Codeforces Round #286 (Div. 2)A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift(暴力,string的应用)



using namespace std;
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define LL long long int
const int eps=1e-8;
const int INF=1000000000;
const int maxn=0;
bool yes(string ss)
    string ss2=ss;
    return ss==ss2;
string sstr,ans;
int main()
    int n=sstr.length();
    for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
        for(char ch=‘a‘;ch<=‘z‘;ch++)
                return 0;
    return 0;

Codeforces Round #286 (Div. 2)A. Mr. Kitayuta's Gift(暴力,string的应用)

时间: 2024-10-19 17:43:51

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