, there is DVWA (damn vulnerable web app.) which is there for just this purpose.

时间: 2024-10-02 15:20:03



两天,jnj在本站发布了<如何在低速率网络中测试 Web 应用>,那是测试网络不好的情况.而下面是十个免费的可以用来进行Web的负载/压力测试的工具,这样,你就可以知道你的服务器以及你的WEB应用能够顶得住多少的并发量,以及你的网站的性能.我相信,北京奥组委的订票网站的开发团队并不知道有这样的测试工具. Grinder –  Grinder是一个开源的JVM负载测试框架,它通过很多负载注射器来为分布式测试提供了便利. 支持用于执行测试脚本的Jython脚本引擎HTTP测试可通过HTTP代理进行

十个免费的 Web 压力测试工具

本文列举了是十个免费工具,可以用来进行Web的负载/压力测试的.这样你就可以知道你的服务器以及你的WEB应用能够扛得住多少的并发量,以及网站性能. 0. Grinder –  Grinder是一个开源的JVM负载测试框架,它通过很多负载注射器来为分布式测试提供了便利. 支持用于执行测试脚本的Jython脚本引擎HTTP测试可通过HTTP代理进行管理.根据项目网站的说法,Grinder的 主要目标用户是“理解他们所测代码的人——Grinder不仅仅是带有一组相关响应时间的‘黑盒’测试.由于测试过程


Vooki是一款免费且用户界面友好的Web应用漏扫工具,它可以轻松地为你扫描任何Web应用并查找漏洞.Vooki主要包括三个部分,Web应用扫描器,Rest API扫描器以及报告.Web应用扫描器?Vooki – Web应用扫描器目前支持以下类型的漏洞查找: Sql注入 命令注入 头注入 反射型XSS 存储型XSS DOM型XSS 缺少安全标头 恶意JS脚本执行 使用已知不安全组件 Jquery漏洞 Angularjs漏洞 Bootstrap漏洞 响应头中包含敏感信息 错误消息中包含敏感信息 缺

Cocos开发中性能优化工具介绍之Visual Studio内存泄漏检测工具——Visual Leak Detector

那么在Windows下有什么好的内存泄漏检测工具呢?微软提供Visual Studio开发工具本身没有什么太好的内存泄漏检测功能,我们可以使用第三方工具Visual Leak Detector(以下简称vld). vld工具是VC++环境下一款小巧易用.免费开源的内存泄漏检测工具,vld可以显示导致内存泄漏的完整内存分配调用堆栈.vld的检测报告能够对每个内存泄漏点提供完整的堆栈跟踪,并且包含其源文件及行号信息. 安装过程是,先在到地址http://vld.codeplex.com/下载vld安


1.一键测试服务器到国内的速度脚本Superspeed.sh : wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oooldking/script/master/superspeed.sh chmod +x superspeed.sh ./superspeed.sh 2.一键检测VPS的CPU.内存.负载.IO读写.机房带宽等脚本:bench.sh 命令1: wget -qO- bench.sh | bash 或者 curl -Lso- bench.sh | bas


网站中出现断链或死链,会导致部分资源无法访问,出现404报错,影响SEO.我们可以通过下面的11款链接检测工具(包括在线检测工具)帮助我们检查网站失效链接的情况. 1.Link Checkers 在线工具.可以抓取网站内容来检查网页死链,准确定位有问题的超链位置. 2.Google Webmaster 需要登录Google账户才能使用该工具,并需要将验证文件上传到要管理的站点进行验证. 3.Link tiger 在线工具,需登录账号.可以免费使用,不过也可以提供多种收费服务.检测报告可以以饼图等


移动应用开发工具和移动应用漏洞检测工具,另外,HTML5提供了很多易于移动web开发的特性.例如,所有的网站都是开发放式的,不需要授权:开发者所创造的利润全部归自己所有.无疑,HTML5正在升温,它所体现出来的优势也在不断增加. 移动应用开发工具和移动应用漏洞检测工具,最新版本的HTML5,可以存储数据,也就是说,数据不再需要与设备绑定.HTML5给人们所带来的好处远不止这些.当然,也可能会有些小问题,比如:连接问题.有时速度会很慢,这也许和开发技术有关.虽然存在不足,但是HTML5的优势是不可

常用的SEO检测工具和网站收录集锦 希望对大家有所帮助 QQ交流群 72931205

PR值,即PageRank,网页的级别技术.一般来说,是google提供的判断网站重要性的一个标准.你的pr为0的原因可能有两个原因1.你的网站很垃圾,就是传说中的垃圾站.2.你的网站是新站,google需要给你的网站一个定位,通常需要几个月后pr值更新时才会给你pr值网站pr能到4已经是非常不错了,一般网站都是2或者3比较多,垃圾点的只有1或0. 能够有效快速收录网站的途径有以下几项. 1 百度站长工具(http://zhanzhang.baidu.com/) 小编在百度站长工具添加了自己的网


随着Web 2.0技术的迅速发展,许多公司都开发了一些基于Web的网站服务,通常在设计开发Web应用系统的时候很难模拟出大量用户同时访问系统的实际情况,因此,当Web网站遇到访问高峰时,容易发生服务器响应速度变慢甚至服务中断.为了避免这种情况,需要一种能够真实模拟大量用户访问Web应用系统的性能测试工具进行压力测试,来测试静态HTML页面的响应时间,甚至测试动态网页(包括ASP.PHP.JSP等)的响应时间,为服务器的性能优化和调整提供数据依据. 我推荐各位Web 2.0开发测试人员使用Micr