Wedora Platform Offline Installation Steps

1 Preparation

Before the installation, you need to check the following:

  1. Install the CentOS-6.5 64 bit in your server machine.(We suggests use CentOS-6.5-x86_64bin-DVD1.iso ).
  2. The CentOS system shall be without Java and Mysql database, etc, which will be installed by the package.

The following is the instruction operation process, and the contents after "#" are the explanatory notes which will not be executed in the CentOS shell.

#Enter the command shell of the CentOS with root authority

lsb_release -a #view the version

getconf LONG_BIT #view the bit if 32 or 64

#Check if CentOS have installed Java and MySql

rpm -qa |grep java #java -version

rpm -qa | grep -i mysql

whereis mysql

#If it shows that the java or mysql is installed, you should uninstall them.

#As the picture show above, I need to uninstall the mysql, as show in the block below。

service mysql status

rpm -qa | grep -i mysql

rpm -ev mysql-libs-5.1.73-7.el6.x86_64

# If error tells "dependencies..", turn to use: < rpm -e mysql-libs-5.1.73-7.el6.x86_64 --nodeps >

rpm -qa | grep -i mysql

find / -name mysql

2 Package Installation Steps

#1.Upload the IOS file to the server (as shown in the diagram: /home directory).

cd /home

#2. Create directory (create a directory for hanging contacts)

mkdir -p /home/cdrom

#3. Mount the ISO file.

mount -o loop wedora_V4.1.1.iso /home/cdrom/

#4.Into the /home/cdrom/, the implementation of the script, according to the prompts to select the language and installation.

#Choose 1, 0 represents: Chinese version, offline installation

#Choose 2, 0 represents: English version, offline installation

cd /home/cdrom


#5. Execute script-->>Finish.

#6. Restart > verification - check if installation is successful.


#After reboot, open the browser with URL: http://("Server IP"):8080/wedora/login.hd


Couldn‘t open the platform webpage

Description: could not open the platform webpage after Wedora service started.

1. Make sure the platform address is correct, the address maybe as follows:

http://*Server IP*:8080/wedora (default address)

2. Maybe the server firewall blocks network ports. Check ports filtering of the firewall:

#netstat -anp|grep 8080

#netstat -anp|grep 27017

#netstat -anp|grep 3306

#netstat -anp|grep 3306

Check the firewall rules:

#service iptables status


#service iptables stop

Could not register device to the platform

Description: I have configured the device connect to the platform server, but I could not register device to the platform, i.e. the device doesn‘t show in the platform webpage.

The likely reason is that the Wedora IP couldn‘t be visit by the router. Enter the root of the server, and then enter the commands below:

#cd /usr/local/wedora/wmmp1/

#vi apps.xml

Then change the UDP address to the server host IP if it‘s incorrect. For example, the host IP is, as the figure shows below.

**Save and quit: (Shift)W,Q->Enter

Then restart wmmp service (See 3.1 Service Restart Method).

时间: 2024-12-15 07:11:02

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