What would be the closest equivalent in Java to a Micro ORM such as Dapper, PetaPoco, Massive or CodingHorror?

Java Micro ORM equivalent [closed]

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What would be the closest equivalent in Java to a Micro ORM such as Dapper, PetaPoco, Massive or CodingHorror?

java subsonic dapper petapoco massive

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edited Jun 11 ‘12 at 15:24

asked Jun 27 ‘11 at 15:05



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Ooh, good question – Marc Gravell? Jun 27 ‘11 at 15:11

@Marc: Exactly. There‘re many projects that port out of Java projects. These MicroORMs are ones that could be ported from .net to Java. – Robert Koritnik Jun 28 ‘11 at 16:24

@Robert: It would be great to see some of the good .Net work heading the other way too, for sure. – Kynth Sep 6 ‘11 at 16:20

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6 Answers

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up vote 20 down vote accepted

I recommend Spring JDBC templates. While it‘s not a "true" ORM, it‘s a pleasure to use where Hibernate seems to be an overkill.

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answered Jun 27 ‘11 at 22:49





it sounds like a good fit, then ;p Dapper, PetaPoco and Massive are also not "true" ORMs - they instead concentrate on doing an insanely good job of simple data access, which covers a high % of use-cases. – Marc Gravell? Jun 29 ‘11 at 12:15

queryForObject seems a bit clunky, can that not be done with generics in java? eg: Query<Car>("select * from Cars") ? – Sam Saffron Jul 4 ‘11 at 1:33

@sam-saffron Yes! Use SimpleJdbcTemplete - static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.0.x/reference/… – Arnelism Jul 11 ‘11 at 16:04

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up vote 23 down vote

sql2o seems like a Dapper alternative - thin wrapper around JDBC

String sql =
    "SELECT id, category, duedate " +
    "FROM tasks " +
    "WHERE category = :category";
Sql2o sql2o = new Sql2o(DB_URL, USER, PASS);
List<Task> tasks = sql2o.createQuery(sql)
    .addParameter("category", "foo")

github - https://github.com/aaberg/sql2o

site - http://www.sql2o.org/

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answered Aug 9 ‘13 at 7:58





I would say that sql2o is the easiest and small framework to treat queries like insert, update, delete. I‘ve been using it since 1 year smoothly, however there‘s not any major update since 2015. It is missing a functionality to treat view and joins in one query to avoid round trips to db. – Maximus Decimus Jul 7 ‘17 at 0:52

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up vote 12 down vote

Here‘s a list of tools that "ease the pain" when interacting with simple JDBC:

And here‘s a list of tools that go a bit beyond simple JDBC, i.e. provide some ORM / ActiveRecord facilities

  • jOOQ (This one probably doesn‘t qualify as micro-ORM)
  • JaQu
  • ActiveJDBC (This one is more of an ActiveRecord API, than an ORM)
  • MyBatis (This one focuses on SQL templating, but also has some mapping features)
  • EBean

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edited Sep 7 ‘13 at 10:25

answered Sep 7 ‘13 at 10:04

Lukas Eder




I‘ve been using sql2o for 1 year without any trouble. However there is no major update since 2015!!!!! I hope this library doesn‘t get obsolete. It is PLAIN AND SIMPLE to use. However I think the creator was requesting ideas to treat VIEWS and/or JOIN queries since so long. I checked quickly this list and Apache DbUtils it is the more closest to sql2o. – Maximus Decimus Jul 7 ‘17 at 0:45

@MaximusDecimus: If you‘re such a fan of sql2o, why abandon it instead of contributing? You could even become its new maintainer! – Lukas Eder Jul 7 ‘17 at 8:14

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up vote 4 down vote

Another interesting light ORM is JDBI. Here is Five minute intro

It has two alternative APIs:

Fluent API

DBI dbi = new DBI(ds);
Handle h = dbi.open();

String name = h.createQuery("select name from something where id = :id")
                    .bind("id", 1)

and SQL Object API where SQL statements are mapped to methods with declarative interfaces like this:

public interface MyDAO
  @SqlUpdate("create table something (id int primary key, name varchar(100))")
  void createSomethingTable();

DBI dbi = new DBI(ds);
MyDAO dao = dbi.open(MyDAO.class);

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answered Aug 23 ‘13 at 3:13





pro tip: you can mix both approaches using abstract class instead of interface in object api – tomaszkubacki Oct 18 ‘13 at 1:03

That SQL Object API looks super cool! – jjnguy Jan 16 ‘14 at 2:23

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up vote 3 down vote

Also checkout SimpleFlatMapper

It‘s a performant simple ResultSet to Object mapper. It just plug on top of jdbc and gives far better performance than Hibernate Ibatis or even sql2o. It easily integrate JdbcTemplate and provides constructor, setter and field injection.

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answered Sep 1 ‘14 at 10:34

Anaud Roger




May I know what are the disadvantages of SimpleFlatMapper compared to Spring‘s own BeanPropertyRowMapper? – Yudhistira Arya Sep 11 ‘14 at 15:42

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up vote 2 down vote

This one doesn‘t seem to be mentioned here yet: dalesbred

Similar to sql2o and dapper...

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answered Aug 11 ‘15 at 5:40





I should also mention that sql2o seems more active. The API for sql2o seems a bit more natural to me. Dalesbred supports WHERE ... IN queries whereas sql2o does not for now. – jl. Oct 7 ‘15 at 18:15


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What would be the closest equivalent in Java to a Micro ORM such as Dapper, PetaPoco, Massive or CodingHorror?的相关文章

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