


Consider the AC circuit below. We will assume that the circuit is in steady-state. Thus, the voltage at nodes 1 and 2 are given by v1 = VS coswt and v2 = VRcos (wt + q ) where VS is the voltage of the source, w is the frequency (in radians per second), and t is time. VR is the magnitude of the voltage drop across the resistor, and q is its phase.

You are to write a program to determine VR for different values of w. You will need two laws of electricity to solve this problem. The first is Ohm‘s Law, which states v2 = iR where i is the current in the circuit, oriented clockwise. The second is i = C d/dt (v1-v2) which relates the current to the voltage on either side of the capacitor. "d/dt"indicates the derivative with respect to t.


The input will consist of one or more lines. The first line contains three real numbers and a non-negative integer. The real numbers are VS, R, and C, in that order. The integer, n, is the number of test cases. The following n lines of the input will have one real number per line. Each of these numbers is the angular frequency, w.


For each angular frequency in the input you are to output its corresponding VR on a single line. Each VR value output should be rounded to three digits after the decimal point.

Sample Input

1.0 1.0 1.0 9

题意:给出公式V2=iR,V2=Vr * cos(wt + q), V1=Vs * cos(wt), i = C * d(v1 - v2)/dt; d是求导数的意思。已知Vs,R,C,w,求Vr。

分析:利用V2分别等于两个式子,将i,V2和V1带入,可得方程:R*C*d(Vs * cos(wt) - Vr * cos(wt + q))/dt  = Vr * cos(wt + q)

根据求导公式:d(cos(x))/dx = -sinx可将原方程化为:R*C*w*(Vr*sin(wt + q) - Vs*sin(wt)) = Vr * cos(wt + q)

在这里三角函数的参数有两个:wt+q和wt,我们分别令他们为0,方程分别可变为:R*C *w*Vs*sin(q) = Vr; R*C * w*sin(q) = cos(q)

由2式得:cot(q) = R * C * w。

由公式:sin^2(a) = 1/(cot ^2(a) + 1)

可得:sin(q)=sqrt(1/(cot^2(q) + 1))

即:sin(q) =sqrt(1/(R^2*C^2*w^2 + 1))

using namespace std;
int main()

    double vs,r,c,w;
    int n;

    return 0;


代入1式可得:Vr = R * C * w * Vs * sqrt(1/(R^2*C^2*w^2 + 1))

时间: 2025-01-03 20:06:27



英语不好,并不会影响PHP的学习,因为PHP常用英文也就那么几个. 不信,可以百度一篇帖子<新手别怕:学PHP涉及的所有英文单词,也就这么几部分>. 但是如果数学不好,也不同担心,只要掌握基本的数学逻辑,学习PHP也是没有什么问题的. 详情请见单词汇总系列 html http://www.cnblogs.com/xin880/p/8022310.html css http://www.cnblogs.com/xin880/p/8022314.html js http://www.cnblogs

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[来信] 贺老师你好,我想学习C ,以后成为一名游戏开发员,可是我的英文和数学都不怎么好.我不知道该怎么办,从哪里学起,但是我确信这是我可以为之奋斗一生的事业. [回信] 你的来信,没有给我讲起你的专业.年级等基本信息,不便于针对你的实际,给出我的看法.英语和数学,的确是从事IT行业很重要的素养,然而,却也并不是由于英语.数学不好,便一定不能有其中有所作为. 对于一名尚在发展中的学子而言,最重要的,是让自己的英语.数学好起来,"英语和数学"不怎么好既然不成为前提,这件事情也就解决了.而