使用消息队列的 10 个理由

We’ve been working with, building, and evangelising message queues for the last year, and it’s no secret that we think they’re awesome. We believe message queues are a vital component to any architecture or application, and here are ten reasons why:

1. Decoupling

It’s extremely difficult to predict, at the start of a project, what the future needs of the project will be. By introducing a layer in between processes, message queues create an implicit, data-based interface that both processes implement. This allows you to extend and modify these processes independently, by simply ensuring they adhere to the same interface requirements.


1. 解耦


2. Redundancy

Sometimes processes fail when processing data. Unless that data is persisted, it’s lost forever. Queues mitigate this by persisting data until it has been fully processed. The put-get-delete paradigm, which many message queues use, requires a process to explicitly indicate that it has finished processing a message before the message is removed from the queue, ensuring your data is kept safe until you’re done with it.

2. 冗余


3. Scalability

Because message queues decouple your processes, it’s easy to scale up the rate with which messages are added to the queue or processed; simply add another process. No code needs to be changed, no configurations need to be tweaked. Scaling is as simple as adding more power.

3. 扩展性


4. Elasticity & Spikability

When your application hits the front page of Hacker News, you’re going to see unusual levels of traffic. Your application needs to be able to keep functioning with this increased load, but the traffic is anomaly, not the standard; it’s wasteful to have enough resources on standby to handle these spikes. Message queues will allow beleaguered components to struggle through the increased load, instead of getting overloaded with requests and failing completely. Check out our Spikability blog post for more information about this.

4. 灵活性 & 峰值处理能力

当你的应用上了Hacker News的首页,你将发现访问流量攀升到一个不同寻常的水平。在访问量剧增的情况下,你的应用仍然需要继续发挥作用,但是这样的突发流量并不常见;如果为 以能处理这类峰值访问为标准来投入资源随时待命无疑是巨大的浪费。使用消息队列能够使关键组件顶住增长的访问压力,而不是因为超出负荷的请求而完全崩溃。 请查看我们关于峰值处理能力的博客文章了解更多此方面的信息。

5. Resiliency

When part of your architecture fails, it doesn’t need to take the entire system down with it. Message queues decouple processes, so if a process that is processing messages from the queue fails, messages can still be added to the queue to be processed when the system recovers. This ability to accept requests that will be retried or processed at a later date is often the difference between an inconvenienced customer and a frustrated customer.

5. 可恢复性


6. Delivery Guarantees

The redundancy provided by message queues guarantees that a message will be processed eventually, so long as a process is reading the queue. On top of that, IronMQ provides an only-delivered-once guarantee. No matter how many processes are pulling data from the queue, each message will only be processed a single time. This is made possible because retrieving a message "reserves" that message, temporarily removing it from the queue. Unless the client specifically states that it‘s finished with that message, the message will be placed back on the queue to be processed after a configurable amount of time.

6. 送达保证

消息队列提供的冗余机制保证了消息能被实际的处理,只要一个进程读取了该队列即可。在此基础上,IronMQ提供了一个"只送达一次"保证。无论有多少进 程在从队列中领取数据,每一个消息只能被处理一次。这之所以成为可能,是因为获取一个消息只是"预定"了这个消息,暂时把它移出了队列。除非客户端明确的 表示已经处理完了这个消息,否则这个消息会被放回队列中去,在一段可配置的时间之后可再次被处理。

7. Ordering Guarantees

In a lot of situations, the order with which data is processed is important. Message queues are inherently ordered, and capable of providing guarantees that data will be processed in a specific order. IronMQ guarantees that messages will be processed using FIFO (first in, first out), so the order in which messages are placed on a queue is the order in which they‘ll be retrieved from it.



8. Buffering

In any non-trivial system, there are going to be components that require different processing times. For example, it takes less time to upload an image than it does to apply a filter to it. Message queues help these tasks operate at peak efficiency by offering a buffer layer--the process writing to the queue can write as fast as it’s able to, instead of being constrained by the readiness of the process reading from the queue. This buffer helps control and optimise the speed with which data flows through your system.



9. Understanding Data Flow

In a distributed system, getting an overall sense of how long user actions take to complete and why is a huge problem. Message queues, through the rate with which they are processed, help to easily identify under-performing processes or areas where the data flow is not optimal.

9. 理解数据流


10. Asynchronous Communication

A lot of times, you don’t want to or need to process a message immediately. Message queues enable asynchronous processing, which allows you to put a message on the queue without processing it immediately. Queue up as many messages as you like, then process them at your leisure.

10. 异步通信


时间: 2024-11-08 18:52:20

使用消息队列的 10 个理由的相关文章


什么是消息队列 消息是指在两个独立的系统间传递的数据,这两个系统可以是两台计算机,也可以是两个进程. 消息可以非常简单,可以是简单的字符串,也可以是保存了数据持久化的各种类型的文档集合. 队列是在消息的传输过程中的通道,是保存消息的容器,根据不同的情形,可以有先进先出,优先级队列等区别 . 为什么使用消息队列 个人觉得消息队列主要的意义是解耦和异步处理,以及在高并发场景下平滑短时间内大量的服务请求. 消息队列不仅被用于系统内部组件之间的通信,同时也被用于系统跟其它服务之间的交互. 消息队列的使用


消息队列RabbitMQ 一.RabbitMQ是什么? AMQP,即Advanced Message Queuing Protocol,高级消息队列协议,是应用层协议的一个开放标准,为面向消息的中间件设计.消息中间件主要用于组件之间的解耦,消息的发送者无需知道消息使用者的存在,反之亦然.AMQP的主要特征是面向消息.队列.路由(包括点对点和发布/订阅).可靠性.安全.RabbitMQ是一个开源的AMQP实现,服务器端用Erlang语言编写,支持多种客户端,如:Python.Ruby..NET.J

第十一章 企业项目开发--消息队列activemq

注意:本章代码基于 第十章 企业项目开发--分布式缓存Redis(2) 代码的github地址:https://github.com/zhaojigang/ssmm0 消息队列是分布式系统中实现RPC的一种手段. 1.消息队列的基本使用流程 假设: 我们有这样一个需求,当每注册一个admin的之后,就写一条日志log数据到数据库. 分析: 在实际中,我们是不会把日志直接写入数据库的,因为日志数据通常是庞大的,而且日志的产生是频繁的,如果我们使用数据库存储日志,哪怕是使用异步存储,也是极耗性能的.


对任何架构或应用来说,消息队列都是一个至关重要的组件,下面是十个理由: 1. 解耦 在项目启动之初来预测将来项目会碰到什么需求,是极其困难的.消息队列在处理过程中间插入了一个隐含的.基于数据的接口层,两边的处理过程都要实现这一接口.这允许你独立的扩展或修改两边的处理过程,只要确保它们遵守同样的接口约束. 2. 冗余 有时在处理数据的时候处理过程会失败.除非数据被持久化,否则将永远丢失.消息队列把数据进行持久化直到它们已经被完全处理,通过这一方式规避了数据丢失风险.在被许多消息队列所采用的"插入-

10.2 消息队列实现的回射服务器

模型如下: 服务器: 1 #include <unistd.h> 2 #include <sys/types.h> 3 #include <sys/ipc.h> 4 #include <sys/msg.h> 5 6 #include <stdlib.h> 7 #include <stdio.h> 8 #include <errno.h> 9 #include <string.h> 10 11 #define E


消息队列.信号量.共享存储是IPC进程间通信的三种形式,它们功能不同,但有一些相似点,下面先介绍它们相类似的特征,然后再逐一说明. 1.相似点 每个内核中的IPC结构(消息队列.信号量.共享存储)都用一个非负整数的标识符加以引用,与文件描述符不同,当一个IPC结构被创建,以后又被删除时,与这种结构相关的标识符连续加1,直至达到一个整型数的最大正直,然后又回转到0.标识符是IPC对象的内部名,还有一个外部名称为键,数据类型是key_t,用于多个合作进程能够在同一IPC对象上会合,键由内核转换成标识


转载自:http://www.oschina.net/translate/top-10-uses-for-message-queue 英文原文:Top 10 Uses For A Message Queue oschina 推荐于 3年前 (共 7 段, 翻译完成于 08-21) 参与翻译(4人):lwei, Garfielt, Holiday_, wang7x 过去几年中,我们一直在使用.构建和宣传消息队列,我们认为它们是很令人敬畏的,这也不是什么秘密.我们相信对任何架构或应用来说,消息队列都


我在刚接触使用中间件的时候,发现,中间件的使用并不是最难的,反而是中间件的下载,安装,配置才是最难的. 所以,这篇文章我们从头开始学习RabbitMq,真正的从头开始. 关于消息队列 其实消息队列没有那么神秘,我们这样想一下,用户访问网站,最终是要将数据以HTTP的协议的方式,通过网络传输到主机的某个端口上的. 那么,接收数据的方式是什么呢?自然是端口监听啦. 那消息队列是什么就很好解释了? 它就是端口监听,接到数据后,将数据排列起来. 那这件事,我们不用中间件能做吗? 当然能做啦,写个TCP/

Azure Messaging-ServiceBus Messaging消息队列技术系列6-消息回执

上篇博文中我们介绍了Azure Messaging的重复消息机制.At most once 和At least once. Azure Messaging-ServiceBus Messaging消息队列技术系列5-重复消息:at-least-once at-most-once 本文中我们主要研究并介绍Azure Messaging的消息回执机制:实际应用场景: 同步收发场景下,消息生产者和消费者双向应答模式,例如:张三写封信送到邮局中转站,然后李四从中转站获得信,然后在写一份回执信,放到中转站