










代码如下 :

#[derive(Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Transaction {
    sender: String,    //发送者
    recipient: String, //接收者
    amount: i64,       //交易数量
/// 区块结构体
#[derive(Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Block {
    pub index: u64,                     //区块高度
    timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,           //时间截
    pub transactions: Vec<Transaction>, //交易
    pub proof: u64,                     //证明
    pub previous_hash: String,          //上一个区块哈希地址
pub struct Blockchain {
    pub chain: Vec<Block>,                  //区块链帐本
    current_transactions: Vec<Transaction>, //交易集合
    pub nodes: HashSet<String>,             //节点集合










当然,如果 两个节点都算出结果并加入了新区块,这时,会产生链的分叉,这时如何决定冲突呢?



这个共识机制核心 代码如下:

impl Blockchain {
    pub fn new() -> Blockchain {
        let mut blockchain = Blockchain {
            chain: vec![],
            current_transactions: vec![],
            nodes: HashSet::new(),
        blockchain.new_block(100, Some("1"));
    /// Create a new Block in the Blockchain
    /// :param proof: The proof given by the Proof of Work algorithm
    /// :param previous_hash: (Optional) hash of previous Block
    /// :return: New Bloc
    /// 创建新区块
    pub fn new_block(&mut self, proof: u64, previous_hash: Option<&str>) -> Block {
        let block = Block {
            index: (self.chain.len() + 1) as u64,
            timestamp: Utc::now(),
            transactions: self.current_transactions.drain(0..).collect(),
            previous_hash: previous_hash.unwrap_or("0").to_string(),

    /// Creates a new transaction to go into the next mined Block
    /// :param sender: Address of the ??ender
    /// :param recipient: Address of the recipient
    /// :param amount: Amount
    /// :return: The index of the Block that will hold this transaction
    /// 发起一个新交易,将写入下一个区块
    pub fn new_transaction(&mut self, sender: &str, recipient: &str, amount: i64) -> u64 {
        self.current_transactions.push(Transaction {
            sender: sender.to_string(),
            recipient: recipient.to_string(),
        self.last_block().unwrap().index + 1
    /// Simple Proof of Work Algorithm:
    /// - Find a number p' such that hash(pp') contains 4 leading zeroes,
    ///   where p is the previous proof, and p' is the new proof
    /// POW工作量证明共识机制算法
    pub fn proof_of_work(last_block: &Block) -> u64 {
        let mut proof = 0;
        let last_proof = last_block.proof;
        let last_hash = &last_block.previous_hash;
        while !Self::valid_proof(last_proof, proof, last_hash) {
            proof += 1;
    /// Validates the Proof: Does hash(last_proof, proof, last_hash) containt 4 leading zeroes
    fn valid_proof(last_proof: u64, proof: u64, last_hash: &String) -> bool {
        let guess = format!("{}{}{}", last_proof, proof, last_hash);
        let guess_hash = hex_digest(Algorithm::SHA256, guess.as_bytes());
        guess_hash.ends_with("00000") //困难度为5

    /// Creates a SHA-256 hash of a Block
    /// :param block: Block
    /// :return hash for the block
    /// 创建一个区块 的哈希值,基SHA-256算法
    pub fn hash(block: &Block) -> String {
        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&block).unwrap();
        hex_digest(Algorithm::SHA256, serialized.as_bytes())
    /// Returns the last Block in the chain
    /// 返回最后一个区块
    pub fn last_block(&self) -> Option<&Block> {

    /// Add a new node to the list of nodes
    /// :param address: Address of the node. Eg. ''
    /// 节点注册,即新节点加入区块链网络,注册地址参数为节点服务器地址,如:'‘
    pub fn register_node(&mut self, address: &str) {
        let parsed_url = urlparse(address);

    /// Determine if a given blockchain is valid
    /// 链的验证
    fn valid_chain(&self, chain: &[Block]) -> bool {
        let mut last_block = &chain[0];
        let mut current_index: usize = 1;
        while current_index < chain.len() {
            let block = &chain[current_index];
            println!("{:?}", last_block);
            println!("{:?}", block);
            if block.previous_hash != Blockchain::hash(last_block) {
                return false;
            if !Blockchain::valid_proof(last_block.proof, block.proof, &last_block.previous_hash) {
                return false;

            last_block = block;
            current_index += 1;

    /// This is our Consensus Algorithm, it resolves conflicts
    /// by replacing our chain with the longest one in the network.
    /// :return True if our chain was replaced and false otherwise
    /// 解决冲突的机制,即共识机制,最长链原则处理逻辑,即共识机制为(POw+最长链原则)
    pub fn resolve_conflicts(&mut self) -> bool {
        let mut max_length = self.chain.len();
        let mut new_chain: Option<Vec<Block>> = None;

        // Grab and verify the chains from all the nodes in our network
        for node in &self.nodes {
            let mut response = reqwest::get(&format!("http://{}/chain", node)).unwrap();
            if response.status().is_success() {
                let node_chain: Chain = response.json().unwrap();
                if node_chain.length > max_length && self.valid_chain(&node_chain.chain) {
                    max_length = node_chain.length;
                    new_chain = Some(node_chain.chain);
        // Replace our chain if we discovered a new, valid chain longer than ours
        match new_chain {
            Some(x) => {
                self.chain = x;
            None => false,

以上代码,我们放在当前工程目录下的src/blockchain.rs,完整代码如下 :

use crate::api::Chain;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use crypto_hash::{hex_digest, Algorithm};
use reqwest;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use urlparse::urlparse;
#[derive(Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Transaction {
    sender: String,    //发送者
    recipient: String, //接收者
    amount: i64,       //交易数量
/// 区块结构体
#[derive(Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Block {
    pub index: u64,                     //区块高度
    timestamp: DateTime<Utc>,           //时间截
    pub transactions: Vec<Transaction>, //交易
    pub proof: u64,                     //证明
    pub previous_hash: String,          //上一个区块哈希地址
pub struct Blockchain {
    pub chain: Vec<Block>,                  //区块链帐本
    current_transactions: Vec<Transaction>, //交易集合
    pub nodes: HashSet<String>,             //节点集合

impl Blockchain {
    pub fn new() -> Blockchain {
        let mut blockchain = Blockchain {
            chain: vec![],
            current_transactions: vec![],
            nodes: HashSet::new(),
        blockchain.new_block(100, Some("1"));
    /// Create a new Block in the Blockchain
    /// :param proof: The proof given by the Proof of Work algorithm
    /// :param previous_hash: (Optional) hash of previous Block
    /// :return: New Bloc
    /// 创建新区块
    pub fn new_block(&mut self, proof: u64, previous_hash: Option<&str>) -> Block {
        let block = Block {
            index: (self.chain.len() + 1) as u64,
            timestamp: Utc::now(),
            transactions: self.current_transactions.drain(0..).collect(),
            previous_hash: previous_hash.unwrap_or("0").to_string(),

    /// Creates a new transaction to go into the next mined Block
    /// :param sender: Address of the ??ender
    /// :param recipient: Address of the recipient
    /// :param amount: Amount
    /// :return: The index of the Block that will hold this transaction
    /// 发起一个新交易,将写入下一个区块
    pub fn new_transaction(&mut self, sender: &str, recipient: &str, amount: i64) -> u64 {
        self.current_transactions.push(Transaction {
            sender: sender.to_string(),
            recipient: recipient.to_string(),
        self.last_block().unwrap().index + 1
    /// Simple Proof of Work Algorithm:
    /// - Find a number p' such that hash(pp') contains 4 leading zeroes,
    ///   where p is the previous proof, and p' is the new proof
    /// POW工作量证明共识机制算法
    pub fn proof_of_work(last_block: &Block) -> u64 {
        let mut proof = 0;
        let last_proof = last_block.proof;
        let last_hash = &last_block.previous_hash;
        while !Self::valid_proof(last_proof, proof, last_hash) {
            proof += 1;
    /// Validates the Proof: Does hash(last_proof, proof, last_hash) containt 4 leading zeroes
    fn valid_proof(last_proof: u64, proof: u64, last_hash: &String) -> bool {
        let guess = format!("{}{}{}", last_proof, proof, last_hash);
        let guess_hash = hex_digest(Algorithm::SHA256, guess.as_bytes());
        guess_hash.ends_with("00000") //困难度为5

    /// Creates a SHA-256 hash of a Block
    /// :param block: Block
    /// :return hash for the block
    /// 创建一个区块 的哈希值,基SHA-256算法
    pub fn hash(block: &Block) -> String {
        let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&block).unwrap();
        hex_digest(Algorithm::SHA256, serialized.as_bytes())
    /// Returns the last Block in the chain
    /// 返回最后一个区块
    pub fn last_block(&self) -> Option<&Block> {

    /// Add a new node to the list of nodes
    /// :param address: Address of the node. Eg. ''
    /// 节点注册,即新节点加入区块链网络,注册地址参数为节点服务器地址,如:'‘
    pub fn register_node(&mut self, address: &str) {
        let parsed_url = urlparse(address);

    /// Determine if a given blockchain is valid
    /// 链的验证
    fn valid_chain(&self, chain: &[Block]) -> bool {
        let mut last_block = &chain[0];
        let mut current_index: usize = 1;
        while current_index < chain.len() {
            let block = &chain[current_index];
            println!("{:?}", last_block);
            println!("{:?}", block);
            if block.previous_hash != Blockchain::hash(last_block) {
                return false;
            if !Blockchain::valid_proof(last_block.proof, block.proof, &last_block.previous_hash) {
                return false;

            last_block = block;
            current_index += 1;

    /// This is our Consensus Algorithm, it resolves conflicts
    /// by replacing our chain with the longest one in the network.
    /// :return True if our chain was replaced and false otherwise
    /// 最长链原则处理逻辑,即共识机制为(POw+最长链原则)
    pub fn resolve_conflicts(&mut self) -> bool {
        let mut max_length = self.chain.len();
        let mut new_chain: Option<Vec<Block>> = None;

        // Grab and verify the chains from all the nodes in our network
        for node in &self.nodes {
            let mut response = reqwest::get(&format!("http://{}/chain", node)).unwrap();
            if response.status().is_success() {
                let node_chain: Chain = response.json().unwrap();
                if node_chain.length > max_length && self.valid_chain(&node_chain.chain) {
                    max_length = node_chain.length;
                    new_chain = Some(node_chain.chain);
        // Replace our chain if we discovered a new, valid chain longer than ours
        match new_chain {
            Some(x) => {
                self.chain = x;
            None => false,

现在 我们向外界提供一些可用的API。

我们新建一个文件:src/api.rs,代码如下 :

use crate::blockchain::{Block, Blockchain, Transaction};

use actix_web::{web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::Mutex;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MessageResponse {
    message: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TransactionRequest {
    sender: String,
    recipient: String,
    amount: i64,
pub struct MiningRespose {
    message: String,
    index: u64,
    transactions: Vec<Transaction>,
    proof: u64,
    previous_hash: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Chain {
    pub chain: Vec<Block>,
    pub length: usize,
pub struct RegisterRequest {
    nodes: Vec<String>,
pub struct RegisterResponse {
    message: String,
    total_nodes: Vec<String>,
pub struct ResolveResponse {
    message: String,
    chain: Vec<Block>,
pub fn new_transaction(
    state: web::Data<Mutex<Blockchain>>,
    req: web::Json<TransactionRequest>,
) -> HttpResponse {
    let sender = req.sender.to_owned();
    let recipient = req.recipient.to_owned();
    let index = state
        .new_transaction(&sender, &recipient, req.amount);
    HttpResponse::Created().json(MessageResponse {
        message: format! {"Transaction will be added to Block {}", index},
pub fn mine(
    node_identifier: web::Data<String>,
    state: web::Data<Mutex<Blockchain>>,
    _req: HttpRequest,
) -> HttpResponse {
    let (proof, previous_hash) = {
        let blockchain = state.lock().unwrap();
        let last_block = blockchain.last_block().unwrap();
        let proof = Blockchain::proof_of_work(&last_block);
        let previous_hash = Blockchain::hash(last_block);
        (proof, previous_hash)
    let mut blockchain = state.lock().unwrap();
    blockchain.new_transaction("0", &*node_identifier, 1);
    let block = blockchain.new_block(proof, Some(&previous_hash));
    HttpResponse::Ok().json(MiningRespose {
        message: "New Block Forged".to_string(),
        index: block.index,
        transactions: block.transactions,
pub fn chain(state: web::Data<Mutex<Blockchain>>, _req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
    let length = state.lock().unwrap().chain.len();
    HttpResponse::Ok().json(Chain {
        chain: state.lock().unwrap().chain.clone(),
pub fn register_node(
    state: web::Data<Mutex<Blockchain>>,
    req: web::Json<RegisterRequest>,
) -> HttpResponse {
    if req.nodes.is_empty() {
        return HttpResponse::BadRequest().json(MessageResponse {
            message: "Error: Please supply a valid list of nodes".to_string(),
    let mut blockchain = state.lock().unwrap();
    for node in req.nodes.iter() {
    HttpResponse::Created().json(RegisterResponse {
        message: "New nodes have been added".to_string(),
        total_nodes: blockchain.nodes.iter().cloned().collect(),
pub fn resolve_nodes(state: web::Data<Mutex<Blockchain>>, _req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {
    let mut blockchain = state.lock().unwrap();
    let replaced = blockchain.resolve_conflicts();
    let message = if replaced {
        "Our chain was replaced"
    } else {
        "Our chain is authorative"
    HttpResponse::Ok().json(ResolveResponse {
        message: message.to_string(),
        chain: blockchain.chain.clone(),


chrono = { version = "0.4.6", features = ["serde"] }
crypto-hash = "0.3.3"
serde = { version = "1.0.90", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
actix-web = "1.0"
uuid = { version = "0.7", features = ["v4"] }
urlparse = "0.7.3"
reqwest = "=0.9.17"

最后我们的主程序 src/main.rs如下:

pub mod api;
pub mod blockchain;

use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer};
use std::env;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use uuid::Uuid;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let port = match args.as_slice() {
        [_, key, value] => {
            if key == "--p" {
            } else {
                panic!("Illegal arguments passed to the program.");
        _ => "5000",
    // TODO: make chain shared across threads
    let sharedchain = web::Data::new(Mutex::new(blockchain::Blockchain::new()));
    let node_identifier = web::Data::new(Uuid::new_v4().to_simple().to_string());

    HttpServer::new(move || {
    .bind(format!("{}", port))

然后我们可以用以下命令来调用 :


curl http://localhost:5000/mine


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"sender":"e79fcabd1d70433191701d17c4d13112", "recipient":"some-other-address", "amount":5}' http://localhost:5000/transactions/new


curl http://localhost:5000/chain


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"nodes":["http://localhost:5001"]}' http://localhost:5000/nodes/register


curl http://localhost:5000/nodes/resolve










时间: 2024-07-29 04:53:59



有意思的基础知识 Impls & Traits实现与特征 我之前说到的struct结构体,其实就类似于面向对象语言中的类class. 但这个struct,并没有定义方法或函数. 那要怎么办呢? Rust用关键词impls(实现)来定义struct和enum的方法或函数. 而trait(特征),类似于面向对象语言中的接口interface. 特征,是用来定义要实现的方法,一个类型可以有多个特征.特征可以有默认实现函数,这个默认函数可以在运行时重写. 我们来看看代码: 1.没有trait特征的imp


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