SQL2043N 与 linux的randomize_va_space特性



[[email protected] ~]$ db2 ? SQL2043N

SQL2043N  Unable to start a child process or thread.
Unable to start up the child processes or threads required during the
processing of a database utility. There may not be enough available
memory to create the new process or thread. The utility stops
User response:
Ensure the system limit for number of processes or threads has not been
reached (either increase the limit or reduce the number of processes or
threads already running). Ensure that there is sufficient memory for the
new process or thread. Resubmit the utility command  

从描述看好像是数据库在申请内存的时候失败,但是内存应该很充裕 ,redhat4.6的时候是16G,升级到redhat5.5


中发现组内其他系统也会偶尔出现SQL2043N,看来这似乎并不是一个偶尔现象 ,晚上就回家百度一下 SQL2043N,获得


ASLR or Address Space Layout Randomization is a feature that is activated by default on some of the newer linux distributions. It is designed to load shared memory objects in random addresses.

In DB2, multiple processes map a shared memory object at the same address across the processes. It was found that DB2 cannot guarantee the availability of address for the shared memory object when ASLR is turned on.

Important note: DB2 10.1 has been enhanced so that ASLR can be safely enabled.
This conflict in the address space means that a process trying to attach a shared memory object to a specific address may not be able to do so, resulting in a failure in shmat subroutine. However, on subsequent retry (using a new process) the shared memory attachment may work. The result is a random set of failures. Some processes that have been known to see this error are: db2pd, db2egcf, and db2vend.
Some of the behaviors seen include the following:
For the db2pd command, it will report no data found even through the instance / database is active:
Database SAMPLE not activated on database partition 0.

For the db2egcf process, used for HA monitoring, the db2egcf may incorrectly determine the instance is down and initiate a failover.

For the db2vend process, backup and log archive methods might fail with an error indicating a child process could not be started:
SQL2043N  Unable to start a child process or thread.  

Diagnosing the problem
When this problem is suspected, check db2diag.log for the shmat failure like the following. Note that the same error message can also occur for a different cause. Hence, it's important to note the process that reported this error.

FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlocshr, probe:180
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F0005=-2062614523=SQLO_NOSEG
          "No Storage Available for allocation"
          DIA8305C Memory allocation failure occurred.
CALLED  : OS, -, shmat                    OSERR: EINVAL (22)
Resolving the problem
1) Disable ASLR temporarily (change is only effective until next boot):
Run "sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0" as root.

2) Disable ASLR immediately and on all subsequent reboots:

Add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:
and then run "sysctl -p" as root to make the change take effect immediately.  

大致意思就是LINUX的内存随机化地址特性导致DB2进程不能正确的attach到一个 shared memory object ,那么linux为什么要开启这种特性?

在百度 randomize_va_space 关键字:

Linux Kernel引入了地址空间布局随机化的概念,该概念的提出是出于安全考虑。试想如果堆栈空间的地址都是确定的,那么恶意代码就很容易



在/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space中的值如果为0则表示关闭所有的随机化,如果为1,表示打开mmap base、栈、VDSO页面随机化,如果


了解这些之后突然想起在平时使用db2pd时候,也会出现SQL2043N,然后在运行一次就正常了,因为db2pd通过attach db2共享内存来获得数据库



时间: 2024-10-06 08:05:01

SQL2043N 与 linux的randomize_va_space特性的相关文章


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1. 简述systemd的新特性及unit常见类型分析,能够实现编译安装的如nginx\apache实现通过systemd来管理 Systemd的新特性: 系统引导时实现服务并行启动: 按需激活进程: 系统状态快照: 基于依赖关系定义服务控制逻辑: 核心概念:unit unit由其相关配置文件进行标识.识别和配置:文件中主要包含了系统服务.监听的socket.保存的快照以及其它与init相关的信息: 这些配置文件主要保存在: /usr/lib/systemd/system /run/system


一.Linux操作系统说明 1.主流的Linux发行版 Linux发行版有数百种之多,常见的版本有以下几种: 1)RedHat:中国和美洲流行 Redhat 9.0个人版2003年停止更新àFedora Core:6个月更新一次 RedHat Enterprise Linux: RHEL --->社区版CentOS: Community ENTerprise OS 2)Slackware 版本 SuSE(商业.开源两种)--->欧洲流行 SLES:SuSE的商业版 OpenSuSE :SuSE


1.简述systemd的新特性及unit常见类型分析,能够实现编译安装的如nginx\apache实现通过systemd来管理Systemd的新特性: 系统引导时实现服务并行启动: 按需激活进程: 系统状态快照: 基于依赖关系定义服务控制逻辑: 核心概念:unit unit由其相关的配置文件进行标识.识别和配置:文件中主要包含了系统服务.监听的socket.保存的快照以及其他与init相关的信息: /usr/lib/system /run/systemd/system /etc/systemd/


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linux bash基本特性

一.bash 基础特性 (1)命令历史的功能 history: 环境变量 HISTSIZE:命令历史记录的条数 HISTFILE: ~/.bash_history 每个用户都有自己独立的命令历史文件 HSTFILESIZE:命令历史文件记录历史的条数 history -d OFFSET:删除命令历史第几条 history -c:清空命令历史 history #:显示最近#条命令历史 history -a:手动增加当前会话缓冲区的命令至命令历史文件中 调用历史中的命令: !#:重复执行命令历史中第

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