初学Vue 遇到Module not found:Error:Can`t resolve 'less-loader' 问题

学习vue时,导入一个子组件时遇到Module not found:Error:Can`t resolve ‘less-loader‘ 问题,实际上时在子组件中的样式里加了这么个代码

<style lang="less" scoped>

而这个less是需要安装的,npm install --save-dev less-loader less

初学Vue 遇到Module not found:Error:Can`t resolve 'less-loader' 问题


时间: 2024-12-18 23:40:59

初学Vue 遇到Module not found:Error:Can`t resolve 'less-loader' 问题的相关文章

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【Vue报错】Module build failed: Error: No parser and no file path given, couldn&#39;t infer a p arser.

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Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module &#39;node-sass’解决

在 npm run dev 时出现 ” Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass’ “ 这样的错误,如下: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 19:51:09 error in ./src/page/Class/ClassList.vue Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass' Require stack

could not build module &#39;XXXXXXXX&#39;或者error: expected identifier or &#39;(&#39; 。一堆奇怪的错误————错误根源

一堆奇怪的错误:1??could not build module 'XXXXXXXX' 2??error: expected identifier or '(' 3??EDIT Setting Precompile prefix header = No results in a bunch of syntax errors instead, in stuff like NSObject.h (and other 4??Foundation framework header) 5??EDIT U

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