Sort List[leetcode] 由归并排序的递归和循环,到本题的两种解法

归并排序可以有两种思路----top-down 和 bottom-up




split ( A[], l, r)
	if ( r - l < 2) return;
	m = (r + l) / 2;
	split ( A, l, m); //split A[l…m-1]
	split ( A, m, r); //split A[m…r-1]
	merge ( A, l, m, e); //merge A[l…m-1] and A[m…e-1]





sort ( A[], n)
	for (width = 1; width < n; width *= 2)
		for (i = 0; i < n; i += 2 * width)
			merge(A, i, min(i + w, n), min(i + 2 * w, n));

Sort list中使用链表,不能在O(1)的时间内访问任意节点,同时注意要处理尾部节点的next,置为NULL


    ListNode * merge(ListNode * h1, int s1, ListNode * h2, int s2)
        if (h2 == NULL) return h1;
        ListNode * h;
        if (h1->val < h2->val)
            h = advance(h1, s1);
            h = advance(h2, s2);
        ListNode * cur = h;
        while (s1 && s2)
            if (h1->val < h2->val)
                cur->next = advance(h1, s1);
                cur->next = advance(h2, s2);
            cur = cur->next;
        if (s1)
            cur->next = h1;
            while(s1) advance(h1, s1);
        if (s2)
            cur->next = h2;
            while(s2) advance(h2, s2);
        return h;

    ListNode * advance(ListNode * (& n), int & size)
        ListNode * temp = n;
        if (size == 1)  n->next = NULL;
        n = n->next;
        return temp;


ListNode * getNode(ListNode * head, int len)
        while (len -- && head) head = head->next;
        return head;


ListNode *sortList(ListNode *head) {
        ListNode * cur = head;
        int size = 0;
        while (cur)
            size ++;
            cur = cur->next;

        ListNode * pre;
        for (int w = 1; w <= size; w *= 2)
            cur = head;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i+= w*2)
                ListNode * h1 = cur, * h2 = getNode(cur, w), * next = getNode(cur, 2 * w);
                cur = merge(h1, min(w, size - i), h2, min(w, size - i - w));
                if (i == 0)
                    head = cur;
                    pre->next = cur;
                pre = getNode(cur, min(2 * w, size - i) - 1);
                cur = next;
        return head;


    ListNode *sortList(ListNode *head) {
        ListNode * cur = head;
        int size = 0;
        while (cur)
            size ++;
            cur = cur->next;
        return sort(head, size - size / 2, getNode(head, size - size / 2), size / 2);

    ListNode * sort(ListNode * h1, int s1, ListNode * h2, int s2)
        if (s1 == 0) return h2;
        if (s2 == 0) return h1;
        h1 = sort(h1, s1 - s1 / 2, getNode(h1, s1 - s1 / 2), s1 / 2);
        h2 = sort(h2, s2 - s2 / 2, getNode(h2, s2 - s2 / 2), s2 / 2);
        return merge(h1, s1, h2, s2);
时间: 2024-10-25 22:38:13

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归并排序里运用到算法里很重要的一个思想——分治法:将原问题分解为几个规模较小但类似于原问题的子问题——<算法导论>.在每一层递归中都有3个步骤: 1.分解问题 2.解决问题 3.合并问题的解 举例待排序数组:{6, 5, 3, 1, 7, 2, 4},将它原始序列做分解. 可以经过不断的递归分解可以看到已经把原始数组序列不断分解为最小单位,接下来不妨将它们看做是二叉树的叶子节点. 将他们进行两两归并排序形成二叉树(也称为2路归并算法),可见二叉树的根节点即为最终序列.在这个过程中我们完成了剩余


package; import; public class MergeSort extends Sort { @Override public int[] doSort(int[] arr) { return mergeSort2(arr, 0, arr.length - 1); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int [] mergeSort(int


归并排序(非递归): public class MergeSort { /** * @param arr 待排序的数组 * @param left 本次归并的左边界 * @param mid 本次归并的中间位置,也就是分界线 * @param right 本次归并的右边界 * @param <T> 泛型 * @local aux 辅助空间(Auxiliary Space) */ private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>&g

归并排序 分治+递归

0      1    2     3     4     5     6     7     8   //下标 {  9  ,  4  ,  3  ,  7  ,  3  ,  8  ,  2  ,  4  ,  8  }//通过mergesort函数递归 来切 开始的时候fir=0, las=8, mid=4  所以下标0-4,分为前组   5-8分为后组 {  9  , 4   ,  3  ,  7  ,  3 }{ 8   , 2   , 4  ,  8  } {  9   , 4  ,

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