Database Design for Sexbale Forum


March 17, 2015

时间: 2024-08-02 09:42:33

Database Design for Sexbale Forum的相关文章

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Database Design – ITS113Assignment – Asset Management systemThis assignment puts you in a hypothetical, but realistic, scenario where you work on databasedesign intended to support the needs of an organisation. The assignment is divided into threepar

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taiyi_interview(Introduction To Database Refactoring)

Introduction To Database Refactoring 原文链接:by Scott W. Ambler: Published: July 1, 2006 Published in July 2006 Material for this article was modified from Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Desi

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to database (第一章 数据库简介)

Chaper  Objectives  (章节目标) In this chapter you will learn:   (在这一章节中,你将学习) 1. Some common uses of database systems.   (数据库系统的一些普通扩法) 2.The characteristics of file-based systems. (基于文件系统的一些特点.) 3. The problems with the file-based systems.  (基于文件系统拥有的一

Database Overview

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On the development of a new generation of large data distributed relational database initiative

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A Highly Maintainable Design is a Key for coding

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数据库设计(三)11 important database designing rules which I follow

原文地址: 麻辣个??的,好像在哪儿看到过这篇文章的中文版的,世风日下,人心不古啊,各种抄袭啊. 原文的锚点不知道是太长了,还是格式有问题,这里要改一下. Table of Contents Introduction Rule 1: What is the nature of the application (OLTP