Fitnesse-The Slim Tables

Fitnesse 中Slim支持的表格类型


Decision Table Supplies the inputs and outputs for decisions. This is similar to the Fit Column Fixture
Dynamic Decision Table Has the same syntax as a >Decision Table, but passes the column headers as parameters to the fixture.
Query Table Supplies the expected results of a query. This is similar to the Fit Row Fixture
Subset Query Table Supplies a subset of the expected results of a query.
Ordered query Table Supplies the expected results of a query. The rows are expected to be in order. This is similar to the Fit Row Fixture
Script Table A series of actions and checks. Similar to Do Fixture.
Table Table Whatever you want it to be!
Import Add a path to the fixture search path.
Comment A table that does nothing.
Scenario Table A table that can be called from other tables.
Library Table A table that installs fixtures available for all test pages
Define Table Type A helper table that defines the default table type for named fixtures.
Define Alias A helper table that defines alias names for fixtures.


时间: 2024-08-30 03:07:29

Fitnesse-The Slim Tables的相关文章


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1.测试代码: 2.编写用例 (1)新建目录 点击“edit”,编辑内容: !1 测试 * '''[[算法][TestDemo]]''' * '''[[算法2][TestDemo2]]''' 效果如下: 带有?号,如上面的“算法?”表示在算法这个目录下可以编辑内容,并且目前还未编辑任何内容(当你在里面编辑内容保存后,?号就不见了) 需要注意的是命名的时候需要遵循wiki word,也就是要两个以上的组合单词,每个单词的首字母大写,且每个单词至少要有两个字母.比如上面的TestDemo.不然你点进


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首先普及一下概念,什么是Fitnesse,听一听.NET版Cucumber的创始人Aslak Hellesøy谈Fitnesse与Cucumber对比: FIT/Fitnesse和Cucumber都执行高级语言编写的验收测试.FIT仅识别HTML,Fitnesse则通过提供Wiki语法来简化编写测试的过程.在FIT/Fitnesse当中,所有的测试都以表格的形式呈现. FitNesse比Cucumber的优势在于Wiki支持. 原文链接: