1. yumdownloader - download RPM packages from Yum repositories
yumdownloader sg3_utils
2. rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs tree-1.6.0-10.el7.x86_64.rpm
This option is helpful if files installed from the package were deleted or if you want the original
configuration files to be installed.
3. rpm -Uvh --oldpackage older_package.rpm
If you attempt an upgrade to an older version of a package (that is, if a newer version of the package
is already installed), RPM informs you that a newer version is already installed. To force RPM to
perform the downgrade, use the --oldpackage option
4. rpm -e package
rpm -e --nodeps package
You can encounter dependency errors when uninstalling a package if another installed package
depends on the one you are trying to remove.
Although you can force rpm to uninstall a package that has unresolved dependencies (using
the --nodeps option), this is not recommended. Removing packages with --nodeps can
cause applications from the packages whose dependencies are removed to misbehave or
terminate unexpectedly. It can also cause serious package-management problems or system
failure. For these reasons, heed the warnings about failed dependencies.