warning: control reaches end of non-void function 和 warning: implicit declaration of function 'rsgClearColor' is invalid in C99


warning: control reaches end of non-void function


《Android应用性能优化》 p202

hellorendering.rs 文件:

#pragma version(1)
#pragma rs java_package_name(com.lenovo.vcs.test1)

void init(){

int root(){
    float red = rsRand(1.0f);
    float green = rsRand(1.0f);
    float blue = rsRand(1.0f);

    rsgClearColor(red,green,blue,1.0f);    //出错误警告  warning: implicit declaration of function ‘rsgClearColor‘ is invalid in C99

    //每秒50帧 = 每帧20毫秒
    return 20;

后来发现是忘了包含头文件  #include "rs_graphics.rsh"

发现在Eclipse中。修改成功以后。错误还是会显示。Ctrl A->  Ctrl X-> Ctrl V之后


warning: control reaches end of non-void function 和 warning: implicit declaration of function 'rsgClearColor' is invalid in C99

时间: 2025-01-14 21:56:32

warning: control reaches end of non-void function 和 warning: implicit declaration of function 'rsgClearColor' is invalid in C99的相关文章

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【转】implicit declaration of function 这种警告问题的原因及解决方法

在改掉所有的warning时老报一个implicit declaration of function 的警告错误,上网查了下原因,原来有两种情况会产生这种情况 1  没有把函数所在的c文件生成.o目标文件2  在函数所在的c文件中定义了,但是没有在与之相关联的.h文件中声明 http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-21558711-id-34462.html

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xCode中去除“Implicit declaration of function &#39;sysctl&#39; is invalid in C99” 警告

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