
In your specific example, in any managed environment, Person is not a GC root; the GC root is the thingwhich holds the reference to Person. The difference is subtle, but important in the context of this question. Although my answer is specific to Java it is in general correct for any managed language. Your last paragraph is actually correct, but conflicts with the example given.

The GC (Garbage Collector) roots are objects special for garbage collector. The Garbage Collector collects those objects that are not GC roots and are not accessible by references from GC roots.

There are several kinds of GC roots. One object can belong to more than one kind of root. The root kinds are:

  • Class - class loaded by system class loader. Such classes can never be unloaded. They can hold objects via static fields. Please note that classes loaded by custom class loaders are not roots, unless corresponding instances of java.lang.Class happen to be roots of other kind(s).
  • Thread - live thread
  • Stack Local - local variable or parameter of Java method
  • JNI Local - local variable or parameter of JNI method
  • JNI Global - global JNI reference
  • Monitor Used - objects used as a monitor for synchronization
  • Held by JVM - objects held from garbage collection by JVM for its purposes. Actually the list of such objects depends on JVM implementation. Possible known cases are: the system class loader, a few important exception classes which the JVM knows about, a few pre-allocated objects for exception handling, and custom class loaders when they are in the process of loading classes. Unfortunately, JVM provides absolutely no additional detail for such objects. Thus it is up to the analyst to decide to which case a certain "Held by JVM" belongs.

If you think of the objects in memory as a tree, the "roots" would be the root nodes - every object immediately accessible by your program.

Person p = new Person();
p.car = new Car(RED);
p.car.engine = new Engine();
p.car.horn = new AnnoyingHorn();

There are four objects; a person, a red car, its engine and horn. Draw the reference graph:

     Person [p]
     Car (red)
   /           Engine    AnnoyingHorn

And you‘ll end up with Person at the "root" of the tree. It‘s live because it‘s referenced by a local variable, p, which the program might use at any time to refer to the Person object. This also goes for the other objects, through p.carp.car.engine, etc.

Since Person and all other objects recursively connected to it are live, there would be trouble if the GC collected them.

Consider, however, if the following is run after a while:

p.car = new Car(BLUE);

And redraw the graph:

     Person [p]
     Car (blue)       Car (red)
                    /                           Engine    AnnoyingHorn

Now the Person is accessible through p and the blue car through p.car, but there is no way the red car or its parts can ever be accessed again - they are not connected to a live root. They can be safely collected.

So it‘s really a matter of taking every starting point (every local variable, globals, statics, everything in other threads and stack frames) — every root — and recursively following all the references to make up a list of all the "live" objects: objects which are in use and unsuitable for deletion. Everything else is garbage, waiting to be collected.

时间: 2024-07-28 22:23:28

(转)GC ROOTS的相关文章

GC roots 总结

previous      content      next GC roots The so-called GC (Garbage Collector) roots are objects special for garbage collector. Garbage collector collects those objects that are not GC roots and are not accessible by references from GC roots. There ar

什么是GC Roots

GC Root 2012年11月28日  ? 综合 ? 共 625字 ? 字号  小 中 大  ? 评论关闭 常说的GC(Garbage Collector) roots,特指的是垃圾收集器(Garbage Collector)的对象,GC会收集那些不是GC roots且没有被GC roots引用的对象. 一个对象可以属于多个root,GC root有几下种: Class - 由系统类加载器(system class loader)加载的对象,这些类是不能够被回收的,他们可以以静态字段的方式保存

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枚举GC Roots根节点

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