DKLang Translation Editor


  • Translation using a dictionary (so-called Translation Repository).
  • Automatic tracking of source and translation mismatches. A difference log is generated when you open a project. This log shows you added and deleted entries as compared to the language source file. New entries can then be automatically translated with the Translation Repository.
  • An extra translation file for displaying strings can be used. For example, when you translate into Ukrainian it would be more convenient to use Russian as a reference rather than English, given a Russian translation is already available.
  • Find and Replace functions.
  • Any item in the translation tree can be bookmarked and navigated to later.


The main program window.

The Open language files dialog.

The Differences found dialog.

The Find & Replace dialog.

The Replace prompt dialog.

The Translation properties dialog.

The Program settings dialog.

时间: 2024-08-10 01:07:24

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