
Scheme programs consist of expressions( everything is expressions ), which can be:
  •Primitive expressions: 2, 3.3, true, +, quotient, ...
  •Combinations: (quotient 10 2), (not true), ...

1. Primative expressions

Numbers are self-evaluating; symbols(just like name in Python) are bound to values

scm> 123
scm> 123.123
scm> #t
scm> #f
scm> "asdf"
scm> ’a ; this is a symbol

when you use the single quote, you’re telling Scheme not to follow the normal rules of evaluation and just have the symbol return as itself.

2. Function Calls
Call expressions include an operator and 0 or more operands in parentheses

scm> (+ 1 2)
scm> (- 2 3)
scm> (* 6 3)
scm> (/ 5 2)
scm> (+ 1 (* 3 4))

some userful functions

+, -, *, /
• eq?, =, >, >=, <, <=

3. Special forms

A combination that is not a call expression is a special form:
  • if expression: (if <condition> <then> <else>)
  • and  or not: (and <e1> ... <en>), (or <e1> ... <en>), (not <en>)
  • Binding symbols: (define <symbol> <expression>)
  • New procedures: (define (<symbol> <formal parameters>) <body>)

scm> (if ’this-evaluates-to-true 1 2)
scm> (and 1 2 3)
scm> (or 1 2 3)

 Defining functions

scm> (define (square x) (* x x))
scm> (square 5)

Lambda Expressions
Lambda expressions evaluate to anonymous procedures
  (lambda (<formal-parameters>) <body>)
Two equivalent expressions:

(define (plus4 x) (+ x 4))
(define plus4 (lambda (x) (+ x 4)))

Ps:When you do (define ( ) ), Scheme will automatically transform it to (define (lambda () ). In this way, lambdas are more central to Scheme than they are to Python.

4. Compound values
Pairs and Lists
  • cons: Two-argument procedure that creates a pair
  • car: Procedure that returns the first element of a pair
  • cdr: Procedure that returns the second element of a pair
  • nil: The empty list


> (define x (cons 1 2))
> x
(1 . 2)   #Dots can be used in a quoted list to specify the second element of the final pair.
> (car x)
> (cdr x)Dots can be used in a quoted list to specify the second element of the final pair.
> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))))
(1 2 3 4)


scm> ’()
scm> nil
scm> (cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
(1 2)
scm> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
(1 2 3)
scm> ’(1 2 3)
(1 2 3)

5. Symbolic Programming

Symbols normally refer to values

> (define a 1)
> (define b 2)
> (list a b)
(1 2)

Quotation is used to refer to symbols directly in Lisp.

> (list ‘a ‘b)
(a b)
> (list ‘a b)
(a 2)

Quotation can also be applied to combinations to form lists.

 > (car ‘(a b c))
 > (cdr ‘(a b c))
 (b c)

Ps:scheme 中没有while, for等, 所有要用到迭代的地方都用递归


时间: 2024-12-13 06:10:26


【原创】Themida 2260 虚拟机 FISH 初探(一)

标 题: [原创]Themida 2260 虚拟机 FISH 初探(一)作 者: xiaohang时 间: 2016-03-03,00:39:37链 接: 引用: 标 题: [原创]Themida 2260 虚拟机 FISH 初探 (二)作 者: xiaohang时 间: 2016-03-03,14:35:18链 接:


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