
The Yocto Project is an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture. It was founded in 2010 as a collaboration among many hardware manufacturers, open-source operating systems vendors, and electronics companies to bring some order to the chaos of embedded Linux development.

As an open source project, the Yocto Project operates with a hierarchical governance structure based on meritocracy and managed by its chief architect, Richard Purdie, a Linux Foundation fellow. This enables the project to remain independent of any one of its member organizations, who participate in various ways and provide resources to the project.

Why use the Yocto Project? It‘s a complete embedded Linux development environment with tools, metadata, and documentation - everything you need. The free tools are easy to get started with, powerful to work with (including emulation environments, debuggers, an Application Toolkit Generator, etc.) and they allow projects to be carried forward over time without causing you to lose optimizations and investments made during the project’s prototype phase. The Yocto Project fosters community adoption of this open source technology allowing its users to focus on their specific product features and development.

以上,是从官网拿来的,已知的,从它上面发展来的系统有Mentor Embedded Linux,Wind River Linux等,还有freescale一些板子上的 demo 系统也是基于它的。


时间: 2024-08-25 17:04:42



20.27 分发系统介绍 shell项目-分发系统-expect 20.28 expect脚本远程登录 1. 安装expect [[email protected] ~]# yum install -y expect 自动远程登录 2. 创建配置1.expect脚本(远程登录) [[email protected] ~]# vim 1.expect 添加内容(自动远程登录hao2机器并执行命令) #! /usr/bin/expect set host ""


一.yocto 1.yocto简介 Yocto 是一个开源社区通过它提供模版.工具和方法帮助开发者创建基于linux内核的定制系统,支持ARM, PPC, MIPS, x86 (32 & 64 bit)硬件体系架构.Yocto Project?是一个开源的协作软件,提供模板.工具和方法帮创建定制的 Linux 系统和嵌入式产品,而无需关心硬件体系.目是为了使嵌入式 Linux? 开发更简单,更易于在不同架构间进行移植.适合嵌入式Linux开发人员使用.极大地简化你的开发过程,因为你不用再从头裁剪

Yocto tips (15): Yocto中的包管理器

使用包管理器 在local.conf中使能就可以: 然后编译后就会有rpm包了: 配置文件server 能够使用ngix和apache.可是我们也能够仅仅用使用python: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 打开浏览器能够看到: 在机器上面查看包的status smart status 在机器上面配置channel 对于rpm使用的smart工具,加入channel: smart channel --add all type=rpm-md baseurl=http://19


1.yocto中的概念 1.1 metadata set 即为元数据,系统以分层的方式区别元数据. 1.2 swabber 检测主机系统是否正常的机制. 1.3 application development toolkit(ADT) 一套开发工具链 1.4 autoBuilder 一个能够不断自动构建yocto的工具 1.5 BitBake 生成最终镜像文件的一个构建引擎. 1.6 hob 是 BitBake的图形界面 1.7 build appliance 运行hob的虚拟机 1.8 cro

Freescale L3.14.52_1.1.0 yocto build

1. Refer to<Freescale_Yocto_Project_User's Guide.pdf>,该文档需对应L3.14.52_1.1.0 5.6.5 Restarting a build environment:如果新的终端被打开或者是machine重启,那么需要参照这个 执行$build-x11 bitbake fsl-image-gui时候, 报错: OE-core's config sanity checker detected a potential misconfigur


选了freescale的一块板子,结果发现要用yocto开发,网上一搜攻略,汗-,少的可怜! 7年前开发android系统做了先驱,现在看来又要做先烈了,开了一个交流群,欢迎爱好者和开发者一起交流,转载请注明出处. QQ群:519230208,为避免广告骚扰,申请时请注明 “开发者” 字样 ======================================================== 伪代码 ——>>>>>>>>>>>&g

yocto bitbake 编译u-boot kernel

1.u-boot <进入 …-yocto> bitbake -c cleansstate u-boot   (两个s) bitbake -c patch u-boot    (如此才可以从本地编译,不从网上fetch代码) <进入…-release> bitbake -e u-boot |grep ^S=     (获得u-boot代码路径,进入后可修改) <修改完成,进入release> source SOURCE_THIS bitbake -c compile -f


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