Topcoder SRM 320 Div1 250


解法:设两个大整数形式A部分分别为a,b;B部分分别有n1,n2个符号。假设n1 > n2,那么我们只需判断aA 和 b的大小即可,其中A为(n1 - n2)个阶乘符号。n1 = n2 或者 n1 < n2时候类似。但要注意有坑,当a为0或b为0时,如果可以将a或b转化为1,就转换。否则可能会有坑,比如1!!!!! = 0!!

My Code

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;

class ExtraordinarilyLarge{
    string compare(string x, string y){
        string ans1 = "x<y", ans2 = "x=y", ans3 = "x>y";
        int n1 = 0;
        while(x.back() == ‘!‘) n1++, x.pop_back();
        int n2 = 0;
        while(y.back() == ‘!‘) n2++, y.pop_back();
        ll a = stol(x), b = stol(y);

        if(a == 0 && n1 > 0) a = 1, n1--;
        if(b == 0 && n2 > 0) b = 1, n2--;

        if(n1 == n2)
            if(a < b) return ans1;
            else if(a == b) return ans2;
            else return ans3;
        else if(n1 > n2)
            ll c = 1;
            for(int i = 0; i < n1 - n2; i++)
                c = 1;
                for(int j = 1; j <= a; j++)
                    c = c * j;
                    if(c > b) return ans3;
                a = c;
            if(a < b) return ans1;
            else if(a == b) return ans2;
            else return ans3;
        else//n1 < n2
            ll c = 1;
            for(int i = 0; i < n2 - n1; i++)
                c = 1;
                for(int j = 1; j <= b; j++)
                    c = c * j;
                    if(c > a) return ans1;
                b = c;
            if(a < b) return ans1;
            else if(a == b) return ans2;
            else return ans3;


时间: 2024-12-28 17:59:19

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