

Would you let your baby sleep in a box? 你愿意让自己的宝宝在盒子里睡觉吗?



Me time 私人专属时间




Ecuador earthquake: At least 413 people confirmed dead


At least 413 people are now known to have died in the earthquake that struck Ecuador, the country’s government says.

The 7.8-magnitude quake struck Ecuador’s Pacific coast on Saturday, and the search for survivors continues.

The cost of rebuilding is likely to be in the billions of dollars, President Rafael Correa said during a visit to the worst-affected region.

He said it was the biggest tragedy to hit Ecuador in the past seven decades. Some 2,500 people were injured.

YouTube live-streams in virtual reality and adds 3D sound


YouTube is introducing live-streamed 360-degree videos on its service.

YouTube made it possible to play interactive 360-degree videos on its site just over a year ago.

If viewed on a laptop, viewers can use a mouse to adjust their perspective. But if watched on a smartphone or VR headset, the experience becomes more immersive, as changes in viewpoint correspond to the movements of the device being used.

Until now, clips had to be uploaded to YouTube in their entirety and processed before they could be played back.

“When you use your eyes, you are looking with a field-of-view of at best 120 to 180-degrees, depending on who you are,” said Dr Gavin Kearney, an audio researcher at the University of York.

“But sounds are omni-directional - they are all around us.

“So, binaural audio is important from the aspect of VR because it lends itself to the realism, the immersion, of the experience.

“If you have good visuals but poor audio cues, it breaks the illusion of the reality you are trying to create. But with good binaural audio, it’s much more plausible.”

Headphones must be worn for the effect to be created, and it will only work via YouTube’s Android app on pre-recorded clips at launch.

Google wins copyright battle over books


The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Google in its 11-year legal battle with an authors group.

The Court said it would not hear an appeal from the Authors Guild, which claimed Google breached copyright laws by scanning books without permission.

The technology giant began the process in 2004, so it could include extracts in a searchable database, and it was sued by the Authors Guild in 2005.

The Supreme Court’s judgement is the final ruling on the matter.

My comment:In the digit age,the share of information is common and needed, so the Google book is a good project if it dont infringe the authors’ copyright。

时间: 2024-07-29 02:26:39



1.随身英语 Are sweeteners safe and healthy? 甜味剂是否真的安全又健康? link For many of us, the relationship we have with sugar is love at first taste, and that love usually lasts a lifetime. But what price do we have to pay for this truly addictive, sugary love? Rot

今日SGU 5.19

SGU 142 题意:给你一个长度为n的串(由a,b组成),让你找出一个串不是n的子串,长度最下 收获:思维题,思路在代码里 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define de(x) cout<<#x<<"="<<x<<endl; #define dd(x) cout<<#x<<"="<<x<<" "; #define r


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今天打到一半网站崩了,所以没能继续打,话说开火车好烦hhh 开火车D题 题意: 有一个n*m的矩阵,上面一共有k*k个蛋糕,让你横向纵向都切k-1刀,问能不能存在一种切法使得切完的所有区域都正好只剩一个蛋糕,如果有,输出切的位置 解法: 由于横竖切互不影响,所以我们分开考虑这两部分,先算出每一行(列)有的蛋糕总数,然后每k个切一次,看看能不能 1 #include<cstdio> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int maxn = 200 + 5; 4 int


共享区域与私有区域 每个进程都有自己的私有虚拟地址空间,避免了受到其他进程的错误读写.但是,通常的c程序几乎都使用到标准库函数,例如printf或者scanf,如果每个进程都要为这些常用库函数在物理内存保留一份拷贝,这样对内存就非常浪费了. 为了解决上述问题,可以将常用库函数设定为共享对象,共享对象在物理内存上只有一份拷贝,多个进程可以把自身虚拟内存的一个区域映射到该共享对象上,这些区域就叫共享区域,如果一个进程在自己的共享区域进行写操作,在其他进程的共享区域内能看到相应的改变,并且这种改变也会


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今天没有说什么内容,只是对HTML5的细节补充,如HTML结构的可以省略到最大的地步 <!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>animation</title> 这里是放内容的 没有了基本的结构标签了,浏览器会自动帮我们生成. 还有标签的属性的双引号也可以省略: <input type=text> HTML5让我体验到它在最大化的简化标签,使代码量最小化. 还有调试工具的使用,


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