Governments are demanding backdoor access to encrypted data - particularly on mobile devices and in the cloud - as strong encryption becomes commonplace. Governments fear going dark with encryption hindering criminal and national security investigations. Privacy advocates have opposed backdoors since the 1990s and the battle is heating up again, this time on a global scale. Backdoors have also been criticized as making systems inherently less secure. Current proposals, such as key escrow, split-key systems, and account mirroring, are complicated and difficult to implement securely. We provide a background on end-to-end encryption, a techno-political history of backdoors, and an update on the current state of affairs. We explore various options for working around end-to-end encryption, focusing on implementation details and potential weakness due to administrative failure in procedures to request and obtain access and technical attacks on the implementation. We conclude with proposals to answer the lingering question of whether there is a solution that does not weaken encryption systems or mandate technological designs while still enabling limited government access to secure communications.
时间: 2024-10-01 17:46:01
引言 据权威组织调查结果显示,项目的成功与失败与项目的需求息息相关.高效的需求管理有助于降低由于需求原因导致的项目失败风险,提高项目成功的几率.随着人们对需求管理认识水平的不断提高,越来越多的企业开始重视需求管理领域.同样,由于商业价值的驱动,也推动了商业化需求管理支撑工具的诞生.其中,本次文章的主角-DOORS就是这样一款出色的商业化的需求管理工具. 背景 DOORS,全称 "Dynamic Object Oriented Requirment System",即 "面向动
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