Supporting Python 3(支持python3)——关于本书


这本书书是源码在GitHub[5]上的开放性的书,所以任何人都可以给本书提供贡献(在湖闻樟译注: 原文提供pdf版,购买价格可以自定,有条件的话建议扶持下)。作者和编辑是Lennart Regebro,以及以后贡献者将列在这里。

这本书是在reStructuredText[1],里写的,使用Sphinx[2]和LaTeX[3] 排版 以及使用CreateSpace[4].印刷。各部分的字体:TeX Gyre Schola主体文本, DejaVu Sans Mono 代码 以及Flux Bold 标题。

封面来自 Emmanuel “Tambako” Keller,


Lennart Regebro(在湖闻樟注:作者)想要感谢下面这些为了更本提供帮助的人:

Andreas Braukmann, Nicholas Coghlan, Paul Everitt, Cris Ewing, Luca Fabbri, Russell Ferriday, Patrick Gerken, Janko Hauser, Domen Ko?ar, Baptiste Mispelon, Alexander Pilz,Johannes Raggam, Luciano Ramalho, Matt Russell, Christian Theune, Sébastien VerboisIan Watt 慷慨地捐赠使本书拥有了一个社区的努力。

Brett Cannon 写了前言。

Martin von L?wis 用他的技术审查了本书并提供了不可或缺的反馈,以及像Distribute 和 zope.interface这些在支持python3早期提供了很多帮助的人们。

Godefroid Chapelle, Jasper SpaansWyn Williams 对本书的内容,语法和错误的审查。

Brandon Craig Rhodes 当本书还是在Python Magazine上的一个想法时编写了第一章。

A note on terminology

The process of switching to Python 3 is most often called “porting”. The first two editions of this book was also called “Porting to Python 3”. However, this gave the false impression that this was a lot of work, and that Python 3 was “a different language” than Python 2. Although moving to Python 3 can be hard work, for the most time it is not, and as Python 2.5 and Python 3.2 are rapidly falling out of use, it gets even easier.

For that reason, I changed the name of the book to “Supporting Python 3” as this better reflects the effort. It’s not porting, the vast majority of your code will work with no changes, or changes that can be done automatically with 2to3.

I have tried to avoid using the word “porting” in the text as a part of this.




时间: 2024-10-14 03:46:37

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