ExtJS 5.1 - tabpanel setActiveTab: Uncaught TypeError: c.isFocusable is not a function


在 ExtJS 5.1 中,使用 tabpanel,用 setActiveTab 来指定激活哪个 tab 的时候抱错:

  Uncaught TypeError: c.isFocusable is not a function

Caused By

这是 ExtJS 5.1 的一个 open issue。



 1 Ext.define(‘Override.ComponentQuery‘, {
 2     override : ‘Ext.ComponentQuery‘
 3 }, function() {
 5     Ext.apply(this.pseudos, {
 7         focusable : function(cmps) {
 8             var len = cmps.length, results = [], i = 0, c;
10             for (; i < len; i++) {
11                 c = cmps[i];
12                 // If this is a generally focusable Component (has a focusEl, is
13                 // rendered, enabled and visible)
14                 // then it is currently focusable if focus management is enabled
15                 // or if it is an input field, a button or a menu item
16                 if (c.isFocusable && c.isFocusable()) {
17                     // if (c.isFocusable()) {
18                     results.push(c);
19                 }
20             }
22             return results;
23         },
25     });
26 });


  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28177058/extjs-5-1-0-upgrade-card-layout-issue-within-a-border-layout-viewport
时间: 2024-10-07 08:37:33

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