




第一种方法Huang L.-K et al.参考代码:

// Implements Huang‘s fuzzy thresholding method
// Uses Shannon‘s entropy function (one can also use Yager‘s entropy function)
// Huang L.-K. and Wang M.-J.J. (1995) "Image Thresholding by Minimizing
// the Measures of Fuzziness" Pattern Recognition, 28(1): 41-51 M. Emre Celebi  06.15.2007
// Ported to ImageJ plugin by G. Landini from E Celebi‘s fourier_0.8 routines

int HuangLKThreshold(int* data){
    int threshold=-1;
    int ih, it;
    int first_bin;
    int last_bin;
    int sum_pix;
    int num_pix;
    double term;
    double ent;  // entropy
    double min_ent; // min entropy
    double mu_x;

    /* Determine the first non-zero bin */
    for (ih = 0; ih < 256; ih++ ) {
        if ( data[ih] != 0 ) {
            first_bin = ih;

    /* Determine the last non-zero bin */
    for (ih = 255; ih >= first_bin; ih-- ) {
        if ( data[ih] != 0 ){
            last_bin = ih;
    term = 1.0 / ( double ) ( last_bin - first_bin );
    double mu_0[256]={0.0};
    sum_pix = num_pix = 0;
    for ( ih = first_bin; ih < 256; ih++ ){
        sum_pix += ih * data[ih];
        num_pix += data[ih];
        /* NUM_PIX cannot be zero ! */
        mu_0[ih] = sum_pix / ( double ) num_pix;

    double mu_1[256]={0.0};
    sum_pix = num_pix = 0;
    for ( ih = last_bin; ih > 0; ih-- ){
        sum_pix += ih * data[ih];
        num_pix += data[ih];
        /* NUM_PIX cannot be zero ! */
        mu_1[ih - 1] = sum_pix / ( double ) num_pix;

    /* Determine the threshold that minimizes the fuzzy entropy */
    threshold = -1;
    min_ent = 65535;
    for ( it = 0; it < 256; it++ ){
        ent = 0.0;
        for ( ih = 0; ih <= it; ih++ ) {
            /* Equation (4) in Ref. 1 */
            mu_x = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + term * abs ( ih - mu_0[it] ) );
            if ( !((mu_x  < 1e-06 ) || ( mu_x > 0.999999))) {
                /* Equation (6) & (8) in Ref. 1 */
                ent += data[ih] * ( -mu_x * log ( mu_x ) - ( 1.0 - mu_x ) * log ( 1.0 - mu_x ) );

        for ( ih = it + 1; ih < 256; ih++ )  {
            /* Equation (4) in Ref. 1 */
            mu_x = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + term * abs ( ih - mu_1[it] ) );
            if ( !((mu_x  < 1e-06 ) || ( mu_x > 0.999999))) {
                /* Equation (6) & (8) in Ref. 1 */
                ent += data[ih] * ( -mu_x * log ( mu_x ) - ( 1.0 - mu_x ) * log ( 1.0 - mu_x ) );
        /* No need to divide by NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS * LOG(2) ! */
        if ( ent < min_ent ){
            min_ent = ent;
            threshold = it;
    return threshold;


// J. M. S. Prewitt and M. L. Mendelsohn, "The analysis of cell images," in
// Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 1035-1053, 1966.
// ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from Antti Niemisto‘s Matlab code (GPL)
// Original Matlab code Copyright (C) 2004 Antti Niemisto
// See http://www.cs.tut.fi/~ant/histthresh/ for an excellent slide presentation
// and the original Matlab code.
// Assumes a bimodal histogram. The histogram needs is smoothed (using a
// running average of size 3, iteratively) until there are only two local maxima.
// j and k
// Threshold t is (j+k)/2.
// Images with histograms having extremely unequal peaks or a broad and
// at valley are unsuitable for this method.

bool BinodalTest(double *y) {
    int len=256;//y.length;
    bool b = false;
    int modes = 0;

    for (int k=1;k<len-1;k++){
        if (y[k-1] < y[k] && y[k+1] < y[k]){
            if (modes>2)  return false;
    if (modes == 2) b = true;
    return b;

int IntermodesThreshold(int *data ) {
    double iHisto[256]={0};
    double tHisto[256]={0};
    int iter =0;
    int threshold=-1;
    for (int i=0; i<256; i++){
        iHisto[i]=(double) data[i];
        tHisto[i] = (double)data[i];

	while (!BinodalTest(iHisto) ){
        //smooth with a 3 point running mean filter
        for (int i=1; i<255; i++)
            tHisto[i]= (iHisto[i-1] + iHisto[i] + iHisto[i+1])/3;
        tHisto[0] = (iHisto[0]+iHisto[1])/3; //0 outside
        tHisto[255] = (iHisto[254]+iHisto[255])/3; //0 outside
        //iHisto = tHisto;
        for(int i=0; i<256; i++){
            iHisto[i] = tHisto[i];
        if (iter>10000)  {
            threshold = -1;
            //IJ.log("Intermodes: threshold not found after 10000 iterations.");
            return threshold;


// C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding algorithms,"
// CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
// The threshold is the mean of the greyscale data
int MeanThreshold(int* data ){
    int threshold = -1;
    double tot=0, sum=0;
    for (int i=0; i<256; i++){
        tot+= data[i];
    threshold =cvFloor(sum/tot);
    return threshold;


IplImage *srcImg = cvLoadImage("test.jpg");
IplImage *grayImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(srcImg), 8, 1);
cvCvtColor(srcImg, grayImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);

int hist_size = 256;
float range_0[] = {0, 256};
float* ranges[] = {range_0};

CvHistogram *hist = cvCreateHist(1, &hist_size, CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1);
cvCalcHist(&grayImg, hist, 0, NULL);
int data[256];
for(int idx = 0; idx < 256; ++idx){
    data[idx] = cvGet1D(hist->bins, idx).val[0];

IplImage *binaryImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(grayImg), 8, 1);
cvThreshold(grayImg, binaryImg, HuangThreshold(data), 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cvShowImage("Huang", binaryImg);

cvThreshold(grayImg, binaryImg, IntermodesThreshold(data), 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cvShowImage("Intermodes", binaryImg);

cvThreshold(grayImg, binaryImg, MeanThreshold(data), 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cvShowImage("Mean", binaryImg);


[1] Huang L.-K. and Wang M.-J.J. (1995) "Image Thresholding by Minimizing the Measures of Fuzziness" Pattern Recognition, 28(1): 41-51 M. Emre Celebi 06.15.2007.

[2] J. M. S. Prewitt and M. L. Mendelsohn, "The analysis of cell images," in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 1035-1053, 1966.

[3]C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding algorithms,"  CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.


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时间: 2024-12-25 01:34:02



图像处理之积分图应用四(基于局部均值的图像二值化算法) 基本原理 均值法,选择的阈值是局部范围内像素的灰度均值(gray mean),该方法的一个变种是用常量C减去均值Mean,然后根据均值实现如下操作: pixel = (pixel > (mean - c)) ? object : background 其中默认情况下参数C取值为0.object表示前景像素,background表示背景像素. 实现步骤 1. 彩色图像转灰度图像 2. 获取灰度图像的像素数据,预计算积分图 3. 根据输入的参数


十三种基于直方图的图像全局二值化算法原理.实现.代码及效果(转) http://www.cnblogs.com/carekee/articles/3643394.html 图像二值化的目的是最大限度的将图象中感兴趣的部分保留下来,在很多情况下,也是进行图像分析.特征提取与模式识别之前的必要的图像预处理过程.这个看似简单的问题,在过去的四十年里受到国内外学者的广泛关注,产生了数以百计的阈值选取方法,但如同其他图像分割算法一样,没有一个现有方法对各种各样的图像都能得到令人满意的结果. 在这些庞大的分


OSTU法图像二值化 [算法说明] Ostu法又叫做最大类间方差法,是一种常用的图像分割算法.基本算法思想是根据初始阈值把图像分为两类,然后计算两类之间的方差,更新阈值,重新计算类间方差,当满足类间方差最大时的阈值,即为所求最佳阈值,具体过程如下: 1,初始化一阈值Th,将图像f(x,y)分为A,B两类: 2,分别计算A,B两类像素集合的均值ua和ub,公式如下: 其中,Na和Nb分别表示集合A,B中的像素个数. 3,计算A,B两类的类间方差,公式如下: 4,将Th从0到255循环,分别计算A,


二值化基本概念:通俗的讲就是把一副彩色图像处理成一副黑白图像,一般是作为后续复杂图像处理操作的预处理. 二值化算法思路:遍历图像的所有像素点,计算每个像素点的灰度值.通过迭代法收敛得到一个最佳阈值,灰度值大于最佳阈值的像素点设为白色,灰度值小于最佳阈值的像素点设为黑色.(我这里的二值化处理结果是,背景是白色,前景是黑色) 迭代法获取最佳阈值思路: 1.设最小灰度值为Gmin,最大灰度值为Gmax,阈值初始化为T(0)=(Gmin+Gmax)/2. 2.以阈值T(k)将图像分割为前景和背景,求出整


#region 二值化02 public Bitmap binaryzation(Bitmap srcBitmap, Bitmap dstBitmap) { int threshold = 0; Byte[,] BinaryArray = ToBinaryArray(srcBitmap, out threshold); dstBitmap = BinaryArrayToBinaryBitmap(BinaryArray); return dstBitmap; } /// <summary> //


在计算机视觉中,对图像进行二值化恐怕是最常见的操作了.为了检测目标,可能需要对每一帧图像的每一个像素点进行运算.如果能提升二值化的速度,那么,你的算法的效率就会大大的提高.本文,将介绍一种超级快速的图像二值化技术. 要解决的问题: 如上图所示,需要把彩色图像中, (1) R通道介于(smoevalue1, somevalue2)(2) G通道介于(somevalue3, somevalue4)(3) B通道介于(somevalue5, somevalue6)当图像中某个像素点同时满足上面3个条件

C# 指针操作图像 二值化处理

/// <summary> /// 二值化图像 /// </summary> /// <param name="bmp"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static unsafe Bitmap Binaryzation(Bitmap bmp) { BitmapData dstData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.W


二值化 hreshold Applies a fixed-level threshold to each array element. C++: double threshold(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double thresh, doublemaxval, int type) Python: cv2.threshold(src, thresh, maxval, type[, dst]) → retval, dst C: double cvThresh


opencv中的图像二值化函数threshold函数 其结构 double cv::threshold( //二值化函数 const CvArr* src, //原始图像 CvArr* dst, //输出图像 double threshold, //阈值 double max_value, //最大值 int threshold_type//阈值类型 ); 实例代码 #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" int main() {