Keycloak 2.2.0.Final 发布,SSO 集成解决方案

Keycloak 2.2.0.Final 发布了,Keycloak 是一个为浏览器和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 的集成(入门教程。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web Token(JWT) 规范。最开始是面向 JBossWildfly 通讯,但已经计划为其他诸如 TomcatJettyNode.jsRailsGrails 等环境提供解决方案(腾云科技。


OpenID Connect certification - We‘ve continued to work on our OpenID Connect implementation and we‘re now passing the basic, implicit, hybrid and config profiles. We‘ll get the dynamic profile sorted in the 2.3 release.
Server config moved to standalone/domain.xml - In the past some server configuration was done in keycloak-server.json and some in standalone/domain.xml. We‘ve now moved all config to standalone/domain.xml and keycloak-server.json is now deprecated. This brings the option to use jboss-cli including offline scripts to automate configuration.
Manual DB migration - We‘ve had automatic migration of the database for a long time, but we now have an option to have Keycloak write a SQL migration file instead of applying the changes directly.
Fuse adapter download - There is now a Fuse adapter download that makes it possible to install Keycloak support in Fuse without access to external Maven repository.
Hot deployment of providers - It‘s now possible to hot deploy custom providers from within a JEE deployment. We‘ve not had the chance to write documentation around this yet and it could do with a bit more testing so consider it a preview feature. Take a look at the user-storage-jpa provider example though, it‘s great stuff!
Identity Provider Authenticator - In the past redirecting to identity providers was hardcoded in the Keycloak code, we‘ve now refactored this into a new authenticator.
Norwegian, Japanese and Lituanian translations - Keycloak now comes with 11 translations. 10 of them contributed and maintained by our excellent community.

时间: 2024-12-24 17:51:31

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