AngularJS - Map View

AngularJS is a JavaScirpt web framework amied to make web apps simple to build and easy to maintain.




  - main.css


  - program-or-be-programmed.jpg

  - the-book-of-trees.jpg



    - MainController.js


    - angular-mocks.js

    - angular-route.min.js

    - angular-min.js

  - app.js



Step 1:

In app.js, created a new module named myApp. a module contains the different components of an AngularJS app.

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);

Step 2:

in index.html, <body ng-app="myApp">.

ng-app is a directive, it tells AngularJS that the myApp module will live within the <body> element.

Step 3:

In MainController.js we created a new controller named MainController. A controller manage the app‘s data.

Step 4:

in index.html, added

<div class="main" ng-controller="MainController"> Like ng-app, ng-controller is a directive that defines the controller scope.

Step 5:

Inside <div class="main"> we accessed $scope.tittle using {{title}}.

时间: 2024-12-03 19:35:27

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