Creating a Value Object
Sometimes you have javascript object defined:
//value object var droidValue = { name: ‘‘, speak: function () { return "Hi I am " +; } }; var droid = droidValue; = ‘bb-8‘; console.log(droid.speak());
If want to use this object in AngularJS, can use ‘value‘:
//angularjs (function () { "use strict"; //value object var droidValue = { name: ‘‘, speak: function () { return "Hi I am " +; } }; angular.module(‘app‘, []) .value(‘droid‘, droidValue) .controller(‘DroidController‘, DroidController) function DroidController(droid) { var droidCtrl = this; = ‘bb-8‘; droidCtrl.message = droid.speak(); } })();
Creating a Provider
//angularjs (function () { "use strict"; //module pattern (configurable per app) function droidProvider() { var greeting = ‘‘; return { configure: function (settings) { greeting = settings.greeting; }, $get: function () { return { name: ‘‘, speak: function () { return greeting +; } }; } }; } angular.module(‘app‘, []) .config(function (droidProvider) { droidProvider.configure({greeting: "Greetings I am "}); }) .provider(‘droid‘, droidProvider) .controller(‘DroidController‘, DroidController); function DroidController(droid) { var droidCtrl = this; = "ig-88"; droidCtrl.message = droid.speak(); } })();
Important to understand:
- Each provider should have a $get function
- When you use config black to configure provider, it actually invoke droidProvider() function and then get the return object back
return { configure: function (settings) { greeting = settings.greeting; }, $get: function () { return { name: ‘‘, speak: function () { return greeting +; } }; } };
- When you inject provider into controller, it actually call the $get function inside the provider, and then return the object inside $get() function
return { name: ‘‘, speak: function () { return greeting +; } };
时间: 2024-12-22 00:06:50