Hadoop之——cygwin+ssh及启动ssh服务失败、ssh localhost失败的解决方案





在vm win2k3里安装cygwin环境,虚拟机上不了外网,所以就在我的工作机上下载了一个cygwin的安装包,完整的,640M。









1)  添加环境变量CYGWIN和path。

2)  授权。
chmod +r /etc/group
chmod +r /etc/passwd
chmod +rwx /var
3)  安装sshd服务
$ ssh-host-config      # 引导SSH服务配置

*** Info: Generating /etc/ssh_host_key

*** Info: Generating /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key

*** Info: Generating /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key

*** Info: Creating default /etc/ssh_configfile

*** Info: Creating default /etc/sshd_configfile

*** Info: Privilege separation is set toyes by default since OpenSSH 3.3.

*** Info: However, this requires anon-privileged account called ‘sshd‘.

*** Info: For more info on privilegeseparation read /usr/share/doc/openssh/READ


*** Query: Should privilege separation beused? (yes/no) yes  #输入yes

*** Info: Updating /etc/sshd_config file

*** Warning: The following functionsrequire administrator privileges!

*** Query: Do you want to install sshd as aservice?

*** Query: (Say "no" if it isalready installed as a service) (yes/no) yes #输入yes

*** Info: Note that the CYGWIN variablemust contain at least "ntsec"

*** Info: for sshd to be able to changeuser context without password.

*** Query: Enter the value of CYGWIN forthe daemon: [ntsec] ntsec  #输入ntsec

*** Info: On Windows Server 2003, WindowsVista, and above, the

*** Info: SYSTEM account cannot setuid toother users -- a capability

*** Info: sshd requires.  You need to have or to create a privileged

*** Info: account.  This script will help you do so.

*** Info: You appear to be running Windows2003 Server or later.  On 2003 and

*** Info: later systems, it‘s not possibleto use the LocalSystem account

*** Info: for services that can change theuser id without an explicit password

*** Info: (such as passwordless logins[e.g. public key authentication] via sshd).

*** Info: If you want to enable thatfunctionality, it‘s required to create a new

*** Info: account with special privileges(unless a similar account already exists).

*** Info: This account is then used to runthese special servers.

*** Info: Note that creating a new userrequires that the current account have

*** Info: Administrator privileges itself.

*** Info: No privileged account could befound.

*** Info: This script plans to use‘cyg_server‘.

*** Info: ‘cyg_server‘ will only be used byregistered services.

*** Query: Do you want to use a differentname? (yes/no) no  #输入no,不指定启动用户

*** Query: Create new privileged useraccount ‘cyg_server‘? (yes/no) no  #输入no,不指定启动用户

*** ERROR: There was a serious problemcreating a privileged user.

*** Query: Do you want to proceed anyway?(yes/no) yes  #输入yes

*** Warning: Expected privileged user‘cyg_server‘ does not exist.

*** Warning: Defaulting to ‘SYSTEM‘

*** Info: The sshd service has beeninstalled under the LocalSystem

*** Info: account (also known as SYSTEM).To start the service now, call

*** Info: `net start sshd‘ or `cygrunsrv -Ssshd‘.  Otherwise, it

*** Info: will start automatically afterthe next reboot.

*** Info: Host configuration finished. Havefun!

4)  Net start sshd # 启动 SSH服务
5)  注意: 使用 windows 用户本地认证

mkpasswd-l > /etc/passwd  使用windows 用户的密码
mkgroup -l > /etc/group    使用windows 用户组
6)  启动完成之后ssh [email protected]提示输入密码,输入正确的密码,可以成功登陆,则ssh配置成功。


Q:安装的时候出现如下错误Error installing a service: OpenService: Win32 error 1073:



Q: cygrunsrv -Ssshd不能启动,报告

cygrunsrv: Error starting a service:QueryServiceStatus: Win32 error 1062:

The service has not been started.

A: 很可能是/var/log的权限设置不正确。首先执行mkpasswd和 mkgroup

$ mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd
$ mkgroup -l > /etc/group
$ cygrunsrv -R sshd
$ ssh-host-config -y
$ cygrunsrv -S sshd
时间: 2024-08-25 15:23:55

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一,查看版本[[email protected] ~]# ssh -VOpenSSH_5.3p1, OpenSSL 1.0.0-fips 29 Mar 2010                    表明该系统正在使用OpenSSHssh -V ssh: SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial version) on i686-pc-linux-gnu    表明该系统正在使用SSH2 二,首次使用当你第一次使用ssh登录远程主机时,会出现没有找到主机密