












As we move upwards in an organization, our
perspective begins to change, sometimes in ways that can feel
uncomfortable. Most people begin working in some technical skill area
where they can reliably produce desired outcomes based largely on their
own performance.

In my career, I was a public relations
practitioner, skilled at media relations, drafting news releases,
organizing events and news conferences, etc. Of course that also required
the skill of collaborating with others, but I wasn’t responsible for their
performance. However, as my mastery of public relations increased into the
areas of consulting and selling, I started moving up the ladder until
eventually I was the general manager of the organization.

That’s when I hit the wall! Suddenly, I
realized I had been catapulted beyond my area of competence. I really had
no idea how to “manage” others and how to “delegate” responsibility
effectively to other players. So what did I do? I sucked most of the
responsibility up to myself, continuing to work on things that demanded my
technical expertise, while occasionally handing out a few “tasks” to
others. Needless to say I suffered hugely as a manager until I learned the
difficult lesson that (as my coach at the time said to me) “You need to
find new ways of being important.”

The new role, the “new way of being important”
that I learned was the role of leader, orchestrator, delegator. The new
role of developing others instead of simply being a technical expert.The
new role of working through others, not doing all the work myself. Imagine
a symphony orchestra conductor trying to play all the instruments. That is
what many new managers find themselves trying to do and its not a highly
effective approach, to say the least!

Many new managers fail to achieve their
potential because they don’t delegate effectively and they don’t really
understand what delegation is all about. Delegating is so critically
important that for many aspiring managers it literally becomes their
“Achilles Heel”—their fatal weak spot that can make or break their
careers. So let’s examine six major reasons that managers fail to delegate

 1. Bad News First: The Primary Role of
a Delegator is to DEVELOP Others.
This is a fundamental reality
that the majority of managers don’t understand…or perhaps don’t want to
understand. Because “developing others” is not one of the technical skills
that got them promoted to a manager in the first place.

Developing others, helping them grow and
achieve puts them outside their Comfort Zone and so this role is often
actively resisted. Delegation, plus ongoing coaching is the way to develop
others to become as strong as, or even stronger than oneself. And the
benefit of developing others is that it assures they can take over your
job so you can be promoted to an even more senior role. Thus, the skill of
developing others, and the skill of delegating responsibility to others
provides the pathway to ongoing advancement. And, you are not bringing
others a ‘burden’---you are in fact bringing them a growth

2. Instead of Delegating they
The word delegate in English comes from the Latin
verb delegare, which means to “un-tie.” So literally, to delegate is to
“un-tie” yourself from a chunk of responsibility, entrusting it to another
instead. But many managers seem to believe that the way to delegate is to
simply “dump” the responsibility on another person, wash their hands and
walk away. That is the most unskillful thing any manager could do and,
like a time bomb, sooner or later it is guaranteed to blow up in their

Skillful delegation does involve entrusting a
task to another, and, it also implies that the delegator stays connected
to the other person throughout the process, being available for feedback,
advice, coaching and whatever assistance is required. It means maintaining
an active interest in the person with the goal of ensuring their success.
It means that both parties are “tied” to the success of the project, in a
committed spirit of partnership. Have you been “dumped” on in the past? Or
have you dumped something on others? If so, I bet it didn’t feel like you
were in a partnership.

3. Failing to Explain the Big
If you have been to business school you have probably
studied “Situational Leadership.” This means that one learns to entrust
responsibility to others based on their degree of expertise, staying more
closely connected to those with little experience, and learning to be more
relaxed around those with proven expertise.



? 为什么要完成这项任务

? 为什么说它对我们的业务很重要

? 为什么说它对你们的职业很重要

? 谁能从这项任务中获益

? 其他事项






It’s always nice to delegate to those with deep
experience, even though these people aren’t going to learn much from the
task. More challenging is the ability to delegate to people who have never
done this type of work before. That is the real nature of developing
people. They are well educated, talented, intelligent and willing…they
simply lack experience.

Therefore it is best to assume that they don’t
really understand the relevance of the task at hand and how it connects to
the Big Picture of the business. The wise manager always takes the time to
explain the “why” of a task as the first step of delegating:

? Why we need this done

? Why it is important to our business

? Why it matters to their career

? Who will benefit

? Etc

Failing to clarify the Big Picture, to “connect
the dots” for a beginner is not only demotivating, it makes it very hard
for them to feel that what they are doing is significant and meaningful.
If you want a motivated learner, make sure they understand “why” the task
is important. That way they will be able to sense their own importance in
the larger scheme of things: they will feel actively engaged in the
business instead of feeling like a robot.

 4. Delegating Only Small, Trivial
Again, the principle of “situational leadership” applies:
it is easier to delegate large projects to people who have already proven
themselves competent. But…were they always so competent? At some point,
their superiors took a risk on them and trusted them to take on a large
chunk or responsibility…and they succeeded. Most likely, their supervisor
was closely involved, checking-in regularly for trouble-shooting,
counseling, encouraging, etc.

Or perhaps not. Perhaps they had to rely only
on their own wits and figure it all out by themselves. That is known in
the West as “the deep end of the pool.” I spent a lot of time at the deep
end in my early days and I assure you it is a very painful place to swim!
My managers were simply incompetent to provide the kind of support and
coaching I desperately needed and wanted. Of course, they didn’t think
their job was to develop people either.

My advice to aspiring managers: develop close
relationships with your people, delegate BIG chunks of responsibility and
stay closely connected with them along the way. Your career path is
assured, together with the person you developed. If you only ask people to
do the small stuff, they aren’t going to grow and neither is the business.
Worst of all, the talented people you hired are going to vote with their
feet and take their talents elsewhere. And that is going to be









 5. Thinking “Only I Can Do
So there you are, facing a big complex project or
initiative and saying to yourself “If I delegate this, they will screw it
up. No way I’m going to let that happen. I’ll just have to do it myself.”
If this is familiar to you, you are not alone. This mindset is the reason
that a large percentage of managers are stressed out, over worked and
under-performing in their careers. The truth is, you are NOT the only one
who can do this and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can start
doing your real job: developing others.

When you see that something big needs to be
done, call your people together and say something like this:

“Team, thanks for coming. We are facing a BIG
challenge here. Parts of it are even new to me. I admit we are under some
time pressure as well as financial pressure. I need your help because I
know I can’t do this alone. I want to hear from each of you in the next 48
hours how you think you could help with this, what role you would like to
play. I’ll be speaking to each of you individually to get your ideas and
perspectives. I’m looking forward to your support and you can count on me
to stay connected and support you all the way. This can be a case study
for our success as a team.”

If you start operating this way by inviting
others to an opportunity, you will start to discover the real magic of
delegating effectively. You no longer have to be the smartest person in
the room. People will want to help. People feel honored to be invited and
feel motivate. They will trust you and give you their best ideas and best

  Why? Because you discarded
your old ‘I’ perspective and adopted a new ‘We’ perspective. Because you
admitted that your old “only I can do this” attitude is the ego-driven
mindset of the sole technician and that the new path to your success lies
in your commitment to developing others, trusting them, supporting them,
rolling up your own sleeves when needed and giving credit to others when
credit is due.

 Bottom Line: About 80% or your
success as a manager or leader lies in your ability to effectively
delegate large chunks of responsibility to others. If you want to be seen
as an outstanding manager, set your goal to become an outstanding
delegator. This is your biggest growth opportunity, your chance to find a
“new way of being important”---by becoming a coach that consistently
develops others.


时间: 2024-10-23 06:44:12



<孙子兵法>被誉为“世界古代第一兵书”.“兵学圣典”,如今日益受到企业领导者的关注,而日本企业家又率先将<孙子>之思想应用于企业的经营管理,堪称一大智举. <孙子兵法>这部生于本土.源于本土,高度浓缩和体现我国人民大智.大学的传世杰作,其思想和影响在今天已超出军事领域,深入到政治.经济等社会生活的各个方面.今天在加速推进我国企业管理现代化的进程中,作为身逢盛世的我国企业家和经营者,深入学习和研究<孙子兵法>中关于现代企业领导艺术的方法可供借鉴的思想,有着至关

读《大型网站技术架构-核心原理与技术分析》有感之一 架构师领导艺术

总有一些书,让你一看就停不下来,看完之后热血沸腾,激动不已,犹如醍醐灌顶,如饮甘霖. 有些事,自己领悟三五年,不如别人三五句话点得通透. 本来,开篇应该是介绍技术的,但是我决定将技术的放在后面讲,开篇先讲领导艺术.就算你是架构师,事情做的再漂亮,然而失去人心,那么最终的结果也是失败的. 架构师职责简介: 架构师是软件开发组织中一个比较特殊的角色,除了架构设计,软件开发等技术类工作,通常还需要承担一些管理职能:规划产品路线.估算人力资源和时间资源.安排人员职责分工.确定计划里程碑点.指导工程师工作


微信张小龙简介: 伟大的.光荣的.正确的双料创始人.Foxmail创始人和微信创始人. 一般能成为"创始",那肯定其产品在一段时间广受大家欢迎和使用,并深入用户心灵,在同行业内起到标杆作用.三者去一不可,1)受欢 2)为用户着想 3)标杆. "创始"还不够,还得是人.一般像我这种货色天天弄篇水文,弄个电子读物,也只能自称"XX文章系列"撰写"者"."者"和"人"区别很大,往往后者能被后世


摘要说明:高速扩张的链家,在一个敏感时刻,遭到上海政府的迎头一棒.2月24日晚间,有人发现,链家门店橱窗上黏贴的所有二手房房源全部消失了,剩下的是 高速扩张的链家,在一个敏感时刻,遭到上海政府的迎头一棒. 2月24日晚间,有人发现,链家门店橱窗上黏贴的所有二手房房源全部消失了,剩下的是一张张白板.随即,澎湃新闻记者走访了附近链家门店,发现门店原先黏贴在橱窗上的房源确实没有了. 上海市,链家房产枣阳路店,一位工作人员正在关门收工,门口两侧橱窗上的广告已经撤下. 澎湃新闻记者 高征 图 界面新闻还透


在领导艺术上,中华民族本身就有非常优秀的文化沉淀,在<孙子兵法>中就有领导者如何进行有效的管理的思想,体现着中华哲学精髓,阴阳变化.以柔克刚.例如: 治心,治理员工的心就叫治心.中国人有团队也有个人,而日本人只有团队没有个人,我们是个人带动团队,团队越表现自动化就越省力. 治力,治理员工的力量.军事兵法上是利用地形地貌,待敌来攻.以逸待劳,以饱待饥.这里有几个原则需要注意,一般属下能做的事情管理者不能去做.属下能说的管理者不要去说.管理者在前冲锋,部属就会被动地跟着你,自己丧失了思考能力.属下

免费也不升 国人眼中Windows 10的N宗罪

不得不说在Windows 10的推广上,微软推出的这个免费升级政策真是居功至伟.新系统正式发布仅仅一年多时间,它的装机量已经突破了3.5亿.免费升级服务到期的几天内,Windows 10的份额更是迎来了一次飙升. 然而在这一片十分繁荣的景象中,中国市场似乎成为了一个颇让微软感到尴尬的地带.市场调研机构StatCounter不久前发布最新的统计报告,数据指出Windows 10系统在中国的份额要落后于Windows 7和Windows XP.尽管如今它已经是国内第三大主流桌面级操作系统了,但其份额

央媒集体批运营商四宗罪 称其眼里只有利益

近日,央视.<人民日报>等中央媒体集中对电信运营商的违规操作,侵害消费者权益行为进行了报道,梳理出电信运营商"四宗罪".2014年是电信业重启改革的关键一年,虚拟运营商落地,铁塔公司成立,混合所有制逐步推进.有媒体人士认为,目前的电信改革并未从根本上改变行业格局,和庞大的用户数量相比,电信运营商的根本服务提供者仍只有中国移动.中国联通和中国电信三家,且长期垄断地位使得电信运营商扣费猫腻.霸王条款频现. 央媒批运营商"四宗罪" 12月5日,央视<焦点


博客开封了,有段时间没有写过技术文章了,前段时间工作太忙,几乎没有时间去反思工作,虽然搞的东西不是很困难,但是需要耗费很多时间去熟悉新的东西.主要是在工作中需要使用到微软开发的新框架SOLFramework,它是由微软为远洋地产量身定做的MVC框架,需要在该平台基础上开发导致了很多后续的麻烦. 先来说下最近的工作情况吧,最近一段时间在工作中不是很如意,很多事情没有按照自己的规划进行,其中最主要的表现是这段时间没有更新文章,无论是在技术上的文章还是工作上的学习都没有及时的去思考.反思,可能是跟自己


最近公司新规定如下: 1. 上班不让穿短裤(难道要俺们穿裙子) 2. 下午上班查勤(匆匆忙忙赶去,能安心上班吗?迟到几分钟,加班难道不能弥补吗?(加班无工资)) 3. 早餐查勤(已经打过卡的,因为吃饭晚几分钟查,这真是鼠目寸光,没吃饱饭,工作效率能高吗?) 4.领导制定的方案,强制执行,不收集员工的建议和看法.只看结果不顾过程. 虽说无规矩不成方圆,但尊重规则的同时也要人性化.不要领导一句话,就照搬实施,要三思而后行. 员工虽行为上遵守,但心里矛盾渐增.领导不应只注重表面效果,更要倾听员工的心声