pycharm templates 设置

1、File-Settings-Editor-File Code Templates 配置Python Script模板文件;


  • ${PROJECT_NAME} - the name of the current project.
  • ${NAME} - the name of the new file which you specify in the New File dialog box during the file creation.
  • ${USER} - the login name of the current user.
  • ${DATE} - the current system date.
  • ${TIME} - the current system time.
  • ${YEAR} - the current year.
  • ${MONTH} - the current month.
  • ${DAY} - the current
  • day of the month.
  • ${HOUR} - the current hour.
  • ${MINUTE} - the current minute.
  • ${PRODUCT_NAME} - the name of the IDE in which the file will be created.
  • ${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} - the first 3 letters of the month name. Example: Jan, Feb, etc.
  • ${MONTH_NAME_FULL} - full name of a month. Example: January, February, etc.


时间: 2024-10-30 23:35:39

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PyCharm 常用设置

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特别说明:pycharm中的设置是可以导入和导出的,file>export settings可以保存当前pycharm中的设置为jar文件,重装时可以直接import settings>jar文件,就不用重复配置了. (1)pyCharm风格(配色方案)的调整,可以在:[File]-->[Settings] 的 Editor的子选项里进行设置. (2)设置编辑器“颜色与字体”主题 File -> Settings -> IDE Settings -> Editor -&


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