How to improve Java's I/O performance( 提升 java i/o 性能)


JDK 1.0.2 的 包暴露了很多I/O性能问题,这里将介绍一个优化方案,附加一个关闭同步的方法。

Java的I/O性能曾经是很多Java应用的瓶颈,主要原因就是JDK1.0.2的java.io包的不良设计和实现。关键问题是缓冲,绝大多数java.io中的类都未做缓冲。事实上,只有BufferedInputStream 和 BufferedOutputStream两个类做了缓冲,但他们提供的方法有限。例如,在大多数涉及文件操作的应用中,你需要逐行解析一个文件。但是唯一提供了readLine方法的类是DataInputStream,可是它却没有内部缓冲。DataInputStream的readLine方法其实是从输入流中逐个读取字符直到遇到
“n” 或 “rn”字符。每个读取字符操作都涉及到一次文件I/O。这在读取一个大文件时是极其低效的。没有缓冲的情况下一个5兆字节的文件就需要至少5百万次读取字符的文件I/O操作。


How to tackle the I/O problem

To tackle the problem of inefficient file I/O, we need a buffered RandomAccessFile class. A new class is derived from the RandomAccessFile class, in order to reuse all the methods in it. The new class is named Braf(Bufferedrandomaccessfile).



 public class Braf extends RandomAccessFile {


For efficiency reasons, we define a byte buffer instead of char buffer. The variables buf_end, buf_pos, and real_pos are used to record the effective positions on the buffer:

byte buffer[];

int buf_end = 0;

int buf_pos = 0;

long real_pos = 0;


A new constructor is added with an additional parameter to specify the size of the buffer:

public Braf(String filename, String mode, int bufsize)
   throws IOException{
    BUF_SIZE = bufsize;
    buffer = new byte[BUF_SIZE];


The new read method is written such that it always reads from the buffer first. It overrides the native read method in the original class, which is never engaged until the buffer has run out of room. In that case, the fillBuffer method is called to fill
in the buffer. In fillBuffer, the original read is invoked. The private method invalidateis used to indicate that the buffer no longer contains valid contents. This is necessary when the seek method moves the file pointer out of the buffer.

public final int read() throws IOException{
    if(buf_pos >= buf_end) {
       if(fillBuffer() < 0)
       return -1;
    if(buf_end == 0) {
         return -1;
    } else {
         return buffer[buf_pos++];
  private int fillBuffer() throws IOException {
    int n =, 0, BUF_SIZE);
    if(n >= 0) {
      real_pos +=n;
      buf_end = n;
      buf_pos = 0;
    return n;
  private void invalidate() throws IOException {
    buf_end = 0;
    buf_pos = 0;
    real_pos = super.getFilePointer();

另一个参数化的读取方法也被重载,代码如下。如果缓冲足够的话,它就会调用System.arraycopy 方法直接从缓冲中拷贝一部分到用户区。这个也能显著提升性能,因为getNextLine方法中read()方法被大量使用,getNextLine也是readLine的替代品。

The other parameterized read method also is overridden. The code for the new read is listed below. If there is enough buffer, it will simply call System.arraycopy to copy a portion of the buffer directly into the user-provided area. This presents the most
significant performance gain because the read method is heavily used in the getNextLine method, which is our replacement for readLine.

public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
   int leftover = buf_end - buf_pos;
   if(len <= leftover) {
             System.arraycopy(buffer, buf_pos, b, off, len);
        buf_pos += len;
        return len;
   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      int c =;
      if(c != -1)
         b[off+i] = (byte)c;
      else {
         return i;
   return len;


The original methods getFilePointer and seek need to be overridden as well in order to take advantage of the buffer. Most of time, both methods will simply operate inside the buffer.

public long getFilePointer() throws IOException{
    long l = real_pos;
    return (l - buf_end + buf_pos) ;
  public void seek(long pos) throws IOException {
    int n = (int)(real_pos - pos);
    if(n >= 0 && n <= buf_end) {
      buf_pos = buf_end - n;
    } else {;


Most important, a new method, getNextLine, is added to replace the readLine method. We can not simply override the readLine method because it is defined as final in the original class. The getNextLine method first decides if the buffer still contains unread
contents. If it doesn‘t, the buffer needs to be filled up. If the new line delimiter can be found in the buffer, then a new line is read from the buffer and converted into String. Otherwise, it will simply call the read method to read byte by byte. Although
the code of the latter portion is similar to the original readLine, performance is better here because the read method is buffered in the new class

   * return a next line in String
  public final String getNextLine() throws IOException {
   String str = null;
   if(buf_end-buf_pos <= 0) {
      if(fillBuffer() < 0) {
                throw new IOException("error in filling buffer!");
   int lineend = -1;
   for(int i = buf_pos; i < buf_end; i++) {
        if(buffer[i] == ‘\n‘) {
         lineend = i;
   if(lineend < 0) {
        StringBuffer input = new StringBuffer(256);
        int c;
             while (((c = read()) != -1) && (c != ‘\n‘)) {
        if ((c == -1) && (input.length() == 0)) {
          return null;
        return input.toString();
   if(lineend > 0 && buffer[lineend-1] == ‘\r‘)
        str = new String(buffer, 0, buf_pos, lineend - buf_pos -1);
   else str = new String(buffer, 0, buf_pos, lineend - buf_pos);
   buf_pos = lineend +1;
   return str;



除了I/O,另一个拖累Java性能的因素是同步,大体上,同步方法的成本大约是普通方法的6倍。如果你在写一个没有多线程的应用,或者是一个应用中肯定只会单线程运行的部分,你不需要做任何同步声明。当前,Java还没有机制来关闭同步。一个非正规的方法是拿到源码,去掉同步声明然后创建一个新类。例如,BufferedInputStream中两个read方法都是同步的,因为其他I/O方法都依赖它们。你可以在JavaSoft的JDK 1.1中拷贝 源码,创建一个新的NewBIS类,删掉同步声明,重新编译

With the new Braf class, we have experienced at least 25 times performance improvement over RandomAccessFile when a large file needs to be parsed line by line. The method described here also applies to other places where intensive file I/O operations are

Synchronization turn-off: An extra tip

Another factor responsible for slowing down Java‘s performance, besides the I/O problem discussed above, is the synchronized statement. Generally, the overhead of a synchronized method is about 6 times that of a conventional method. If you are writing an application
without multithreading -- or a part of an application in which you know for sure that only one thread is involved -- you don‘t need anything to be synchronized. Currently, there is no mechanism in Java to turn off synchronization. A simple trick is to get
the source code of a class, remove synchronized statements, and generate a new class. For example, in BufferedInputStream, both read methods are synchronized, whereas all other I/O methods depend on them. You can simply rename the class to NewBIS,for example,
copy the source code from provided by JavaSoft‘s JDK 1.1, remove synchronized statements from, and recompile NewBIS.

How to improve Java's I/O performance( 提升 java i/o 性能)

时间: 2024-10-29 03:09:11

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