tomcat 大并发报错 Maximum number of threads (200) created for connector with address null and port 8080

1、INFO: Maximum number of threads (200) created for connector with address null and port 8091





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  1. <Executor name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-"
  2. maxThreads="500" minSpareThreads="20" maxIdleTime="60000" />


然后,修改<Connector ...>节点,增加executor属性,如:

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  1. <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
  2. port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
  3. connectionTimeout="60000"
  4. keepAliveTimeout="15000"
  5. maxKeepAliveRequests="1"
  6. redirectPort="443"
  7. ....../>

2、 Too many open files


使用 #lsof -p 10001|wc -l   查看文件操作数


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    1. (1).ps -ef |grep tomcat  查看tomcat的进程ID,记录ID号,假设进程ID为10001
    2. (2).lsof -p 10001|wc -l    查看当前进程id为10001的 文件操作数
    3. (3).使用命令:ulimit -a   查看每个用户允许打开的最大文件数
    4. 默认是1024.
    5. (4).然后执行:ulimit -n 65536 将允许的最大文件数调整为65536
时间: 2024-10-12 20:54:37

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