How to Install The Alpha Control Packages.

Uninstalling previous version of the package

If you have a previous version of the package already installed, you should remove it using the following method.

  1. Open the "Component/Install packages" menu item in Delphi/C++ Builder and remove Alpha packages there

  2. Remove all AlphaControls files in the AlphaControls directory. This directory should be equal to directory which was defined in the Delphi/C++ Builder "Library path" field

  3. Search all acnt*.bpl and acnt*.dcp files and remove them. These files are created in directories which are defined in Delphi/C++ Builder as "BPL output directory" and "DCP output directory" usually
  4. If such packages as AlphaDB or AlphaExtra were installed, then remove them too.

Installing the package in Delphi 5..XE8

    1. Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack each new version to the same path, so it would not produce extra folders with older versions
    2. Folder with components must be registered in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path)

    3. Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.dpk file, X - version of Delphi)*
    4. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Build" menu item

    5. Open the design-time package project file (acntX.dpk file)*
    6. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the "Install" menu item

    7. AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main AlphaControls package

时间: 2024-12-28 01:07:04

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