opensips启动报ERROR:core:fix_all_socket_lists: listeners found for protocol udp


[[email protected] opensips]# opensips -c
Dec  3 10:29:29 [2356] ERROR:core:fix_all_socket_lists: listeners found for protocol udp, but no module can handle it

Dec  3 10:41:38 [2438] ERROR:core:fix_all_socket_lists: listeners found for protocol tcp, but no module can handle it


[[email protected] opensips]# vim /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""


[[email protected] opensips]# opensips -C
Dec  3 10:42:30 [2446] INFO:core:fix_poll_method: using epoll_lt as the IO watch method (auto detected)
Listening on
             udp: []:5060
             tcp: []:5060

Dec  3 10:42:30 [2446] NOTICE:core:main: config file ok, exiting...

时间: 2024-12-29 23:32:51

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