

Interface Builder symbol



Present the content in the detail or master area depending on the content of the screen. If the app is displaying a master and detail view, the content is pushed onto the detail area. If the app is only displaying the master or the detail, the content is pushed on top of the current view controller stack.

Show Detail

Present the content in the detail area. If the app is displaying a master and detail view, the new content replaces the current detail. If the app is only displaying the master or the detail, the content replaces the top of the current view controller stack.

The symbol is the same as the one for a Show segue.

Present Modally

Present the content modally. Choose a presentation style (UIModalPresentationStyle) or a transition style (UIModalTransitionStyle).

Present as Popover

Present the content as a popover anchored to an existing view. Specify the possible directions of the arrow shown on one edge of the popover view (UIPopoverArrowDirection), and specify the anchor view.


Create your own behaviors by using a custom segue.

Push (Deprecated)

Present the content by pushing it onto the current stack of view controllers.

The symbol is the same as the one for a Show segue.

Modal (Deprecated)

Present the content modally on top of the existing screen. The options are the same as Present Modally.

Popover (Deprecated)

Present the content as a popover. The options are the same as Present as Popover.

Replace (Deprecated)

Replace the top view controller on the screen with the new content.

时间: 2024-08-10 15:07:22



Python 中的变量不需要声明.每个变量在使用前都必须赋值,变量赋值以后该变量才会被创建. 在 Python 中,变量就是变量,它没有类型,我们所说的"类型"是变量所指的内存中对象的类型. 等号(=)用来给变量赋值. 1 变量赋值 1.1 单个变量赋值 >>> name="python" >>> print(name) python 1.2 多个变量赋值 >>> name=names="python&


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核心概念 WAF Web应用防火墙(Web Application Firewall),简称WAF. Web攻击 针对Web应用发起的攻击,包括但不限于以下攻击类型:SQL注入.XSS跨站.Webshell上传.命令注入.非法HTTP协议请求.非授权文件访问等.


在一些很大的float类型的地方会用科学记数法表示,这个时候如果想完整记录下来,还是得转字符串,这里书写一个float类型转string类型的方法 <?php function float_to_string($float=0) { if(stripos($float, "e")!==false) { $tmp = explode("e",strtolower($float)); $float=bcmul($tmp[0], bcpow(10, $tmp[1])


package com.itheima.demo1; import javax.persistence.Entity;import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;import javax.persistence.GenerationType;import javax.persistence.Id;import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity@Table(name="u_user")public class User


js判断浏览器类型  <script type="text/javascript" >     <!--   function getOs()   {       var OsObject = "";      if(isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) {           return "MSIE";      }      if(isFiref


动态类型:                                                      在python中,类型是在运行过程中自动决定的,而不是通过代码声明的. 变量:                                                                                     变量是一个系统表的元素,拥有指向对象的连接的空间 python中,类型的概念是存在于对象中的,而不是变量中,变量是通用的. 变量的使用


最近正在学习Python中的异步编程,看了一些博客后做了一些小测验:对比asyncio+aiohttp的爬虫和asyncio+aiohttp+concurrent.futures(线程池/进程池)在效率中的差异,注释:在爬虫中我几乎没有使用任何计算性任务,为了探测异步的性能,全部都只是做了网络IO请求,就是说aiohttp把网页get完就程序就done了. 结果发现前者的效率比后者还要高.我询问了另外一位博主,(提供代码的博主没回我信息),他说使用concurrent.futures的话因为我全


原文出处:Increased SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD waits on virtual machines 注: 原文的用词是Increased,想译作增强(增长),或者加强,这么译起来是褒义词,而原文要表达的Increased并没有褒义的含义,最起码是一个中性的含义,想来想起用一个“滋长”偏编译的含义还是比较合适的,感觉还是有点过于贬义了,还是用最通俗的增多吧.个人英语水平有限,另外就是对于文中提到的“rdtsc周期”也不是非常清楚,翻译的也不是很清楚,权当是自娱自乐.总是原文的