策略模式(strategy): 定义算法家族,分别封装起来,让这些算法直接可以相互替换,我们可以自由添加或者修改算法而不会影响客户.
#ifndef STRATEGY_H #define STRATEGY_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; class CashSuper { friend class CashContext; protected: virtual double acceptCash(double money) = 0; }; /*工厂模式 class CashContext { CashSuper *cs; public: CashContext(CashSuper *cashs) :cs(cashs){} void operator =(CashSuper * re) { cs = re; } double GetResult(double money) { return cs->acceptCash(money); } };*/ class CashContext { CashSuper *cs; char StrategyType; public: CashContext(){} CashContext(char &SType); void operator =(char &SType); double GetResult(double money) { if (cs == NULL){ cout << "The strategy is unfind."; return -1; } return cs->acceptCash(money); } }; class CashNormal:public CashSuper { //friend class CashContext; public: double acceptCash(double money) { return money; } }; class CashRebate:public CashSuper { //friend class CashContext; double Rebate; public: CashRebate(double discount) :Rebate(discount){} double acceptCash(double money) { return money*Rebate; } }; class CashReturn :public CashSuper { //friend class CashContext; double baseCash,returnCash; public: CashReturn(double baseC,double returnC) :baseCash(baseC),returnCash(returnC) {} double acceptCash(double money) { if (money >= baseCash) return money - returnCash; return money; } }; CashContext::CashContext(char &SType) :StrategyType(SType) { switch (StrategyType) { case('a') : case('A') : cs = new CashNormal; break; case('b') : case('B') : cs = new CashRebate(0.8); break; case('c') : case('C') : cs = new CashReturn(1000, 200); break; default: cs = NULL; break; } } void CashContext::operator =(char &SType) { StrategyType = SType; switch (StrategyType) { case('a') : case('A') : cs = new CashNormal; break; case('b') : case('B') : cs = new CashRebate(0.8); break; case('c') : case('C') : cs = new CashReturn(1000, 200); break; default: cs = NULL; break; } } #endif
#include"strategy.h" int main() { double ShouldPay = 1520; /* 简单工厂模式的实现,下面的三种策略的细节暴露在客户端 CashNormal cashn; CashRebate cashrb(0.95); CashReturn cashrt(1000, 200); CashContext cashC(&cashn); cout << "The real pay is : " << cashC.GetResult(ShouldPay) << endl; cashC=&cashrb; cout << "The real pay is : " << cashC.GetResult(ShouldPay) << endl; cashC=&cashrt; cout << "The real pay is : " << cashC.GetResult(ShouldPay) << endl; */ //下面实现的是用策略模式实现的,其付款细节在客户端是不可见的,如果要添加或者删除策略 //我们可以在strategy.h中添加该策略类,然后把这个类添加到CashContext中实现,这样在客户端 //很少要修改信息,实现细节的隐藏 cout << "Please enter the strategy type,'a' or 'A' instand the normalcash ,\n" << "'b' or 'B' instand the rebatecash, 'c' or 'C' instand the returncash.\n"; char type; CashContext cashC; while (cin >> type) { cashC = type; cout << "The real pay is : " << cashC.GetResult(ShouldPay) << endl; } return 0; }
时间: 2025-01-03 00:51:41