

36.Which two statements are true regarding the functionality of the remap command in ASMCMD? (Choose two.)
A. It repairs blocks that have read disk I/O errors.
B. It checks whether the alias metadata directory and the file directory are linked correctly.
C. It repairs blocks by always reading them from the mirror copy and writing them to the original location.
D. It reads the blocks from a good copy of an ASM mirror and rewrites them to an alternate location on disk if the blocks on the original location cannot be read properly.


37.During the installation of Oracle Database 11g, you do not set ORACLE_BASE explicitly.
You selected the option to create a database as part of the installation.
How would this environment variable setting affect the installation?
A. The installation terminates with an error.
B. The installation proceeds with the default value without warnings and errors.
C. The installation proceeds with the default value but it would not be an OFA-compliant database.
D. The installation proceeds with the default value but a message would be generated in the alert log file.


38.The SQL Tuning Advisor configuration has default settings in your database instance.
Which recommendation is automatically implemented after the SQL Tuning Advisor is run as part of the automatic maintenance task?
A. statistics recommendations
B. SQL Profile recommendations
C. Index-related recommendations
D. restructuring of SQL recommendations

39、View the Exhibit to examine the Automatic SQL Tuning result details. Which action would you suggest for the selected SQL statement in the Exhibit?

A. Accept the recommended SQL profile.
B. Collect statistics for the related objects.
C. Run the Access Advisor for the SQL statement.
D. Run the Segment Advisor for recommendations.


40.Evaluate the following code:
SQL>VARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255); SQL>VARIABLE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000);
SQL>BEGIN :sql_stmt := ‘SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers
WHERE cust_state_province =‘‘CA‘‘‘;
:task_name := ‘MY_QUICKTUNE_TASK‘;
:task_name, :sql_stmt);
What is the outcome of this block of code?
A. It creates a task and workload, and executes the task.
B. It creates a task and workload but does not execute the task.
C. It produces an error because a template has not been created.
D. It produces an error because the SQL Tuning Set has not been created.
时间: 2024-08-08 01:25:42



396. 396.Which of the following are not fundamental tasks of the Support Workbench? (Choose all that apply.) A. View long-running SQL workloads B. View problem details C. Gather additional diagnostic information D. Create a Service Request E. Clean u


386. 386.You have just performed a FLASHBACK TABLE operation using the following command: flashback table employees to scn 123456; The employees table has triggers associated with it. Which of the following statements is true regarding the state of t


186. 186.What is the purpose of the RMAN recovery catalog? (Choose all that apply.) A. Make backups faster B. Store RMAN metadata C. Store RMAN scripts D. Provide the ability to do centralized backup reporting. E. Make recovery faster 187. 187.RMAN p


136. 136.You issued the following command to mount the DATA disk group in restricted mode: ALTER DISKGROUP data MOUNT RESTRICT; What is the implication of this command? A. The client RDBMS instance can access the file as a read-only file. B. A new di


286. 286.The Oracle Database 11g database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. The archived redo log files are stored on three locations. The Flash Recovery Area is one of the locations. The details are given below: LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = 'LOCATION = /di


336. 336.You want to make sure that your database backup does not exceed 10 hours in length. What command would you issue that would meet this condition? A. backup database plus archivelog; B. backup database plus archivelog until time 10:00; C. back


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我们为大家将数据库连接整理成了最重要的8个步骤,我戏称它为:"数据库连接天龙八步". 这八个步骤如下,并且将每一步使用的函数都做了说明: 第一步:  连接数据库服务器 类型 说明 函数 mysqli_connect 功能 连接到mysql数据库服务器 参数1 主机 参数2 数据库服务器登陆名 参数3 密码 参数4 数据库的名称 参数5 数据库服务器端口不填默认3306 若参数4,数据库名称在此步已填并择,不需要执行第三步. 第二步:  判断错误 类型 说明 函数 mysqli_errn

八幅漫画理解使用 JSON Web Token 设计单点登录系统

原文出处: John Wu 上次在<JSON Web Token – 在Web应用间安全地传递信息>中我提到了JSON Web Token可以用来设计单点登录系统.我尝试用八幅漫画先让大家理解如何设计正常的用户认证系统,然后再延伸到单点登录系统. 如果还没有阅读<JSON Web Token – 在Web应用间安全地传递信息>,我强烈建议你花十分钟阅读它,理解JWT的生成过程和原理. 用户认证八步走 所谓用户认证(Authentication),就是让用户登录,并且在接下来的一段时