Wall POJ - 1113 (凸包周长)





时间: 2024-08-04 17:05:27

Wall POJ - 1113 (凸包周长)的相关文章

poj 1113 凸包周长

Wall Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 33888   Accepted: 11544 Description Once upon a time there was a greedy King who ordered his chief Architect to build a wall around the King's castle. The King was so greedy, that he w

POJ 1113 凸包模板题

上模板. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <map> #include

Wall - POJ 1113(求凸包)

题目大意:给N个点,然后要修建一个围墙把所有的点都包裹起来,但是要求围墙距离所有的点的最小距离是L,求出来围墙的长度. 分析:如果没有最小距离这个条件那么很容易看出来是一个凸包,然后在加上一个最小距离L,那么就是在凸包外延伸长度为L,如下图,很明显可以看出来多出来的长度就是半径为L的圆的周长,所以总长度就是凸包的周长+半径为L的圆的周长. 代码如下: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

POJ 1113 Wall(Graham求凸包周长)

题目链接 题意 : 求凸包周长+一个完整的圆周长. 因为走一圈,经过拐点时,所形成的扇形的内角和是360度,故一个完整的圆. 思路 : 求出凸包来,然后加上圆的周长 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <string.h> 3 #include <iostream> 4 #include <cmath> 5 #include <algorithm> 6 7 const double PI = acos(-1.0) ;

poj 1113 Wall(标准的凸包果题)

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1113 Description Once upon a time there was a greedy King who ordered his chief Architect to build a wall around the King's castle. The King was so greedy, that he would not listen to his Architect's proposals to build

poj 1113 Wall (凸包模板题)

Wall Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 32808   Accepted: 11137 Description Once upon a time there was a greedy King who ordered his chief Architect to build a wall around the King's castle. The King was so greedy, that he w

【POJ 1113】 Wall (凸包)

[POJ 1113] Wall 给n个点 连出一个凸包 然后在凸包外筑墙 要求墙与凸包每一处的距离都>=l 问需要建的最短的墙长 乍一看挺难 画画图就能看出来 凸包外建距离l的墙 其实就是在凸包每个顶点处 以顶点为圆心 做半径为l的弧 做到两侧半径与点的两边平行即可 然后把这些弧都用直线衔接 就是最短墙长 这样还不好求 呢把弧拿出来呢 其实就相当于把整个凸包作为一个点 以该点为圆心 l为半径做了个圆 这样弧的总长就是2*PI*l 那剩下的就是直线 平移下来其实就是凸包的周长 然后卷包裹法或者扫描

POJ 1113 || HDU 1348: wall(凸包问题)

传送门: POJ:点击打开链接 HDU:点击打开链接 下面是POJ上的题: Wall Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 29121   Accepted: 9746 Description Once upon a time there was a greedy King who ordered his chief Architect to build a wall around the King's cast

POJ 1113 Wall (凸包)

题目地址:POJ 1113 先求出凸包的周长,然后剩下的弧合起来一定是个半径为l的圆,然后再加上以l为半径的圆的周长即可. 代码如下: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <