[Swift]LeetCode698. 划分为k个相等的子集 | Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets

Given an array of integers nums and a positive integer k, find whether it‘s possible to divide this array into k non-empty subsets whose sums are all equal.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], k = 4
Output: True
Explanation: It‘s possible to divide it into 4 subsets (5), (1, 4), (2,3), (2,3) with equal sums.


  • 1 <= k <= len(nums) <= 16.
  • 0 < nums[i] < 10000.

给定一个整数数组  nums 和一个正整数 k,找出是否有可能把这个数组分成 k 个非空子集,其总和都相等。

示例 1:

输入: nums = [4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], k = 4
输出: True
说明: 有可能将其分成 4 个子集(5),(1,4),(2,3),(2,3)等于总和。 


  • 1 <= k <= len(nums) <= 16
  • 0 < nums[i] < 10000


 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 4         // do a quick check to make sure its even possible
 5         let sum = nums.reduce(0, +)
 6         guard sum % k == 0 else {
 7             return false
 8         }
10         // sum we want to achieve for each partition
11         let partitionSum = sum / k
13         var isVisited = [Bool](repeating: false, count: nums.count)
15         return canPartitionKSubsets(
16             nums: nums,
17             numsIndex: 0,
18             k: k,
19             currentSum: 0,
20             expectedSum: partitionSum,
21             isVisited: &isVisited)
22     }
24     func canPartitionKSubsets(
25         nums: [Int],
26         numsIndex: Int,
27         k: Int,
28         currentSum: Int,
29         expectedSum: Int,
30         isVisited: inout [Bool]
31     ) -> Bool {
32         guard currentSum <= expectedSum else {
33             // exceed the expected sum so we can‘t form a partition
34             return false
35         }
37         if k == 0 {
38             return true
39         }
41         if currentSum == expectedSum {
42             return canPartitionKSubsets(
43                 nums: nums,
44                 numsIndex: 0, // start a brand new search from 0
45                 k: k-1, // we found a partition!
46                 currentSum: 0, // reset sum
47                 expectedSum: expectedSum,
48                 isVisited: &isVisited)
49         } else {
51             for i in numsIndex..<nums.count {
52                 guard !isVisited[i] else {
53                     // already used this number for a partition
54                     continue
55                 }
57                 isVisited[i] = true // we will take this number for the partition
58                 let canPartition = canPartitionKSubsets(
59                     nums: nums,
60                     numsIndex: i+1,
61                     k: k,
62                     currentSum: currentSum + nums[i],
63                     expectedSum: expectedSum,
64                     isVisited: &isVisited)
66                 if canPartition {
67                     return true
68                 }
70                 isVisited[i] = false
71             }
72         }
74         return false
75     }
76 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 3         guard !nums.isEmpty else {
 4             return false
 5         }
 7         let totalSum = nums.reduce(0, +)
 9         guard totalSum % k == 0 else {
10             return false
11         }
13         let sum = totalSum / k
15         var visited = [Bool](repeating: false, count: nums.count)
17         return canPartitionKSubsets(numbers: nums, k: k, startIndex:0, currentSum: 0, sum: sum, visited: &visited)
18     }
20     func canPartitionKSubsets(numbers: [Int], k: Int, startIndex: Int, currentSum: Int, sum: Int, visited: inout [Bool]) -> Bool {
21         guard currentSum <= sum else {
22             return false
23         }
25         if currentSum == sum {
27             if k == 1 {
28                 return true
29             } else {
30                 // we formed a partition, go try to form another one
31                 return canPartitionKSubsets(numbers: numbers, k: k-1, startIndex: 0, currentSum: 0, sum: sum, visited: &visited)
32             }
33         }
34         // currentSum < sum
35         else {
37             for i in startIndex..<numbers.count {
38                 let number = numbers[i]
40                 if visited[i] {
41                     continue
42                 }
44                 visited[i] = true
46                 if canPartitionKSubsets(numbers: numbers, k: k, startIndex: i+1, currentSum: currentSum + number, sum: sum, visited: &visited) {
47                     return true
48                 }
50                 visited[i] = false
51             }
52         }
54         return false
55     }
56 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 3         let sum = nums.reduce(0, +)
 4         guard sum % k == 0 else { return false }
 5         let bucketTarget = sum / k
 6         let maxSubsets = (1<<nums.count)
 7         var cache = [Bool?](repeating: nil, count: maxSubsets)
 8         return canPartitionSubsets(nums, 0, bucketTarget, bucketTarget,  &cache)
 9     }
11     private func canPartitionSubsets(
12         _ nums: [Int],
13         _ bitset: Int,
14         _ remainingInBucket: Int,
15         _ bucketTarget: Int,
16         _ cache: inout [Bool?]) -> Bool {
17         if let cached = cache[bitset] {
18             return cached
19         }
20         let allElementBitSet = (1<<nums.count) - 1
21         if bitset == allElementBitSet && remainingInBucket == bucketTarget {
22             // All elements are set and all buckets are filled.
23             return true
24         }
25         for i in 0..<nums.count {
26             guard bitset & (1<<i) == 0 else { continue }
27             guard nums[i] <= remainingInBucket else { continue }
28             var updatedRemainingInBucket = remainingInBucket - nums[i]
29             if updatedRemainingInBucket == 0 {
30                 updatedRemainingInBucket = bucketTarget // Create a new bucket
31             }
32             if canPartitionSubsets(
33                 nums,
34                 bitset | (1<<i),
35                 updatedRemainingInBucket,
36                 bucketTarget,
37                 &cache) {
38                 cache[bitset] = true
39                 return true
40             }
41         }
42         cache[bitset] = false
43         return false
44     }
45 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 3         if nums.count == 0 && k == 0 {
 4             return true
 5         }
 6         guard nums.count > 0, k > 0 else {
 7             return false
 8         }
 9         var target = nums.reduce(0, +)
10         if target % k != 0 {
11             return false
12         }
13         target = target/k
16         func canPart(index:Int, remain:Int, curSum: Int, visited:[Int: Bool]) -> Bool {
17             if remain == 0 {
18                 return true
19             }
21             if index == nums.count {
22                 return false
23             }
25             if curSum == target {
26                 return canPart(index:0, remain:remain - 1, curSum:0, visited:visited)
27             } else if curSum > target {
28                 return false
29             }
31             for i in index..<nums.count {
32                 var visited = visited
33                 if visited[i] == true {
34                     continue
35                 } else {
36                     visited[i] = true
37                     if canPart(index:i, remain:remain, curSum: curSum + nums[i], visited: visited) {
38                         return true
39                     }
40                     visited[i] = false
41                 }
42             }
44             return false
45         }
47         return canPart(index:0, remain:k, curSum: 0, visited:[Int: Bool]())
48     }
49 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     //We could use dfs. start from the first index, find the combination where num1 + num2 .. + num3 == target. Then start from index 0 with memory of which numbers has been used.
 3     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 4         if nums.count == 0 && k == 0 {
 5             return true
 6         }
 7         guard nums.count > 0, k > 0 else {
 8             return false
 9         }
10         var target = nums.reduce(0, +)
11         //Remember to check if the target can be fully divided by k
12         if target % k != 0 {
13             return false
14         }
15         target = target/k
17         func canPart(index:Int, remain:Int, curSum: Int, visited:[Int: Bool]) -> Bool {
18             if remain == 0 {
19                 return true
20             }
22             if index == nums.count {
23                 return false
24             }
26             if curSum == target {
27                 return canPart(index: 0, remain: remain - 1, curSum: 0, visited: visited)
28             } else if curSum > target {
29                 return false
30             }
32             for i in index..<nums.count {
33                 var visited = visited
34                 if visited[i] == true {
35                     continue
36                 }
37                 visited[i] = true
38                 if canPart(index: i, remain: remain, curSum: curSum + nums[i], visited: visited) {
39                     return true
40                 }
41             }
42             return false
43         }
44         return canPart(index:0, remain:k, curSum: 0, visited:[Int: Bool]())
45     }
46 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 3         var sum = 0
 4         for num in nums {
 5             sum += num
 6         }
 7         if k <= 0 || sum % k != 0 {
 8             return false
 9         }
10         var visited = Array(repeating: false, count: nums.count)
11         return canPartition(nums, &visited, 0, k, 0, 0, sum / k)
12     }
14     private func canPartition(_ nums: [Int], _ visited: inout [Bool], _ start_index: Int, _ k: Int, _ cur_sum: Int, _ cur_num: Int, _ target: Int) -> Bool {
15         if k == 1 {
16             return true
17         }
18         if cur_sum == target && cur_num > 0 {
19             return canPartition(nums, &visited, 0, k - 1, 0, 0, target)
20         }
21         for i in start_index..<nums.count {
22             if !visited[i] {
23                 visited[i] = true
24                 let match = canPartition(nums, &visited, i + 1, k, cur_sum + nums[i], cur_num + 1, target)
25                 if match {
26                     return true
27                 }
28                 visited[i] = false
29             }
30         }
31         return false
32     }
33 }

Runtime: 244 ms

Memory Usage: 19.1 MB

 1 class Solution {
 2     func canPartitionKSubsets(_ nums: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Bool {
 3         var nums = nums
 4         nums.sort()
 5         var sum:Int = nums.reduce(0,+)
 6         if sum % k != 0 {return false}
 7         var v:[Int] = [Int](repeating:0,count:k)
 8         return helper(&nums, sum / k, &v, nums.count - 1)
 9     }
11     func helper(_ nums:inout [Int],_ target:Int,_ v:inout [Int],_ idx:Int) -> Bool
12     {
13         if idx == -1
14         {
15             for t in v
16             {
17                 if t != target {return false}
18             }
19             return true
20         }
21         var num:Int = nums[idx]
22         for i in 0..<v.count
23         {
24             if v[i] + num > target {continue}
25             v[i] += num
26             if helper(&nums, target, &v, idx - 1)
27             {
28                 return true
29             }
30             v[i] -= num
31         }
32         return false
33     }
34 }


时间: 2024-07-30 16:42:18

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