How to enable your website to public(set up your web server at home)

As a so exciting dream, I would like set up my owned web site which can be
accessed anywhere nomatter from laptop/mobile phone or tablet. Current now I
have get my web site done locally on my Win7/Ubuntu12.04LTS. You know on
Microsoft‘s Windows, the Web Server software is IIS, but for Linux it is Apache.
Following I will introduce the several very important steps to make my local web
site public.

1. Make sure your web site can be accessed locally like this:

2. Setup the mapping relationship for the router‘s public network IP with
your LAN IP like this:

1) Access your router by the default IP address like
username and passworkd are both "admin")

2) Go to Transmit Rules(转发规则)->Virtual Server(虚拟服务器), and then set the
mapping relationship like below:

3. Access your web site by your local router‘s IP adderss(add:port number
when necessary)

1) From the default page when hitting, we can find the public IP
address like:

IP地址: PPPoE按需连接

2) Access it like below:

4. Set up the mapping relationship with domain name and public IP addresss of
your web site

1) Apply your own domain name like

2) Go to the domain name application proxy organization like:

3) Login with your credential by clicking the link Member Login(会员登录)

4) Click the "Enter Into Member Center(进入会员中心)->Domain Name
Management(域名管理)->Domain Name Management->Check the checkbox of your owned
domain name->Click the Domain Name Resolution(域名解析) button

5) Add an A record or updating the existing one if have like below:

5. After the domain name‘s resolution take effect, we can accee our website
like below, congratulations!!!


How to enable your website to public(set up your web server at

时间: 2024-08-27 00:41:53

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